Back story

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"Baby, wake up." I hear just getting out of my sleep, my eyes flutter open and see Nat looking at me, wow her face is glowing.

"hmphh." I groan out not wanting to be awake.

"Come on babe, you have to get up.."

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" I groan out still looking at Nat's face, when I said that she starts to smile.

"It's nearly 11 am babe." Nat says, my face widens in shock and my mouth hits the the ground, I spring up and sit up from the couch that I was sleeping on with Nat, we fell asleep on this couch as we were too tired.

"WHATTT?!" I say is pure shock.

"Yeah, we are late to school today, it isn't the weekend!" she says.

I groan out loud and Nat starts to smile noticing my pain due to it being not the weekend, I plop my head back on the couch, I'm done, theres no point in going.

Nat looks at me with a confused face. "Why on earth are you just sitting there young man!" She says.

"But theres no point in goinggggg, just tell the school we are both sick or somethingggg." I groan out.

"Fine but on one occasion, you have to give me your full undivided attention the whole day."

"Okay.. but what are we going to do if we aren't going to school?" I ask confused.

"I mean I guess we can talk about things and stuff, communication is the best in a relationship." Nat says.

"Hmm.. sure!" I say, moving to the side letting her sit next to me.

"So, what to start with?" I ask.

"Well I figured out why you are basically best friends with Peter, so I guess it's my turn to share?" As Nat says I nod.

"Alright so.. when I was younger.. I was a project, a weapon. I.. was in the Red Room, tortured my whole life, then I escaped and found myself new friends, you've heard of them, they are the Avengers, I helped them out but then I found my true passion of teaching, which is more calm than the Avengers.." Nat says worried with tears in her eyes when she talked about the red room.

I grab Nat's hand and reassure her that everything is okay.

"Wow, I can't believe that happened to you Nat, I'm sorry that happened."

"That... also means I can't have kids.. I was sterilised just before I managed to escape." Nat starts to tear up more so I squeeze her hand and start to hug her.

"That's okay Nat, I'm only 18 anyways it's not like I'm looking for having kids at this moment, if you really want a family we can think of other ways when I'm older and my brain is properly matured."

Nat looks at me with sparkles in her eyes smiling, she finally found someone who isn't scared of her or her backstory.

"You are so smart sometimes Mr L/N."

"Ohh so we are going back to last name basis Ms Romanoff?" I say back to her and pounce on her into a bear hug and shaking her around.

"ELP! A HANDSOME MAN IS NOT LETTING HIS GIRL BREAATHEEE!!" She says, I laugh and plant my head on her lap.

"This handsome man is taking a break, sleeping on his gorgeous girls lap." I say with a smirk and nestling my head and digging my head further into her lap.

"You know what, thats fine with me." Nat says caressing my hair and massaging my temple, making me fall asleep quick as.

I wake up after getting a massage from my queen giving me a free head massage, she even notices that so she pulls my head up and kisses it.

"Hiiiiiiiii." I say with a cheeky grin on my face.

Nat kisses my head more and pulls me off her.

"Uhm, I was enjoying my massage and kisses."

"Tough luck I told you that you had to have your full attention on me."

"But Natttt.. I was dreaming of you in my sleeep let me off with a warninggg." I say with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only because I can say no to that face."


I snuggle up closer and tighter, we end up just cuddling until it was 3 pm, thats when I realise my phone was off the whole time, Peter is gonna ask where the fuck I was.

"Hey Nat, did Pete send you a message? my phones been off since last night." I ask her while cuddling.

"Uhm.. let me check, I've not been on my phone since last night either." Nat gets her phone while I was still attached to her, she turns on her phone and sees Peter has been spamming her asking where we both were.

"Whoopsies.. he has been spamming us."

"Great so now he is worried where I am."

"perhaps he thought after we didn't message we were both still asleep?" Nat says.

"I mean I don't know, Peter is smart though so he should work it out, in the meantime I guess it's about time to keep up with work as we weren't there, plus I want to graduate quicker." Nat nods and she gets out the work we were meant to do today.

We get down to the basics and she guides me to get there faster with graduating, then I finally turn my phone on after studying so I call Peter to let him know why we didn't go, MJ was over with him, LAME, I mean ew gross love.

Then Nat and I decide to get out of the house, we go to the park, then a random person named Amber brutally attacked us and threw paper onto our heads.

Then we walked back home le sad about having paper on our heads because Amber dumped paper without our knowledge.
The paper throwing is a real life story, Amber did dunk paper onto my head while writing this, she made me put this into my story, be prepared to have a new character.

Follow Amber4508 as she is going to make a story about her character in her perspective.

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