2 - Leadership

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Changbin parked in the back lot of the building where the youth and teen ministries were held and sprinted up the stairs, his bag hitting against his leg with every step. It was Tuesday, and he was late to a meeting about how the weekend retreat went. He waved to his friends and took a seat in the small circle of six, including the pastor.

The church had two buildings across from one another, next to a small suburban downtown that housed a local Christian college. The main church was across the street, where the regular church services and Sunday school were held. Each building was painted light yellow on the outside, glowing beautifully under the sun that Changbin took time to appreciate, especially in the fall. He and his friends would walk around downtown to get coffee or ice cream, and every time he would thank God for providing him with such a full life with healthy relationships.

"Sorry for being late!" Changbin looked at the pastor and bowed his head.

"It's two minutes, Bin." Chan chided, flashing him a big smile. "Not the end of the world."

"I always appreciate your sincerity Changbin, but don't worry about it."

Pastor Jung was a man of patience and morals, which is everything Changbin hoped to be for his wife someday. Even when he spoke, he made sure to take his time to say full sentences with no hesitations. Despite this, he was often asked to do sermons at other churches because of his ability to improvise and bring the room comfort and strength regardless of topic. He was in his late 40's, tall and lanky, with a full head of soft brown hair parted in a swirl to the right. He was traditionally handsome, and reminded Changbin and his friends often of the pitfalls of having good looks, and to not give into temptation.

"So how do you all think things went this weekend?" Pastor Jung asked deliberately, like he always did.

"I think it went great!" Han bounced up and down excitedly. He was the easiest to rile up as the youngest of their group, but that passion did wonders for his personal ministry.

Minho rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Calm down, Hannie!" He put a hand on Han's shoulder, and the bouncing almost instantly stopped.

"I think the closing message on Sunday night could have been stronger."

Pastor Jung looked at the young man confused. "How so, Hyunjin?"

"I'm not sure." Hyunjin admitted, running a hand through his short blonde hair. "It seemed like people weren't into it?"

"It could just be because it's the end of the weekend." Chan suggested, eyebrows narrowed and nose scrunched in thought.

"Maybe not having the last service so close to when we're leaving?" Changbin offered.

"Good thought, Changbin. We'll think about that for next time."

Changbin smiled, always humbled by his pastor's compliments. They bounced around some more ideas for the next retreat, and before they all knew it, one hour had passed.

"Well done everyone! I'll see you on Thursday!"

"Thank you pastor Jung!"

Changbin gave him a slight bow as he stood up, hoisting his bag on his shoulder. He, Minho and Chan were all the same age, with Hyunjin and Han being one year younger. Changbin decided not to go to college, and instead work a part time job so he could help his mom with the bills while he spent more time helping out the church. Minho and Chan were both freshmen at the nearby college studying music together.

"We're the ones going to study, not you." Minho teased, pointing to Changbin's bag.

"I was going to find a spot to draw."

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