4 - Trust

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(Clarification on ages real quick. Technically Changbin is the oldest. He's the same year as Chan and Minho. Han, Hyunjin and Felix are one year below them. Seungmin is one year younger than them, and Innie is one year below Seungmin. Currently we're in late January/early February, so IN's birthday is next up who will be turning 16, and then Hyunjin turns 18 in March.)

As the pews started to empty, Changbin stood up to look for his friends. Well, he partially looked for them, as he often did on Sundays, but also to look for the boy with the freckles.

Unfortunately for him, his mother, who stayed next to him for the rest of the service, arm interlocked with his, was not having it.

"Seo Changbin," She whispered close to him so fewer people could hear. "You need to explain to me what happened earlier."

"I told you, I got startled by the feedback from the guitar amp." He felt a pang of guilt, but he couldn't let her know.

She gripped his arm tighter and started walking them both out of the chapel. "Honestly, I don't believe you, but if you need time to tell me the truth, then I will wait."

"Mom, it's not that, it's just..."

"Hi Ms. Seo!" Chan called out to the pair. Changbin was relieved he didn't have to continue this conversation. "Hey Bin, Minho and I were going to get some coffee, wanna tag along?"

Changbin was suspicious. Chan was too peppy considering he wasn't a morning person, but he couldn't pass up coffee and friend time. "Sure!"

"Take good care of him!" His mom exchanged a look with Chan.

"Of course, Ms. Seo!"

Chan bowed to her and she transferred her son to Chan's care. Or at least that's how Changbin felt. He swiftly escorted Changbin outside to where Minho was waiting in his long black jacket, rubbing his arms to try and stay warm.

"Hey Binnie!" Minho greeted him with a smile. "Ready for some coffee to warm up?"

"Of course!"

His friends insisted on walking on either side of him, but Changbin was distracted. Maybe he could find him somewhere out here. The sudden obsession was overwhelming, but what he saw was as clear as the blue sky with sparse clouds above him. Seeing the nameless boy didn't scare him as much as the feelings he had. There was always some level of feelings with his visions, but something about the intensity of them this time made him uncomfortable. Even if the boy was real, and Changbin happened to talk to him, he didn't know if he actually could.

"Binbun, you're gone again!" Minho loved using his mom's nickname for him, as it always got his attention.

"So, about that..." Chan interjected before Changbin could react.

"Let's wait until we sit down, then I'll tell you. I promise."

That shut Chan and Minho up for the few blocks they walked to get to the coffee shop. Changbin had to mentally prepare how much he wanted to tell his best friends about the recent spike in his visions. He wanted to at least tell them about the visions themselves, and most of them were about his mom. The most recent one though? He decided if it came up, he would be honest.

But no reason to bring it up unprompted.

The pleasant smell of coffee surrounded the three friends as they found a table near the corner of the shop. Sometimes Changbin got hot coffee, or iced coffee, but today he needed comfort hot chocolate. He tapped his fingers on the side of his cup anxiously, not sure if his friends would judge him after he told them his secret.

Minho may have looked disappointed, but Changbin had known him long enough to know it was a look of deep concern. Chan had the literal patience of a saint, so he wasn't nearly as worried about him. Regardless, he had helped his friends before, supporting them with any struggles they had, and he could only pray his friends would do the same for him.

"Okay Binnie, spill." Minho got to the point, but Chan patted his shoulder.

"Clearly he's nervous about whatever it is that happened earlier."

"It's just...embarrassing to talk about." Changbin stared at the lid of his hot chocolate. "It's kind of bad."

"We're going to love you no matter what." Minho's eyes softened as he smiled at Changbin. Considering the vision of the beautiful blonde...no, the guy he saw, he wished Minho hadn't used the word love, though he appreciated the sentiment.

"Look, I can't control it, okay? It's been happening ever since middle school, but since my mom's divorce, and breaking up with Nabi, it's gotten worse. And it's stronger now. And..."

"Bin, what do you mean by 'it'?" Chan asked.

"Oh, right." He took a deep breath and finally looked up from the spot on the table he was staring at.

"I see things."

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