38 - Sunday Bloody Sunday

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(So I found some hot takes on the Matthew passage about the fig tree, which (spoilers I guess?) is what triggers Changbin's next vision. Oh yeah, it's Matthew 18-22, though there is an account of the incident in Mark 11 too.

This has a hot anti-vaccine take starting around 10:45:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxrDSe5my_4

Apparently we were supposed to know that the fig tree didn't wither instantly even though that's how it literally reads...cool?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4fVKrmkaTE 

The tl;dr version. If you can't watch this one, idk man, the internet has corrupted your attention span permanently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nno52rYD4C8

Hope you're still enjoying!  143, Nicole)

The Sunday service after the retreat was terrifying.

For everyone.

Felix and Changbin decided to sit on the second level, far away from inquiring minds. Changbin was terrified. He desperately wanted to be anxious, but the word wasn't nearly strong enough for his actual feelings. Their mothers also sat with them for support. Ms. Seo called Mrs. Lee after her son had come out to her, and they both agreed to support the relationship. Felix finally got his iHOP breakfast, as the four of them went to dinner there after school a few days before. Though hesitant at first, they eventually held hands and shared cheek kisses and let their mothers see how much they meant to one another.

Ms. Seo also told Mrs. Lee about the retreat, and indeed got confirmation that it was what Seungmin had feared. Mrs. Lee was outraged that her son and his friends were deceived like that, and had taken a dislike to pastor Jung and his colleagues. Yet here they were, dressed to the nines on a Sunday morning, waiting for another mystery sermon.

Even Han and Minho were apprehensive sitting at the back of the main floor. Minho joined the younger after he and Chan were done playing their set of worship songs. The boldness they showed in the van on the drive back was severely hampered. The rumors about them hadn't gotten around yet, but some of their fellow youth group members gave them subtle looks of disappointment. All they did was sit next to each other and hold hands, and yet the judgment from Tuesday still lingered. Minho wasn't too bothered, but he could tell the stares affected Han, making his heart heavy. He cradled Han's hand in both of his, quickly bringing it to his lips and massaging it in his lap. Han wanted to lean into him, but his shaking forced him to sit still, not even reacting to his hand being held.

Hyunjin, Chan, Seungmin and Jeongin sat in the second row on the far left of the chapel in front of where the worship band normally is. The two youngest were shocked at what happened during the retreat, and also what Changbin went through mentally. They were all in agreement to be the best allies and fiercely defend both newly confirmed couples. Pastor Jung approached the pulpit, and the four of them knew no good would come from it.

"Before I start, let us pray." Everyone bowed their heads, and the couples took this time to hold one another. Felix and Changbin intertwined their hands, and Minho pulled Jisung into his body to physically calm him down, rocking him back and forth. Minho felt Jisung's cold tears on his shirt. All four of them, coming home from the retreat with conviction and belief in themselves, were weaker than they thought.

"Dear Lord, I pray that the lessons and verses I share from your word today will really sink in and positively affect the hearts of young and old. I pray and call out to You that our hearts stay pure and focused on You. That we may cast out any roots of belief that will make us stray further from the love you gave us through your son." Felix flinched when Changbin's head landed on his shoulder, tears falling from his eyes as well. Pastor Jung's voice became more intense and passionate. Chan, more than the others, felt anger slowly overtake him. "I pray that the demons in our children and the mothers and fathers of those children will fear Your name and be cast out." Ms. Seo scoffed at that comment. "All I ever want is for those who want to follow You will listen. Why won't they listen, Lord?" Mrs. Lee grabbed Ms. Seo's hand tightly. The unconditional love for their sons was evident in the pain that grew from their grip on one another. "When You give direction, it should be followed! When You speak to us and reveal things through Your words and from respected leaders, those should have weight and meaning. They should be strongly considered and weighted, knowing it is for the best. I pray to You, oh God almighty, that the sins so flagrantly and openly displayed will be judged by those who know better."

"In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."

There was a heaviness in the air after pastor Jung's passionate prayer, as well as a few spontaneous vocalizations of approval. It's the kind that puts pressure on your head, or makes your fingers slowly curl into a fist. It wasn't just like that for the affected parties, but most of the congregation shifted in the pews, an uneasiness filling the air.

"Today we will be looking through the book of Matthew." He took a deep breath, hands pressing against the pulpit on either side of his open bible. "If you can start at Matthew 16, verses 24 and 25. It reads: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."

The pauses the young men, just weeks ago, would find admirable and awe-inspiring, were now ominous. How dare they be so selfish in thinking they were being condemned in front of the entire congregation? The prayer delivered one message, but this verse could mean anything. Even Jeongin and Seungmin could feel a different undertone in his words and delivery.

"It has come to my attention," Jung continued, "that some of my best leaders, some of the brightest young Christian minds I know, are not denying themselves. They are giving into sin. I gave them an opportunity to go away and repent, and yet they did not. I am reminded of Matthew 5:28. It reads: But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Does it matter if it's a woman or man? It is lust and not love."

"That's fucked up."

Minho growled the phrase barely above a whisper, tightening his grip on Han with both arms and no shame. He looked up towards his friends near the front and saw Chan shaking his head as well, though it would go unnoticed if you didn't know what to look for. Changbin looked at Felix, his heart broken and conflicted. As much progress as the two had made in their budding relationship, the doubts Changbin had surfaced too easily for Felix's liking. Regardless, Felix promised to support him, and had no plans on going back on his word.

"In Matthew 21, there is a story of a fig tree Jesus passed. Though there were leaves from a distance, there were no figs on it, and Jesus made the tree wither. When the disciples asked how Jesus performed such a feat, He answered, in verses 21 and 22: Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Whatever we pray for, we shall..."


Changbin's voice echoed through the sacred space, standing tall with his finger stabbed in pastor Jung's direction. The lower level congregants turned their heads towards him. Minho sprinted up the aisle to double check it was Changbin, but he could recognize that voice anywhere.

Felix caught him before he tumbled down the pews and landed on the ground below, and the remaining group of six sprinted out of the chapel to be by his side.

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