33 - Samuel

24 0 1

(When this took longer to post because I didn't put the actual bible verses in and I was too lazy to do so...)

"Hey Bin, can I show you something? I don't want to interrupt..."

Changbin looked to his left after laughing about something random with Felix. "Sure Chan."

He kissed Felix's cheek and moved next to Chan, who was fiddling with his bible. Chan was using his finger as a bookmark, which Changbin observed with a bit of trepidation. He knew Chan wholeheartedly supported his relationship with Felix, but who knows what bible proof could be brought forward to show otherwise.

"So, I was reading more of that 2nd Samuel chapter Earl brought up. I found something that was like your visions."

"Oh?" He found it incredibly sweet that Chan cared enough to show him after he wondered why he wasn't saved in his visions.

"I think these verses are close to what you told me."

He spread his hand out to chapter 22, readjusting his finger to point at verse 12: He made darkness his canopy around him the dark rain clouds of the sky. Out of the brightness of his presence bolts of lightning blazed forth. The storm clouds and lightning were all too familiar. Changbin shuddered, leading Chan to put a hand on his shoulder and pat it gently.

"God helped David against his enemies by bringing nature to his aid."

Changbin frowned at him. "Then why didn't he save me from the deep waters?"

"Well," He reread verse 5 that read 'The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me' and hummed in contemplation. "I thought it was more of a metaphor. I can't explain the recent vision, but the one with the picnic. Didn't He save you because you woke up before you died?"

"Yeah." Changbin stared down at Chan's bible. "What else did you find?"

"The chapter is a lot about if you put your faith in God, he will help you."

"But verses 24 and 25..." He pointed to it. It read 'I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin. The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in his sight.' "If I am not clean and blameless...I still can't shake the feeling that this could be wrong."

Chan noticed Felix reacting to Changbin's words, but decided to keep the observation to himself. That's their discussion to have. "Look, it might be, it might not be, but you can't change how you feel. God" Chan thumped his hand on the open pages, making Changbin jump. "Says in this chapter, and lots of other places, that if you trust in him, make him your rock, in whom you take refuge, verse 3, you will be armed and protected and loved." He put his bible on his lap and held his friend gently by the shoulders. "Even if you're gay, or you have only fallen for Felix, which I think you have, whatever my opinion means," He gave Felix a subtle yet reassuring glance. "You are a child of God made in His image. God doesn't make mistakes."

"I know that." Changbin pouted.

"I know you know, but it's a good reminder sometimes. Felix isn't a mistake. You aren't a mistake. These campers struggling are not mistakes. The idiots running this retreat, however misguided, are also not mistakes." That made Changbin crack a smile. "God will be there for you, and so will I."

Changbin was so grateful to have a friend like Chan. They shared a hug, exchanging giggles as they often did when their hugs were overly long. Chan looked at Felix, who was still mildly concerned, and mouthed 'Talk to him later,' which made the blonde nod. After breaking apart, Changbin moved back to where Felix was sitting. He curled up on his lap, trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Felix laughed, ruffling the black hair as he pulled them down on the mattress, readjusting under the covers for another nap.

Chan closed his bible and laid down on his own pillow, tucking his prized possession under the bed. He had done his job. All he could hope for was that Changbin would believe him for Felix's sake.

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