16 - Escape

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Minho frantically looked under the stalls to find two sets of feet in the handicapped stall. He knocked on the door before Changbin opened it, eyes red from being upset earlier.

"What's wrong, Min?"

"Pastor Jung is looking for you. You two need to get out of here now!"


Minho grabbed Felix and pulled both of them into the open. "He saw Felix carrying you out of the chapel."

"You what?"

"I couldn't think of anything else." Felix showed the guilt on his face, though neither knew it wasn't just about that. "I didn't want you to wake up and then have people be worried about you."

"Good idea then."

"Something like that."

Minho peeked out of the door, looking for a safe way out. He met eyes with Chan, who casually started walking towards the bathroom. A smile spread across Changbin's face watching his friend come to protect him from the perceived threat of pastor Jung. Chan snuck past Minho and gave Changbin and Felix both hugs.

"Thanks for taking care of him."

"No problem." Felix shrugged, knowing it was the right thing to do.

"Alright, time to go, be casual now." Minho was on edge. "Chan and I will be your wall, and just walk somewhere away from here. We'll cover for you."

Minho didn't make much sense, but considering the exit was around the corner, Changbin figured it shouldn't be that hard. The two college students did indeed make a wall as the four of them left the bathrooms. Ducking behind them, the two rushed out of the front doors. Changbin grabbed Felix's hand and started pulling them towards the right, sprinting gleefully past those milling around casually after service.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked between gasps of air.

"My favorite tree." Changbin looked over his shoulder to make sure they were out of view from the church front doors. "Only Seungmin knows it exists at the moment."

"Are you sure a tree is a good place to go, with all your visions?"

"We've hung out there before, it's fine."

Felix let the idea go. As long as Changbin felt comfortable, they would be able to talk through his concerns. They crossed the street to walk through the retracted gate, short brick walls holding it together on either side. Changbin silently pointed to the tree, and Felix was in awe of its beauty. The sun caught the hanging branches of the willows perfectly.

"Is this the tree from your visions?" Felix realized Changbin was still holding his hand.

"Nope. It's where I draw everything from my visions though."

"Have you drawn me?"

Changbin pulled Felix down to sit across from him, keeping the tree trunk to his right. "Of course. I'll show you some other time. But now, it's time for my questions." Once they both found a comfortable sitting position, Changbin slid his hands into Felix's, just like the day he confessed in the corner by the sound equipment. Being out in the open felt more vulnerable, but Changbin was ready to face whatever may come. "You ready?"

Felix didn't want to change Changbin's mind as much as wanting his struggles to be less painful. He remembered those days all too well.

"Let's go. Ask away, friend."

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