32 - Reality

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"I'd love to!" Felix pulled Changbin into a hug before the older had a chance to react. "I love you! Nothing would make me happier!"

"You love me?" Changbin asked cautiously.

"Uh," Felix pulled back to look at Changbin, a blush appearing on his own cheeks. "Yeah, actually, I think I do!"

"I'm sorry."



Changbin put his hands in front of his face, waving his palms widely back and forth, making Felix go in and out of view. He nodded, and then pushed his right arm forward until his palm stopped at Felix's chest. He paused, then put all his weight into his hand.

"Ahh! I'm falling! Bin!" Felix reached for Changbin's shoulders so the older fell on top of him.

"Oww!" His arm crumpled underneath him so their chests were fully touching, faces barely one inch apart. "This is real?"

"Yes?" Felix narrowed his eyebrows.

"This is...real!"

The closeness of their bodies made it hard for Felix to concentrate. "Of course it is, Binnie. Why wouldn't it..."

Changbin kissed Felix with a tenderness that made Felix's heart jump and melt at the same time. Every time Changbin pulled away, he reconnected their lips with the same intensity, even if the kisses themselves weren't that long. Changbin used his strength to put himself underneath Felix despite the narrow space they were working with.

"I hate being on top." Changbin mumbled, smiling as he reached his way up to Felix's lips in slow and loving pecks. One hand held his face still, and the other made its way to his waist. There were so many kisses like this that Felix buried his head in his love's neck.

"You're driving me crazy." Felix breathed heavily, trying not to get more turned on than he already was. "Vision Felix must have crazy stamina for this."

"What do you mean?" Changbin felt awful, shaken out of his genuine joy that this was real and not just another vision.

"Have you and I...done things? In your visions?" Felix recomposed himself before he pushed himself up on his elbows to look down at the blissful man, strands of black hair stuck to his forehead.

"No." Changbin kept his eyes closed, reveling in the feeling of their lips together. "I promise. Why?"

Felix probably would have taken him then and there if they were in his bedroom. He instead leaned down to Changbin's left ear while trapping his hands to the ground. "I want you so bad."

"Why not take me now?"

Felix laughed, vibrating against a soft spot on Changbin's neck. "There's a bunch of homophobes outside. What's gotten into you?"

"I'm so relieved this is real. You're officially mine."

Changbin sat them up with ease. He leaned back against the false wall of the desk to take in Felix and his beauty. He held back his own carnal need with a smile, knowing they'd get their chance at some point.

It was incredible how a few days changed his entire view on same-sex attraction. Any attempt to convince him that being gay is bad fell on mostly deaf ears. All ideas of him being able to change his feelings for Felix were mostly gone. And, honestly, Changbin just wanted to be happy. Felix makes him happy, and by him agreeing to a relationship, Changbin hoped he made Felix happy too.

"What do you say, boyfriend?" Changbin kissed Felix on the cheek to not drive him crazy again. "Wanna see what our friends are up to? Or do you just want to sleep?"

"Let's cuddle." Felix stood up and pulled Changbin into his arms. "I'm sure we'll hear all about it later."

They made their way up to the bunks, holding hands and exchanging smiles. Changbin pulled them onto the bottom bunk, wrapping himself around Felix like the warmest blanket ever made, then fell asleep instantly. Felix wondered about pastor Jung's reaction knowing that they left as zero couples and came back with two. He tried to make himself comfortable between all the limbs surrounding him and kissed Changbin's temple before he too fell asleep, happy and at peace.

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