30 - Reveal

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(I'm kind of stuck with this story, so I think it's going to be done soon. We'll see what happens once the boys get back together after retreat. The thing is I'm stuck on my other story too, so I might write a one-shot to shake off the writer's block. It might be bad smut? There might be smut in this story? I'm scared to write smut, though I've read enough of it to maybe attempt it. Idk yet.)

"You idiot!" Jeongin hit him in the back of the head. "Oww! That's not fa..."

"I don't know who your mother is, but mind your manners young man!"

It was indeed Ms. Seo who hit Jeongin on the head. After, of course, Jeongin hit Seungmin on the head.

Clearly, Minho was rubbing off on them.

As Jeongin saw it, there was zero reason to tell Ms. Seo that Changbin might be gay, even if his friends all accepted it. The youngest of them all stared up at the vaulted ceiling, the browns of the ancient wood playing with his eyes. They blurred together and separated, creating a simple beauty that calmed Jeongin's nerves. It might not have helped his current predicament, but at least it might give him strength on how to respond to Ms. Seo's plea.

"Gay conversion therapy?" Ms. Seo repeated, eyeing Seungmin suspiciously. "I've never heard of such a thing."

The last worship song was about to finish, and Seungmin knew this would be overheard by someone. "Perhaps we can continue this outside?"

The three of them snuck past a young couple at the end of the pew and tiptoed the few rows out towards the chapel doors. They breathed a sigh of relief they didn't know they were holding. Seungmin looked around for somewhere to sit, as he had a feeling that the news they were about to drop might need extra physical support. It was a bitter and cold day, threatening to release snow on the sleepy suburb, so it made more sense to stay inside.

"I still don't know if this is right." Jeongin stood on his toes to reach Seungmin's ear. "Shouldn't Changbin hyung tell her?"

"I have a bad feeling they're in danger." Seungmin responded, his voice wavering. "She needs to know."

Seungmin found Ms. Seo sitting on a red plush bench on the same wall with the chapel doors. The faded red carpet below their feet soon found them seated before her. Seungmin sat with his legs crossed, while Jeongin pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin on his folded hands. The woman before them smiled softly, having a motherly instinct to protect Changbin's friends from whatever perceived threat they believed they were under.

"Okay, give me the truth. I promise I won't tell my Binbun."

Seungmin smiled at the nickname he heard Minho used often to tease his older black haired friend. "Well," He glanced at Jeongin, trying to get his blessing about outing his brother as well. He nodded ever so subtly. "Changbin loves our friend Felix, and Felix loves him. They haven't admitted it yet, but we all kind of know. Felix has accepted his sexuality, but Changbin still thinks it's a sin."

"Felix is my brother." Jeongin clarified.

"A lot of Binnie's visions have been about being in love with Felix. Sometimes it goes well, and sometimes it doesn't."

"Once pastor Jung found out, he made Changbin hyung feel like he was wrong, even though he can't control what he sees." Jeongin looked incredibly guilty. "We're really sorry you heard this from us. I hope you don't disown him now."

Ms. Seo looked past the two young men, a small smile on her face, and then looked back at the red haired boy. He looked anxious about what he just revealed, hoping he didn't ruin Changbin's life forever. "Do you think Felix makes him happy, from what you've seen?"

"When Changbin isn't scared from his visions, he's always smiling at Felix. And Felix is happier than he's been in a long time." His eyes smiled imagining them together while he looked up at her. "He will do everything to make sure Changbin is safe, whatever kind of retreat they're at. The other hyungs too."

"Whether he loves a young woman or a young man, it doesn't matter to me. Changbin is my everything now. I just want him to be happy and at peace."

"He may be happy, but he's definitely not at peace." Seungmin warned her. "The visions are getting stronger and more disturbing. Especially since pastor Jung has made him believe that loving Felix is wrong." He took a deep breath and got even more nervous. "If I'm right about them being at a conversion camp, Binnie must be miserable."

"What exactly is a gay conversion camp?" Ms. Seo still wasn't understanding Seungmin's concern.

"They basically try to cure you of being gay." His eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows narrowed. "From what I've read, they make you do things that try to break you down emotionally. I've even heard of people getting physically harmed."

Jeongin put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "It'll be okay Minnie."

"I hope so."

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