20 - Honesty

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"That what?" Han feigned ignorance, not wanting to let go of Minho until he had to.

He looked straight at Han. "Romantic gestures between men."

"We were messing around." The other four friends exchanged nervous looks. Han wouldn't speak up about it, but they all knew Minho would, his tone already agitated from the mere accusation this stranger had made.

"That's not right in the eyes of God."

"Okay, okay." Hyunjin threw up his hands. "You were right. Your intuition was right. This is super sus."

"Binnie and I were worried this might happen." Felix felt incredibly guilty for not speaking up earlier. "We're sorry we dragged you into this."

"There's gotta be a way to get back." Chan rolled his eyes, surprised the man hadn't told them to move out of the way as check-in continued amidst the disruptions.

"Nope, no one comes on or off the property until Monday morning." His fake cheerfulness elicited all kinds of emotions from the now huddled group of friends. Guilt, anger, despair, and dread, among many others.

"Fuck," Minho mumbled, still holding on to Han tightly as he got a light slap on his shoulder. "Where are we sleeping, asshole?"

"Min! Language!" Chan hissed at him, grabbing his ear like the father figure he was, then turned back towards the desk. "Where are we sleeping for the night, so we can put our bags away."

"Go follow them, asshole!" The man shouted, ignoring Chan completely, pointing after some other boys around their age walking past the chair circle, who appeared to be bothered by the cursing.

Giving up on the endeavor, the group followed a small river of young men to the back of the cabin, where a staircase awaited them. The wood was rickety under their feet, though the steps showed no serious signs of warping. The open room was full of bunk beds, some empty and some already claimed. Hyunjin, being the tallest of the group, looked around for three bunks close together. He hurried through the aisles to find some on the far back wall, but in the middle of the room. The smart kids already took the corners for additional privacy.

"Well, who's where, friends?" Chan seemed the least bothered by the downstairs events, but he knew he had to be strong for his friends despite his own uneasiness. He was the most biblically prepared person in the building. These cretins didn't scare him.

"Hannie and I are together. I need you to be in my sight."

Han's heart admittedly skipped a beat at the words 'I need you' being said right in a row. "Min, it's fine. I'm fine." He turned around to face Minho, still trapped in his arms from earlier.

"They're not messing with my baby squirrel." There was no denying Minho was the most fierce when it came to protecting his friends, even though Han wished it meant more.

"They won't get you, Bin. Promise." Chan pulled Changbin in for a hug and got a few stares for it. "It's a hug, get over yourselves."

"Oh boy!" Hyunjin blurted loudly. "Impulsive angry Chan is comin' to play. Everyone is done for!"

"You want a hug too, big boy?" Chan handed Changbin off to Felix and tackled Hyunjin on one of the lower bunks.

"Ah! Stop!" The tickle attack was too much.

"Guys, we need to be serious for a second." Felix thought of something important to establish before they might break, which is all these retreats are about from what he heard. "And quiet? Is that possible?"

Changbin laughed. "It's literally possible. Probable? Less likely."

While Chan and Hyunjin finished their tickle match, Changbin and Felix claimed one bunk, and Minho and Han took the other. Felix held his serious look, and made sure he had everyone's attention before he got to the point. The jovial mood became somber, which worked well enough to have people ignore them for a bit.

"I think we need to be honest about our sexualities." They looked between each other and slowly nodded. "We need to know so if what they say affects us, we can bring each other back to whatever we identify as. I've heard these kinds of retreats can get really scary and mess with your brain."

"I am bisexual, I'm pretty sure." Changbin started while Felix rubbed his arm in a comforting gesture. "I don't think I can change, but I still have a hard time believing it's not a sin."

"I'm gay." Felix said. "I believe it's how God made us, and I am very hard to shake. I hope."

Chan was next. "I know I'm straight, I just really like hugs. I think you can't change who you are, and if others don't love you, that there's plenty of proof that God does."

"I believe I am gay, and I don't think it's a sin." Han was so quiet he was surprised anyone heard him.

"Hannie? You?" Minho looked like he was about to cry.

Han nodded. "I'm sorry. If you hate me now, that's fine."

"I'm straight, but I'm with Changbin about not being sure if it's a sin or not. I'll beat up anyone who says you can change it though. Why would Binnie choose to be miserable if he could just make it go away?" Hyunjin gave Changbin a nod of acceptance, then looked towards Han, who was weeping into Minho's shoulder.

"I..." Minho knew he was last, but was too worried about his friend, who had been his source of joy from the first day they met.

"Minho, you've got to tell us, please." Felix pleaded. "I know you're strong, but it's just to be safe. We won't judge."


"Everybody come downstairs and circle up!"

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