Beach day

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We got here a little while ago and Yuji, Gojo and Nobara was in the water. Plenty of girls flirted endlessly with Gojo but he always looked so uninteresting.

"Im surprised your not out there." Megumi says. We sat in the beach chairs and i still had on my shirt.

Everyone was shirtless having fun, and i was stuck facing my insecurities. I had thick thighs and stuff like that which didnt bother me, it was the belly that came with it that bothered me.

"Im good right here." I say "besides i wouldnt go have fun and leave you sitting here by yourself."

"I wouldnt mind." He says, Megumi realized something was wrong with me. And he sits up in the chair and analyze my body language.

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I say crossing my legs in the chair.

"You, F/N L/N are sitting here, at the beach, doing nothing."

I unconsciously clutch the edge of the shirt. Megumi lets out a heavy sigh. "Is that what this is about?"

I give him a confused look. "Y/N, are you really gonna make me say this."

"Say what." I said confusingly

"Theres no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed of your body. Your like the most beautiful girl i know. So come on." Megumi says standing up and reluctantly holding out his hand.

Did Megumi just call me beautiful, i dont think ive ever heard him even say the word. I was beyond shocked at his words. How was it that easy for him to read me?

"Come on before i sit back down." He says

I smile and then take his hand to get up. I take off my shirt revealing the whole bathing suit. A light pink blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Do i have Megumi over here  blushing" i say playfully with a smile. "Aww well if it makes you feel better you look good too"

"Come on idiot" he says grabbing my hand again and pulling me to the water.

"Finally you guys joi- oh my gosh" yuji says stunned.

I catch Gojo and even Nobara staring. "Yuji cut it out! You look amazing!" Nobara says

"Thanks." I say.

I realize Gojos eyes avert to me and Megumi's hands together. And he suddenly goes over and put his arm around Megumi walking him a little distance from me so we're not holding hands anymore. "Megumi's actually in the water!" Gojo teases him.

"Get off of me." He says with a eye roll

"Lets play a game!" Yuji says

"Like what."

"Chicken fight!" He says with a arm in the air.

"Count me out." Megumi says already walking away from us.

"Come on megumi it'll be fun." I say

"I'll pass."

"Yuji, your gonna carry me." Nobara says. I know what she's doing!!!

"No you weigh like a ton."

Nobara starts yelling at him. "That is not true! Come on try! Just try! You ARE going to carry me."

"Fine" yuji says and bends down to let her get on.

Omg im gonna be on Gojos neck. What if i break it or something!? I am not mentally prepared for this.

"Your turn." Gojo says bending down, i was hesitant about getting on but its a now and never thing and i will not let my insecurities ruin a perfect opportunity to be skin to skin with this man.

I get on him and his hands grip my thighs that were over his shoulders to hold me up. "Your super light." Gojo says squatting then running with me on him.

"One, stand still! And second how are you running so fast in water."

"I got you, trust me i wont let you fall." He says with his thumb caressing my thigh as he holds me up. Dont panic! dont panic! On the inside i was jumping with joy. Could he like me or is it in my head. Did he do that purposely.

Gojo POV.
I hope she didnt notice. I like her but i dont want to seem like a weird creep about it. Me a guy that can get anyone i want cant have this one girl.

"Alright you guys ready." I say

"Of course lets do this!" Nobara says passionately

"Come on Gojo." I ruffle his hair.

We head towards each other and start play fighting. You could hear loud laughters from both sides. I wish Megumi would come enjoy his self as well. His happiness means alot to me, but i rarely even see him happy.

After a couple of minutes a splash was heard in the water. "Yessss!" I say i stick out my tongue and squirm around a bit.

"We won, we won." Gojo chants

"Megumi!" I yell from the water, his head was buried in the clouds above probably pondering on something.

Nobara and Yuji fusses the whole way back to land. I was still on Gojo's neck as we got closer to Megumi. I watched as his eyes trail upwards to me in his typical annoyed expression.

"We won Megumi!" I say

"Thats great." He says showing no expression.

"We lost because you couldnt hold me up!" Nobara says

"No we lost because you couldnt hold your own." Yuji says sitting on the beach towel.

"Alright Gojo time to put me down." I say patting his head.

"Dont you like it up there, arent you tired of being so close to the ground everyday." Gojo says as a way to make me stay up there. He liked the little warmth we were sharing with each other.

"Ouu burn." Yuji says

"What are we in kindergarten." Megumi says rolling his eyes.

"First of all im not even all that short your just weirdly tall." I shoot back. "Now get me down."

"Now get me down." Gojo mocks back.

"Anyways who's thirsty, im going to that store right there and get something to drink"

"Me!" I hear everyone say, everyone except for Megumi.

"Ok be right back." I say sliding on my slippers so the sand isnt too hot on my feet.

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