Favorite boy 1🖤

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A/N- i wanted the first couple of chapters to be a introduction to Y/N and Gojo's relationship ill try to fit it in the story line but idk we'll see💀

Y/N Pov.
I roundhouse kick Nobara and miss "Did that really happen!?" Nobara says about the events from yesterday that happened with Gojo

"Yess! I couldnt believe it, like how can you just kiss me and then say you didnt mean anything! I was so confused, but most importantly disappointed." I say dodging Nobara's punch.

She lets out a heavy breath and put her hands on her hips. "Ugh boys these days."

"I know, i mean i get it but why kiss me in the first place." I say unzipping my workout jacket revealing my blue sports bra.

"I totally understand thats why im not even wasting my time."

"I should just give up on him huh."

Out of nowhere Nobara runs full speed towards me and tackle me to the ground.

"Nobara what the-"

"No you cant! You must go on!"

"Is this gonna turn into a inspirational speech? And would you please get off me!"

"Ou sorry about that." Nobara says patting my shoulders while she was on me and then getting up.

"Yea.. anyways why should i? I have like no chance with him now after hearing that."

"You are being dramatic" Nobara groans from the depths of her soul.

I let out a laugh "fine i wont give up on him"

"Now lets go shopping!" Nobara says

"I cant i have to meet with my dad and probably see my mom today."

"Well thats fine i can go by myself i guess."

"Next time though. Dont miss me too much." I say walking away to get my bag.

"I will but not as much as you think." She says "love you!" She yells as im almost halfway across the field.

"Love you too!"

Time skip.

"Here to see your dad?" Ms. Miyamura, the lady behind the desk says. She's known me since i was a kid, i try to visit everyday like i used to but i never really find time.


"Well you know where to go" she says with a smile

I enter the room and sit my bag down.

"Hey dad, how was your day." I say sitting down.

I sit there and wait for an answer. His eyes stayed shut and not a inch of his body moved. Every time i visit i hope things would be different, i would hope he'll greet me with a smile, or a hey daughter or something. But i get let down time after time.

"I miss our talks, you know the ones when you talk back, and we laugh." I say looking down and playing with my fingers

My dad has been in the hospital since i was a little girl but it was only til 4 years ago that he was fell into a coma.

I stayed there and talked to him until it was night out.

"Hey sorry dear, but visiting hours is over."

"Ill be out in a minute." I say grabbing my bag and she closes the door. "I'll come see you another time da, i love you." I plant a kiss on his forehead and leave the room.

When i get in my car i let out a heavy sigh and grip the steering. As i plant my head on the wheel and turn the radio up and just drown in the music.

After a while i gotta text from Megumi.

favorite boy 1🖤

I just stopped by your dorm and notice you weren't there is everything ok.

Yea , i just caught up talking to my dad.

Was everything ok there?

Megumi knows my status with my dad, ive only felt comfortable to tell him though. I dont want any of my friends to feel pity for me so i just dont say anything, but Megumi was there at the moment and i kinda just spilled everything. He helped me get through all this so im forever grateful.

favorite boy 1🖤

I just stopped by your dorm and notice you weren't there is everything ok.

Yea , i just got caught up talking to my dad.

Was everything ok there?

Yea , it was the usual talk, cry ,talk more.

I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you Megumi.

No problem get home safe.

You liked a message

"What would i do without him" i smile and put my phone down and begin to drive

When i reached the dorm room i see megumi sitting on the floor. "Remind me to get a key." He says

"Megumi what are you doing here?."

"I know how you get and i thought you may need someone here."

"Megumi... thats really nice of you" i say lending out a hand for him to get up he takes it and i open my door.

We go sit at the edge of the bed and just talk. I opened up more about my talk with my dad. As we continue to talk and i just spill my guts out.

"Y/N... its going to be ok." Megumi says looking at me. As we faced each other silence fell between us.

A tear fell and i quickly wipe it. "My bad, its hard to be vulnerable at times" i say with a light laugh

"Dont apologize." Megumi says wiping the tear falling right after.

Ew im crying infront of people!!!!!! I try my best to always be strong i feel like i HAVE to at times, all the time.

Silence fell between us again and our eyes met. We slowly start moving towards each other and then Megumi stops and clears his throat.

"Im sorry." He says backing away and standing up. "I shouldnt have."

"No Megumi its my fault."

"No it isnt, your just over run with emotion. I'll be heading out ok."

"Text me when you get to your dorm." I say

"I will." He says leaving.

When i hear the door close i fall on my back on the bed and stare at my fan on the ceiling. "Did i almost just kiss Megumi? What is going on, was it cause of my emotions? If it wasnt for him stopping i would've definitely kissed him.

Maybe i'll just go to sleep and try to forget about it. I go get my bonnet and go take a shower, afterwards i went straight to my bed drained from the day.

My head filled with questions and thoughts. I felt something with Megumi, i felt safe, secure. When im with him its different. I replayed our almost kiss over and over as i tried to go to sleep. After thinking and failed attempts to finally get rest i planted my face in my pillow. "I like megumi dont i?"

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