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My eyes flutter open as laying in a soft bed. I heard a voice coming from another room. When my eyes were fully open i realized i was in the hotel room and my head was hurting so bad.

I get up and rub the sides in attempt to make it feel better. Once i got up i realized i also had on different clothes. I had on some shorts and spaghetti strapped shirt.

"Hey." Gojo says, i think he's on the phone. I stopped and watched from the door frame. He had the phone on speaker it was Kigiri. Why am i not surprised.

"Hows your day going babe."

Gojo didnt respond "give me a minute." He says and you could hear him click the mute button.

"Your finally awake i see."

I smack my teeth "oh come on how did you know i was here!" I say walking out and revealing myself to him.

"Somethings i just know princess."

"Gojo? Whats going on." I hear Kigiri says

"You should unmute yourself before she worries." I say walking to to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Your right."

"Nothing its fine." Gojo says answering Kigiri.

"Do you want to go grab lunch today."

"I cant today, im in Sapporo."

"What are you doing there?"

As i walk to the island seats i hit my toe. "Agh! Damnit!" I say in pain.

"Gojo!? Whose that!?" Kigiri says

I hold my foot from the pain. "Damn"

"Oh just Y/N"

There was a pause before she answered. And i just go sit down in effort to make the pain go away.

"My student...." Gojo adds

"What are you doing in Sapporo with her." She says confused.

"We had a mission down here. It shouldnt take long though i'll be back before you know it."

"Thats great. I really miss you Gojo, ive been so lonely in bed without you."

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my water.

"Miss you too." He says. My heart completely sunk.

"Love you Gojo bye."

"Bye Kigiri."

He then hangs up, "love you Gojo." I mock and then laugh.

"Very funny." He say

"So ive been thinking, what happened to me i remember fighting and then winning and thennn, yea thats when everything gets fuzzy."

Gojo Pov. (Flash back to what happened)
Naturally i got stares carrying a bloody girl to a hotel room but me being this handsome its hard for them to question me doing anything.

When i got to the room i sat her against the wall in the bathroom and started running some bath water for her. She was covered in blood and i couldn't put her to bed like that.

When there was enough water i removed her jujutsu jacket and shirt. It was already ripped so i'll just throw this one away and get her another. She had a on a black Pink bra. It wouldn't be right to touch or look at her inappropriately while she's vulnerable.

Besides i love her and wouldn't do anything to harm her.

I next took off her skirt, socks and shoes. I decided to bathe her with her underwear and bra on. Luckily her bonnet was sitting on the sink so i put it on her. I picked her up and sat her gently in the tub and rested her head on the bathroom wall.

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