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Y/N Pov.
As i enter the hotel room i see Kigiri walk towards the living room where Gojo was sitting.

"So Gojo wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Cant, me and Y/N have a couple of more areas to check here."

"Tomorrow night?"

Tomorrow night? Thats when me and Gojo go on a 'date' How will that even work since she's here now. I wouldn't be surprised if  it was cancelled.

"Cant, im busy."

"Fine" she groans.

"We're still watching my hero tonight." I ask

"Yea, ou make some popcorn." He says since i was already by the kitchen.


I look over at Kigiri and boy was she not happy. But i know girls like her, she's a good pretender. So she made it seem like it was all fine but on the inside i could see her anger boiling.

While i made the popcorn Gojo had went to change into a wife beater and joggers. After the popcorn was done i poured it in the bowl. "The popcorn is readyyy." I say walking towards the sofa. I sit next to Gojo; who was in the middle of me and Kigiri.

As i begin to turn it on kigiri says something. "Is this one of those little kids shows, called um... whats the name? Anime?"

"Its not a kids show" i say

"Its literally a cartoon." Kigiri says

"Just be open minded kigiri, Y/N said it was a good show so lets just watch it." He says

"I guess i can be opened minded." She says snuggling up on his side. This really wasnt how the night was supposed to go..

Gojo's Pov.
A couple of episodes went by and Y/N was sleep on the shoulder of the sofa while Kigiri rested her head on me. Is it bad to say i wanted Y/N's head to be resting on me instead. I let out a yawn "im gonna get to bed." I say to myself. I pick up Kigiri and bring her to the room. I heard noises on my way out.

Y/N was no longer on the sofa. It sounded like the balcony door was what i heard. I grabbed my jacket that was on the chair and went out there. I watch her braids whip around as she turned to see who was at the door.

"Oh its just you." She yawns.

"What are you doing out here" i say walking towards the balcony rail and holding it.

"Nothing just wanted some fresh air." Since it was night it was a little chilly. She had on no shoes or socks and her shorts wasnt helping.

She looked cold but yet unbothered. "Here put this on  before you get sick". I say removing my jacket and giving it to her.

"Thanks" there was some silence before anything was said again.

"Earlier.. you asked me did i  only kiss you because of what the announcer said or did i really want to kiss you... It would be a lie to say i didnt wanna kiss you. Im gonna be truthful with you princess, i cant keep it in anymore."

She turns my way and looks at me with eyes full of hope

"I loved you for a long time, and ive been wondering when or how i should tell you. I didnt want to come off weird but i just have to say it

I dont know if you know but i always recognize the small stuff. How you always turn around when you blushing, i notice when your upset you try not to show it, i notice how when you get nervous you always just brush the situation off. And im sorry if i ever hurt you or left you confused or made you worry.

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