Torn apart

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Next day.

I woke up at a pretty decent time. Today was our training with Maki and the guys.

I check my phone to see a text message from Gojo saying 'good morning princess face time me when your awake'

Butterflies were instantly in my stomach and a big smile was on my face in no time. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. Afterwards, i face time Gojo.

After a couple of rings he picks up. "Hey princess." He says

"Hey" i say with a smile.

"Why's your face not in the camera" i hear him pout.

"Because im getting dressed."

"For what."

"I cant just walk around naked." I say messing with him.

"You knew what i meant."

I let out a laugh. "Today we're  supposed to be training with Maki, Toge, and Panda."

"Tell them i said wassup."

"Ou speaking of, my mom said hey."

"Is she around right now i want to see her."

"No Gojo. I went to her house yesterday. Turns out my dad only has a week and some days left to live."

" sorry i wish i couldve been there for you."

"No its fine, seriously, megumi was there and-"

"Wait Megumi was there?"

"Yea why."

There was a little pause before he spoke again. "No reason just asking."

"Oh ok, and then my mama made us some udon, it was so delicious" i say sliding on my shoes, then picking up the phone so now he see's my face.

"Thats nice, there goes that beautiful face ive been waiting to see!"

"Gojo stop." I laugh.

I check the time "dammit im gonna be late, Gojo i'll call you later im about to be late to training."

"Its ok princess."

We said our byes and i left my room.

Little time skip.
I ran into megumi on the way walking to the training grounds. "Hey Megumi."

"Oh, hey Y/N"

"Looks like we're both late."

"Looks like it."

"Yo you two are late." Maki says to us as we get closer.

"Kelp" toge says

"And what does it matter to you." Megumi responds.

"COME SWITCH PLACES WITH ME!" Nobara yells as panda swings her around. Panda suddenly lets go causing Nobara to fall on the floor.

"What yall got goin on." I question

"Falling practice" panda says

"See if you guys can land a hit on us then we could talk."

"Hmm okayy."

After a bit of training we landed a hit on them and Megumi asked questions about cursed tools.

I continued training after that mainly focusing on close combat. "Your doing great" panda says.

"Im gonna go buy another cute track suit." Nobara says

Later that day
We've been training alot today, so when i got done i decided to call Gojo. Surprisingly he didnt answer. I wonder whats wrong.

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