Cherry waves

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"Ok so training didn't help, how about music, music helps." I say grabbing my guitar and pick.

I strum a few times and play a few scales.

I gotta get headphones for my electric guitar everyone around me says my guitar is a nuisance so i play my acoustic a lot now. I like to sing here and there but nobody knows that, i have a bit of stage fright and find it really hard to sing in front of people.

"Hmm that song Higher by tems been stuck in my head all day. Maybe i could sing that."

I start with the chords and start to hum.

As i start to sing i lightly bob my head. I let the music take over and it feels like i was walking on tall colorful mushrooms or something.

"If the world was ending, would you cry or would you try to get me?"

I continue singing my heart out, and tapping my foot lightly.

Megumi POV.
I got bored so i wanted to see what Y/N was doing. But as i walked down the hall a singing voice grew louder and louder. The voice was beautiful, i could listen to it all day long if i had the chance. It felt like the voice ran through my body, i felt every bit of emotion in the song.

When i reached Y/N's door i realized it was her, i chose not to make a sudden move because i didnt want her to stop. I never knew she could sing like this. And i knew she liked guitar but i didnt think she could actually play it.

"I will wait for you, for you, for you. I will wait for you, i will wait for you."

I can tell the song was obviously ending so i knocked.

When i heard the knock my heart dropped and i hurry up and put my guitar on my bed. "Who is it." I say goin to the door.

There was a bit of a pause before a males voice cleared his throat. "Its Megumi."

Megumi!? Did he hear me!? Did i sound bad?

"You still there." He says

"Oh yea." I say opening the door. "What are you doing here."

"Nothing in particular i just was bored." He says walking in.

"Ohh" he hasnt said anything so maybe he didnt hear.

"Y/N i didnt know you could sing like that." He says

My heart instantly drops "so you did hear" i say sitting on the edge of my bed and he joins me.

"Yea, did you not want me to?"

"Its not that, its just that i just cant sing in front of other people."

"Well you just sung in front of me ."

"Well thats because i didnt know you were there. Its like whenever i try to sing in front of people my throat just forms a lump and i mess up on my guitar and it just all goes wrong."

"Do you want to overcome it."

"I mean i guess" i say playing with my fingers. "Before i wanted to become a sorcerer i loved music. Like every genre. Dont get me wrong i love what i do , but i also still like music"

"Ok so how about we start here. I could be your first audience or something. Play me something."

"Hm?" I say pretending to not hear him.

"Come on i know you heard me. Dont be afraid its just me."

Thats the problem Megumi its just you...

"Just breath and pretend i have something really embarrassing on or something. I know you can do it."

"Ok" i say breathing in and out. "You listen to Metallica?"


"Ok i'll do a little bit of nothing else matters." Maybe because its not that hard to play on acoustic. "Only a little bit though ok."

He gives me a little smile "you got this."

I start playing and i honestly was super nervous but as i continued playing the nervousness kinda went away. I glance at megumi for a second and his eyes were glued on me and he looked so into it, it made a smile creep on my face.

"So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters"

When i finished the last lyric and look up at him. He looked like he was frozen. "How was that?"

"Could you play for me more often." Was the only thing he could say.

My heart beat quickened and my lips parted as i stared at him, did he like it that much. "Sure." I smile

I go and sit my guitar down. "You know i think that helped a little bit ." I say

"Thats good, more people should hear you, i really didnt know you were that good."

"Its probably alot you dont know about me."

"Well tell me." He says as i sit back on the side of him.



"But it always feels like im talking about me let me hear about you mr Fushiguro, you rarely talk about your self."

"Is that so?"


"Well then we can talk about it as we listen to music he says pulling out his head phones and his phone.

"You like Deftones?"

"I dibble"

"Well this song's my favorite." He says handing me the other head phone. "its called cherry waves."

We lay back in the bed and face the ceiling. As we both talk i subtly pay attention to the lyrics of the song. Was Megumi talking to me through the lyrics or could i just be trippin. What i knew for a fact is that i felt something with this song.

That evening i learned a lot about Megumi. Things i thought i knew but really didnt. Megumi has been through a lot but i want him to know im here for him. We took turns playing songs too.

"Your right you do like a lot of genres" Megumi says.

Love you better by future was now playing.

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