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"Its Yuji, Yuji's dead."

My heart dropped faster than before and i simply refused to believe the information i was hearing. "Gojo, dont play like that, be serious right now"

After a little silence i start bouncing my leg under the table and rested my hands on the table. After not getting a answer from Gojo my eyes started to water up. Gojo reaches for my hand across the table "hey, hey, its ok"

The tears quickly fall down as my head goes  downward. "Its- its  not ok" i say quietly and cry.

He slides in the booth seat with me and wraps his arm around me. My head falls into his chest. All i could do was cry and wonder how this happened.

"Lets go to the hotel princess." I wipe my face but the tears continued to fall he held my hand as we walked out and we both then got in the car. As he drove us to the hotel, he used one hand to steer and the other to hold mine. He would kiss my hand every now and then and tell me its gonna be ok.

But it hurts to fathom the idea of Yuji being gone.

When we made it to the hotel i tried to recollect my self but the tears were never ending. "Gojo is it possible for us to get a flight home early?" I say

"Of course" he says as we walk to the elevator. We got off and quickly made it to our room.

"Go drink some water and i'll go talk to the Higher up to see how fast can we get back home."

I sniff up my now runny nose and Gojo goes to the balcony.

I open the fridge to grab a bottle of water then Kigiri walks in. "Aww is the baby crying."

"Kigiri not today." I say wiping my eyes.

"What? Did Gojo finally turn your little love idea down." She says walking towards me.

"Kigiri shut up,  like im being so for real right now."

"What? who upset the poor little baby" she laughs

"Kigiri! Enough! One of my bestfriend's just died and you keep trying to try me and im not here for it!"

"Which friend died maybe this lost will make you focus on him instead of Gojo. Im glad your little friend died, more me and Gojo time and less of you."

I close up the distance between  us and then a punch was delivered to her face within a matter of seconds. "Dont you ever! And i mean ever play with me again!"

Gojo then comes in "whats going on?" He says confusingly.

"Your student, she's so aggressive she just hit me." She days holding her face.

"Oh please! Kigiri just basically said she's glad Yuji died, who the hell says that to somebody!?"

"Get out" Gojo says in his normal tone.

"Gojo i know your not gonna believe this bratty little girl."

"Get out!" He yells, this was probably the first time ive seen him really yell.

Kigiri stands there "fine i'll just get my stuff and leave." She says going to grab her bag.

She slams the door on the way out. Gojo wraps his arms around me. I was such a mess. I cried so much my head started to hurt.

"The higher up said we could leave tomorrow at five is that ok?"

"Yeah" i say departing from him. And wiping my eyes. "Look" he says cupping my face with both hands. "Its going to be fine. I promise you i will bring Yuji back to you." He says looking me in the eyes and after wards planting a kiss on my forehead.

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