Truth? Death? Pain?

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Kira's POV

Why is he calling already, what could he possibly want now, hasn't he had enough? I turned the volume off on my phone and let his call go to voice mail, he would be mad about that tonight.

"We're fine, just adjusting to this new life." I said, gathering a fake smile. She glanced between Anna and me, "I would understand you still adjusting if it hadn't been about a year since Valerie's death. Look I understand you went to your mom for everything and with her gone you probably think you can't talk to anyone ok, but look you can talk to your dad, your brothers, Daniel even me if you want, you have every one of us that you can go to. We're all here for you, that's what family is for. You are both amazing young girls with such a bight future ahead of you. You are tough and strong for everyone else but when it comes to yourselves, you are just bottling everything up. I don't know why you're doing it, but you are, and I won't allow that anymore, not when you have people to talk to. So maybe it will take a cop or a couple little girls to get that through your thick heads but there are people here for you. People who love you and want the best for the both of you. I understand what it's like and yes it sucks but there's nothing we can humanly do to fix it."

My mind had been racing for a while, everything that happened that night, the pain I was in, and now Lisa was coming in. Part of me knew she wanted to help but it felt wrong, it felt wrong to go to her or even talk with her. Sure, she was a cop and couldn't turn off her investigative side but it's also not like someone can just wave a wand around and forget about holding their mother in their arms as she dies.

My body shot up ignoring the pain and I raised my voice, "No! No, you don't know what it's like! You were her partner sure, but she was our mom! You weren't there when she was killed! I watched her die, I HELD HER! You don't just forget that, maybe some do but not me! I replay that day every night, and the fact that they have yet to arrest the people responsible makes it worse! So don't think for a second that you know what we went through that day or are still going through. What I'm going through!" I felt the tears start to run down my face and forced my body back against my headboard covering my face with my hands. I felt Anna wrap her arms around me and I could feel her tears on my neck, my outbreak I guess shocked her. When she looked up, she rubbed her eyes, light bruising showing under her eye. My phone lit up with calls and messages, message after message, I uncovered my face and went to pull my hands back into the sleeves of my hoodie as I saw a few old bruises showing. I'm guessing by the look on Lisa's face she saw them too as she grabbed my hands and pulled them to her, pulling my sleeves back and revealing the rest of the bruises along my arms.

My phone continued to light up after every message and call, I tried to pull my hands away from Lisa, but she held tight, I winced as her grip tightened and only then did, she let go. I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and scanned through the messages. Great, he's pissed now, tonight will be a blast, I mumbled to myself. I tried to respond when Lisa took my phone. She got up and grabbed the makeup wipes off my desk sitting back down closer to Anna, placing my phone in her lap as she removed the makeup on Anna's face and pulling her sleeves up to reveal her badly bruised wrists. She got up again and threw away the wipes and sat down again, "Forget me being here as a friend now. What the hell is going on here, and I mean it, no more lies either of you."

We sat in silence for a while neither Anna nor I were willing to speak, I leaned back again crossing my arms over my body and looking away. "We're fine Lisa" I said as I took a deep breath. She clearly didn't believe that as she sat up and slowly raised her voice, "If you are fine, then explain Anna's black eye and why your arms are covered in bruises!"

Lisa's POV

I waited to hear a response for a while, watching Kira stare off across the room and Anna fidget with her hands. "Ok, either you start talking or I'm going to start guessing." I glanced back and forth between them again waiting but they stayed quiet.

"Fine I'll start guessing. Anna's wrists are bruised in a way that makes me believe someone was holding onto her, tight, to force her into not moving. My guess is a guy got power hungry and you both paid the price. He got mad so he hit you causing your black eye. Oh, and don't think I didn't notice your breathing was off, so guessing he just likes to beat you both and judging by your rigid breathing you probably have a couple bruised maybe even cracked ribs, I'm I close?" They continued to say nothing, they just looked down at their hands. "I've been a detective for 11 years girls, I've seen this before, I can help, if you let me."

I watched as Anna glanced over to her sister as if she was asking for permission to speak. Kira stayed staring off at the walls ignoring everything or at least trying to, tears started to run down her face as she covered her eyes again. "Let me help you, please." I said placing my hand on her shoulder, her flinch made me remove my hand as I didn't want her to feel unsafe. I looked over at Anna again but as she was about to say something Kira's phone lit up again. I looked down at the phone and saw the ID, Rick. I didn't question it till I read a couple of the messages:

Message 1: Hey there's a party tonight, hope you're coming.
Message 2: Don't feel to bad you did so good, I had so much fun last night.
Message 3: You should wear the dress I got you. I would love to see you in it.
Message 4: You going to respond? If you don't respond soon, you will regret it.
Message 5: Answer me DAMIT!
Message 6: If you talk, I'll kill you, maybe even parade you around in front of that protective brother of yours. What's his name, oh that's right, Dylan.
Message 7: You know even if you say something no one will believe you. The daughter of a dead cop getting herself in trouble with her boyfriend. They'll think your nuts.

There were many other messages, but I stopped there and looked up at the two girls, they both were crying and folded into each other. I set the phone down and took both girls into my embrace, I may not be their mom, but I watched them grow up so in a way I'm now the closest thing they have to a mom. I stayed holding them till there was a knock at the door.

Liam's POV

I checked the time, 6:30, I left Mia and Ivy to play downstairs as I walked up the stairs to get Lisa. Our house was about 25 minutes from her district, and she started work at 7. As I reached the door I heard crying, respectfully I knocked, then opened the door to see my sisters crying and Lisa sitting there holding them. I rushed over to the three wrapping my arms around them, I saw a glimpse of the phone sitting beside Lisa and a couple messages on them. I looked up to Lisa, her face spelled it all out, this was why my sisters were so disconnected, this jerk had been tossing threats to them, hurting them. I felt so helpless, I mean what kind of brother am I, I couldn't even tell how badly my sisters were hurting. I'm supposed to be their big brother, I'm supposed to protect them, I'm supposed to be there for them, and I couldn't do any of that for them.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Will they get him?
What will their brothers do when they all find out? What will their father do when he finds out his little girls are hurt?

Find out in the next chapter.

If your still reading at this point then thank you and you guys are truly special because you taking time out of your day to read this. That truly helps me keep going and not just stop writing.

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