Bad Memories

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Anna's POV

Time flew by as always, basically just 5 months, Kira got another acceptance letter from when she applied for a Firefighter position and told dad about her and Jacob. Surprisingly he was very open to it, but he did buckle down on Jacob a bit more, giving him more work and longer shifts for about a month. Dylan was still rocking out as a Lieutenant at 62 and baby girl number two was here little, Emberlyn Florence Sanchez. Liam had gotten married to Evelyn and Carter was engaged to his girl, Rosslyn. I had just gotten out of the academy and pulling shifts as a patrol officer at the 23rd district, occasionally helping upstairs for Harper. Kira and I were still on the ins and outs since Lisa's death, we were only speaking if it was for something important at this point.

I had just walked into the district when Harper came running down the stairs. "Anna you're with me today! Drop your things in the car for now, let's go!" she shouted as she quickly headed out the door. I turned around and followed her to the car, dropping my bags in the back seat. "Old partner of Lisa's and mine called. They got a case, rape, abuse, and murder. It's their case but it's in our district, you and I are headed over to help them." She said as she started the engine and handed me a file.

Once we pulled up, I followed Harper out of the car and over to where three cops were standing by. "Sergeant Voight, Detective Upton, and Detective Halstead" Harper said as we walked up, "This is Officer Sanchez, I pulled her up for this case, figured it would be a good learning experience for her." Harper informed us as she walked up to them. I placed the files under my arm and shook hands with the Sergeant and Detectives.

"Val's kid?" Voight questioned Harper, receiving a nod of approval. "You up to speed kid?" he asked as we approached where the bodies lay covered by a white cloth. I nodded kneeling down where one of the young girls laid lifting the cloth to inspect the body, "They tossed them out like they were nothing. She can't be much older than seventeen." I said looking up to Harper. I scanned the girl's body seeing multiple bruises and cuts along with the two GSW's to the chest. I cleared my throat for a second, "Um...judging by the bruising on their wrists and ankles she was restrained, she was likely...raped like the others." I spoke as the memories that I'd suppressed all those years ago started to flood my head again. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and quickly pushed those memories back down, and stood up. Harper spoke sternly to me but still with a soft voice as she knew what happened to cause my reaction, "These cases aren't easy, but you listen to me here kid, what happened in the past you must keep it there, don't let your emotions cloud your judgement." I stood nodding at her then walking over to the other two bodies.

Once we finished at the scene, we all headed back to the district, I quickly went up to the locker room with my bag closing the door behind me. Once the door was closed, I dropped my bag slamming my hand into the locker door before shoving my bag into my locker. Quickly leaving the room and heading up the stairs to where Harper's unit was located. I turned to sit at Harper's old desk now that she was the sergeant, she had her own private office. I logged onto the computer to do some more research into the victims. The two detectives from the 21st looked over my way with confused glances but quickly turned back when both sergeants emerged from the office. "Have we got anything on these guys?" Voight asked in his raspy voice. "There's nothing connecting any of these 6 girls to each other that we can find. I hate to say it, but it looks like each girl was picked at random." Halstead said.

I had pulled up the girl's names on different social platforms to see if anything could be pieced together. "Nothing is ever random." I said, not realizing I had spoken out loud. I felt eyes on me when I realized I hadn't just said that to myself, "Ok, then do you have a connection between these girls?" Voight asked leaning in my direction. I turned back to my screen staying quiet for a minute before speaking up, "Um yeah I think there is a connection..." I said turning my screen around and rolling my chair back slightly, "...Each one of these girls are clean, yes, but they all have big interests in partying. I don't want to guess but if I had to these girls frequent certain clubs and their attackers knew this and picked them from that. Waited for them to either get themselves drunk or they drugged them, either way the girls are too out of it to fight back. I just don't know what clubs they frequent, so far I haven't found any names or locations." I spoke quickly. We each took turns after that saying our piece, me catching occasional glances whenever I spoke.

"What if we set up a trap?" Halstead asked looking around at all of us. "I'm down if we do that." Upton said looking over at her sergeant. I sat watching them partly making myself small in the back corner of the room, catching Harper 's glances. "Anna, you think you're up for this, going undercover with Hailey?" Harper asked, pulling me out of my corner of the room, I shot her what some may call a dirty look but sat up and nodded. "I'll do it but that's only two of us we need a third and not to mention we still don't know where the perp's hunting ground is." I said, Harper gave me a small look of defeat, "No, no Harper you're not doing this. This unit needs its sergeant now more than ever, you're not going." I said now standing up at the desk with everyone watching us. "We will still work as fast as possible to figure that out, but if you won't let me go with you then who will be the third person to go with you guys?" Harper asked a little annoyed at me. I looked over at her trying to think then grabbed my phone, "I'm calling Kira" I said as I walked out to the locker room. I could vaguely hear Harper as I walked into the other room, "Hey, I thought you two weren't talking to each other still!"


Dylan: 26
Leah: 25
Liam: 24
Carter: 24
Rosslyn: 23
Kira: 22
Anna: 20
Daniel: 42
Mia: 12
Ivy: 8
Katya: 1
Emberlyn: newborn

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