I can't believe this

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Liam's POV

I got up and walked outside, taking my phone out of my back pocket and called my father.

Anthony: Liam, is everything ok? What came up?
Liam: Hey dad um...yes and no. Look don't freak out on me just yet.
Anthony: Liam, what is it?
Liam: It's Kira and Anna. We found out what's been going on. I'm at M.E.D with them and Dylan now. We are waiting for the discharge papers, then headed to the 23rd district.
Anthony: Why I'm I just now hearing about this!!
(Carter walked in after hearing his dad's yelling, the call was put on speaker)
Carter: Liam, what's going on?
Anthony: I'm calling in a replacement Chief to cover for me. Carter, you're coming with me. I'll meet you at the district Liam.
(The call ended)

I walked back into the room, "So dad and Carter are meeting us at the district once we fill out the papers."

It didn't take long till the nurse came in and handed us the papers, we quickly filled them out. When the nurse came back in, she did a final check of the girl's stats, "Alright everything looks good, just take it easy, no sports for either of you, especially you" she said looking at Kira. They nodded and agreed, both girls got changed back into their clothes while Dylan and I waited outside the room. Once they finished, they came out to us, for the first time in so long I saw that spark of life burning again in Kira, I smiled with joy to see that as I wrapped my arm around Anna. Kira had already curled into Dylan's side as his arm rested over her, his protective side was showing at 100% now, I don't think he will let them out of his sight anytime soon and I can't blame him. I was happy just to have my sisters back and to see that spark once more as it was so long overdue.

When we got to the district we were greeted by dad and Carter. They both got out and immediately hugged both girls, I watched Anna melt into dad's embrace while Kira stood stiff for a couple seconds before relaxing. Dad didn't say anything, but his expression read concern all over, but I think just being able to hold his girls was enough for now. Carter had moved next to me. He didn't get a hug, and it wasn't like he didn't care he just wasn't going to get between dad and his daughters.

When we entered the district, Lisa greeted us and guided us upstairs. As we walked up the stairs, I looked around and saw many officers staring at us, many of these cops knew us and for those that didn't well I'm sure they learned quickly. Lisa and her partner, Harper, took Kira and Anna into an interrogation room, closing the door behind them so they could talk freely. Dad, my brothers, and I all watched in the observation room with Lisa's team, watching as Lisa and Harper spoke with Kira and Anna.

Kira's POV

Lisa and Harper lead Anna and I to an interrogation room. We sat down against the wall looking back at them. "Can you tell us what happened, how this started?" Harper asked
I leaned back in the chair running my hand through my hair as I started talking.

"After mom died, I spiraled out, some of my friends had invited me to their house parties before but I never went. After everything I just wanted an escape, at first it was fine, no harm, I was introduced to Rick by a friend, and we hit it off. He said he had lost a close friend of his recently and we kind of connected but after a month he started wanting us to drink more and more, he would get drunk and by the next day forget everything he had said, he didn't get physical or anything, he was constantly wanting us to drink. The first time Anna joined me, not that I didn't tell her no or anything." I glared at her and continued. "I tried not to drink every drink he brought so I could keep an eye on Anna but whatever he started handing us was strong. I don't really remember much from that night besides seeing Anna get up and leave, Rick had left too, but he had said he was grabbing drinks. I hadn't thought much of it till Rick returned with a smirk and a darkness in his eyes. I waited for him to leave again when I left to go check on her, that's when I found her curled up on the ground holding her stomach." I stopped and looked over to Anna for her to fill in the rest.

"I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, when I entered, I was headed towards one of the stalls when I felt a hand on the back of my neck as I was pushed inside the stall. There was one hand on my neck and the other on my back. I could feel his breath on my neck and shoulder, he had bent down and whispered in my ear saying telling me not to fight back and that he wouldn't hurt me. I didn't know what he would do, I could smell the alcohol on his breathe he was holding me by my throat and pressing himself against me." I paused not wanting to relive the past few months, but I continued, "He had tightened his grip around my neck when he whispered again telling me to stay out of his and Kira's business because if I didn't then we would have a problem. That's when he turned me to face him as he started to hit me, multiple times on my stomach and sides. When he finished, he let go of my neck and I dropped to the floor, as he walked out, he slammed the door behind him." Anna finished and wrapped her arms over her stomach.

"This continued for a long time after. He would throw us around for his pleasure, bringing us drinks. It was always a vodka shot with two cherries. I don't think I will ever have vodka again. It got to the point that he didn't care if we got hurt, just as long as he got his way. It's not just us either, there's a couple other girls he did this too. I walked in on him beating another girl, maybe 15 till she collapsed. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't enter the room without him or one of his friends catching me. The second time he had been yelling at this other girl for spilling her drink or something stupid. He carried her to the back room yelling at her, I was alone that night due to Anna being sick. I'll admit I was drunk and not thinking great, but I followed them. I watched him force himself on her, she couldn't have been much older than 16, I turned to leave when he stood up. I hadn't realized that his friends were in the room and had seen me, I tried to run, push them away, but..." I froze, no one knew yet and I feared what they would say, I tried to cut around it as much as I could as I continued, "his friends caught me and uhm held me down, that was four days ago, the first time he crossed that line." I said tears forming in my eyes threatening to spill. Anna had turned to hug me as I explained the events of the past two nights, nights that even Ana didn't know happened.

Lisa and Harper watched us as we continued to explain everything Rick had done to us. When we finished Lisa brought us back out and into the breakroom where Mia and Ivy were playing. I saw Liam and Carter in the corner talking to each other as we sat down to see what Mia and Ivy were up to. The four of us sat playing, Mia looked at us as if she knew something was wrong, she leaned over and hugged us both before continuing with the game she and Ivy had been playing.

Anthony's POV

I watched as my daughters explained everything to Lisa and Harper, listening to everything they said. How did I not notice, how did I not see how much pain they were in. I wished we could have found out sooner but I'm just glad we found out. When they finished, I watched Lisa take the girls to the breakroom while Harper came and spoke with us. "We've got enough to bring him in, he's going away for a long time." She said reassuring us. I nodded at Harper thanking her and walked with her to the breakroom. I knocked on the door and entered immediately hugging both girls.

I dismissed my Carter and Liam back to work as there wasn't much we could do, but Dylan refused to leave. He mainly stood outside the breakroom watching his sisters play and entertain Mia and Ivy.

Lisa had already left with her team to track down Rick. I sat outside the breakroom with Dylan, chatting with him about anything we could think of the whole time he kept his eyes are Kira.

It had been a couple hours, Dylan had gone and sat next to Kira and held her to his chest, Ivy was curled up on Kira's lap asleep while Mia fell asleep laying across Anna's lap. Dylan had just tilted his head back when Lisa came back in with who I'm guessing was Rick. She handed the guy off to one of her people and came in to check on us. I motioned for her to be as quiet as possible seeing as the four of them were asleep, Dylan raised his head back up as I whispered, "Stay there and let them sleep, I'll fill you in later." He nodded. I stood placing a pillow behind his head before leaving the room to join Lisa.

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