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Jay's POV

Anthony left to sit with Anna as no news had come for Hailey or Kira. I was tired of sitting so I stood and started pacing around the room. People were still flooding in at various times. Daniel came in with his two girls and checked for any update, I knew who Daniel and his girls were due to Anna. Everyone was worried or anxious, having not heard anything. Daniel would occasionally go and check in on Anthony and tell us if anything changed with her. We'd been waiting out here for a good three hours when Will and Connor came in the room.

Will pulled Voight and I aside, "She's stable, the bullet didn't hit anything major. She's resting now and we have her warming up, but you can go see her..." I released the breath that didn't realize I was holding. I hugged my brother as Voight and Harper smiled leaving to hear the news about Kira. Will stopped me once Voight was out of ear shot, his face saddened, "We had blood work done as a precaution, there's no easy way to say this man...the..." I didn't let Will finish as I left to go be at Hailey's side.

Dylan's POV

I had just come back to the waiting room when Will and Connor walked in. Harper, Jay, and Voight talked with Will, while my brothers, Jacob, Daniel, and I circled in front of Connor. "They're all fighters I'll say. Kira is stable now, the bullet that hit her shoulder nicked an artery, but we have that under control. The bullet that hit her chest was high enough to not hit her heart, but it caused its own problems, all of which are handled now. She's still asleep but you can go and see her, she's not out of the woods yet but we hope there won't be another scare we've already had five." We thanked him and I left with Liam, Carter, and Jacob to go see her.

We walked to her room and sat beside the bed. She was as they said asleep, breathing was normal, she had an IV line to help with the pain and for fluids. Jacob pulled a chair next the bed and sat holding her hand, I couldn't tell if he was crying or not as he rested his head at her side. She seemed to be peaceful, I don't know what she truly experienced, but I could tell it was bad.

Dad came to check on Kira after Liam and Carter left to get something to eat and then go see Anna. I too planned to see Anna soon and ask her about everything if she was willing to talk to me. Voight had come by to check in on us as he was making rounds to check in on all the girls. He stayed to talk with us and give us any updates he had on Hailey, she wasn't awake yet either and Jay was with her, which was good. I swear as much as they're around each other something has got to be going on. I understand their partners, but they almost never leave each other's side, even when I see them outside of work they are always together. Voight left after a while, Jacob refused to leave but we forced him to go eat, while dad and I sat with Kira.

Carter's POV

Liam and I switched to see Anna, she was awake, so it was a little less awkward. We walked in and sat on either side of the bed. Dad had been a mess and so had we, just not as much, but can you blame him. We sat and talked with Anna but not about what happened, I won't lie, I was curious, but I didn't want to push her to talk.

Voight came by and checked on us and chatted, giving small updates on both Kira and Hailey.

Eventually he left after half an hour or so, Anna fell asleep while Liam and I continued to sit with her.

Jay's POV

I was sitting beside Hailey's bed waiting for her to wake up. Will had started to say something but I didn't hear him in the end, I was just worried and needed to see her. I never should have let her go, what if she had died? No, I can't let these thoughts in, not now, Hailey is safe, she's alive. Voight stopped by again, but nothing had changed since the last time. I waited for what felt like ages and eventually I fell asleep.

When I woke up Will had come by to check on her, something was wrong, but he said nothing. He's face just looked sad, but he said she was good just needed rest and time. Natalie would stop by as well to check in, it had been probably an hour or two. Hailey started to stir, I called for Will as she slowly opened her eyes. "Everything looks good. How do you feel, any pain?" Will asked. Hailey was quiet so we took that as a no. Will left and I sat still holding Hailey's hand.

We sat in silence for a while before Natalie came in asking to speak with Hailey. I agreed and got up and walked out to see Will waiting.

Hailey's POV

Natalie took the seat where Jay had been, she was sad or looked sad. "Hailey, did Jay know?" she asked. I was confused, "Did Jay know what?" I asked her back hoping she'd elaborate on it. Her expression softened even more. She gently placed her hand on mine, "You didn't know either, did you?" she said with a sigh. Great now I was even more confused than before, what is it that I didn't know, I sadly remember everything that had happened, but this I don't remember or know.

"Hailey..." Natalie started again, she held my hand tight as she continued. "...Hailey, you were pregnant. I'm sorry Hailey." Natalie stopped and explained fully what happened, I was speechless. I didn't want to believe her and part of me didn't. "I didn't know...I never would have gone if I knew." I said as tears fell down my face. Natalie held me gently then left when her pager went off. I sat alone trying to wrap my head around everything when Jay reappeared.

"Jay..." I managed to say, he made his way over to the edge of the bed beside me placing his hand on my arm. "...I'm sorry Jay, I'm sorry. I never should have gone, I didn't know, if I had, I-I never would have put myself there." I rambled, still not fully believing what Natalie said. Jay's grip tightened slightly as he tried to reassure me everything was ok. Jay had carefully pulled me into a hug before I could give myself a panic attack. When he pulled away, I slowly told him everything, "Natalie...she...I... I was pregnant..." Jay's eyes went wide at that but quickly changed to a frown when I had no reaction. "I didn't know Jay, I didn't know, I never would have put myself there if I knew." I said on the verge of tears. Jay quickly pulled me into another hug trying to help the best he could. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead then walked out.

Jay's POV

I went to check on Hailey after I saw Natalie leave but when I walked in, she was crying. Hailey never cries unless something bad has happened. Granted everything she's basically just been through, but I've seen her go through other things where she's been hurt like this and never bat an eye about it. She told me everything Natalie had said, and I was happy for a minute when she said she was pregnant till she said the last part of her losing it. It made me mad, my blood boiled but I started to comfort Hailey. Once she seemed a bit better, I kissed her forehead then got up to find Voight.

I walked to the waiting room where Voight was sitting. I guess my expression gave it away since Voight immediately got up and followed me out. I knew he was waiting to make sure all three girls were ok before having this interaction. I'm not a fan of harming someone to get answers but this...this was different.

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