Future and Love

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Dylan's POV

Over the past two years through all the ups and downs I had met a wonderful woman who was always there for me in the darkest of times. You could say she was the love of my life. Her name is Leah Addison Campbell for now, I have plans to change her last name very soon.

I was still out at 51 but had told Chief that I was thinking of transferring back 62. Liam was already out at 55 and Carter left for 58. I loved working at 51 and I loved the family that it formed but I was up for the Lieutenants position and there was no room on 51 for a new Lieutenant were as there were two slots at 62.

Kira had been coming to the house every chance she got. She'd applied to be both a Paramedic and Firefighter, so she was doing work for both sides whenever she got the chance. When she wasn't riding out with Ambo 61, she was riding out with Truck 81 or Squad 3. She knew the rules were just to watch when she was with Truck or Squad since that's a whole separate thing from riding Ambo.

We had some close calls lately, one of which I was a part of that close call is what got me to do this. I called Leah and asked her to come by 51. When she got there, I ran out to the apparatus floor hugging Leah then pulling out a little box and getting onto one knee. "Leah Addison Campbell, you have been my rock on my darkest days. You have been my light and the love of my life. Will you make me the happiest and luckiest man and be my wife?" By then everyone had gathered around watching. Leah knelt in front of me, "Yes...yes yes!!" she said as I placed the ring on her finger. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist picking her up and spinning her, setting her down to place the ring on her finger.

Everyone had finished congratulating us as the bells went off. I kissed Leah before running off to gear up. Kira ran over to her quickly to look at the ring, hugged her then jumped into the back of the Ambo.

(Two years later)

Kira's POV

I was currently working as a PIC on ambo 82 which was stationed at Fire House 62, occasionally I'd pull a shift at 51 when they needed a hand.

Dylan had transferred back to 62 a few weeks after he and Leah were married. They also welcomed their first daughter into the world last year, Katya Bri Sanchez, and we just found out they are expecting another little girl!

Liam had started seeing a girl last year, Evelyn Grace Thompson. They've been hitting it off well, oh and Carter also met a girl a few months after Liam, Rosslyn May Harris. I swear the twins always end up doing the same things in life so close together.

Even I had started to see someone, Jacob Keel Rodriguez, although we kept our relationship hidden for the past three months. Jacob was a Lieutenant under my father, I love my father but having him as my boss and being in a relationship even if the guy was from a different house or job, I still fear how he might react. Dad never really approved of Anna and I dating and after everything with Rick I'm not sure what he would do.

Anna was currently at the police academy and doing extremely well, she's got a couple weeks left of training before Lisa inevitably snatches her for her unit at District 23.

It was early September, I was pulling a shift at 51 with Dawson, it had only been a month since Shay was killed in that building collapse, so I had been pulling shifts to fill in whenever they needed it. My thoughts were interrupted when a call came in...

Ambo 61 Police involved shooting officer down 214 S Wabash Ave

Gabby and I quickly ran to the ambo, we both had family that were cops so you can only imagine what was going on in our heads. "Did main say what unit responded?" I asked, trying to break the silence and keep us from losing our minds. "No, god please don't let this be Antonio, I can't see him shot again." Gabby said her voice a bit shaken. "You and me both, I know Anna is still in the academy, but I also know Lisa still pulls her to work with them." I said pressing my back against the passenger seat while Gabby drove.

When we arrived on scene, we saw multiple civilians standing around, we both were glancing around trying to see if what cops were there. Gabby sighed when she realized that we weren't in 21st area, that's when I saw cops from 23rd and then spotted Anna. My heart sank at the thought of her being injured, I had already grabbed a bag when I saw her, "Anna!" I shouted as I ran over seeing blood all over her, my eyes scanning her over. "Kira! I'm...I'm ok it's...it's Lisa. Kira, you have to help her." Her voice and hands were shaking, my head shot up, and my eyes widened. I turned to look at Gabby who was knelt beside the cop, I quickly made my way over to her, that's when I saw her, "Lisa!? Hey, stay with us. Please I can't lose you too." I said removing Lisa's vest, not that it did much. Gabby looked up at me, I could tell she was relieved that it hadn't been Antonio, but her eyes still showed fear as she knew my relationship with Lisa. "Anna get over here! What happened?" I said trying to help Gabby as much as possible.

"Lisa had a bust she wanted me to work with her, she said it would help me get experience for when I got out of the academy. We pulled up and didn't even make it to the door and...and shots were fired we got some shots off, but Lisa was hit. Her team went after them, I called it in and stayed with her. I've read your books, so I tried to help." She said as I pulled her to help us lift Lisa into the ambo, Gabby and Anna jumped in back as I drove. I could hear Gabby talking when I heard Anna, "Aunt Lisa please hold on for us for Mia and Ivy. Please just hang in there."

I pulled up to M.E.D and hopped out, opening the back doors as doctors and nurses ran outside. "Lisa Knight, 37, GSW to the chest, armor piercing rounds, she's lost a lot of blood...she's got a husband and two daughters" I said almost whispering the last part. I watched as the nurses took Lisa to a separate room and transferred her. My thoughts ran wild seeing Lisa like that, I've seen many victims shot as a Paramedic especially while helping mom back then and I know the same for Gabby. I pulled Anna into a hug, not giving a damn about the blood still on her hands, I could feel her hands shaking, as I ran my hand through her hair trying to calm her, which isn't easy to do when you're scared as well. I took Anna to the restroom to help clean the blood from her hands, while Gabby handled the paperwork.

Gabby cleared with Boden to allow us to wait for updates. I sat holding Anna on my left with Gabby sitting beside us on my right. Lisa's team came in not long after we sat down, Harper came over to us in a clear panic, "Hey how is she? Do we know anything? Ugh sorry Anna are you ok?" Harper quickly asked as she knelt in front of us. "Um...she's in surgery now they said it was going to be touch and go. She lost a lot of blood. It doesn't look good Harper. It doesn't look good." I answered holding my sister tighter. " Harper where's Mia and Ivy?" I asked. "There on their way now, we called Daniel, he's picking them up now." She said standing up and walking over to her team to update them.

Everyone from 51 soon walked into the waiting room and gathered around us. "Oh god...this really is real. Everything is happening all over again. Mia and Ivy, they can't go through this, they're younger than us when this happened. I still see us in them every time I see them, they can't lose her, we can't lose her." Anna said, sitting up facing me. I quickly grabbed her shoulder with my left hand a cupped her face with the other, "Aunt Lisa will pull through, she always does, ok? She is strong, Anna. She will be ok. She has to be." I said, trying to reassure her. I watched as a few tears slide down my sister's face, "You said the same thing 5 years ago Kira and...and look where we are now." I was shocked by her comment but was quickly interrupted when Daniel walked in with the kids. Harper pulled him aside as she pointed Mia and Ivy in our direction. Ivy ran over to us while Anna quickly wiped her tears away, you could see all over Mia's face that she knew, she knew something was off.

It had been over two hours, by then truck 81 had stopped to check on us and some of 62 had as well. Dylan was playing with Ivy while Anna and Mia were talking. I stayed in the corner of the room just counting the minutes and glancing up every time the doors opened. I saw Jacob enter the waiting room as he had scanned the room before walking over to me. He stood next to my chair holding his radio. The doors opened again to reveal Dr. Halstead, we all stood up and walked over to him, "Mr. Knight, your wife suffered major internal injuries. There wasn't much we could do as the bullet hit the bottom of her heart." He placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "I'm sorry." He went to take Daniel into his embrace but he pulled away turning to many of us.

Dylan: 25
Leah: 24
Liam: 23
Carter: 23
Rosslyn: 22
Kira: 21
Anna: 19
Lisa: 37
Daniel: 41
Mia: 12
Ivy: 7

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