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Kira's POV

I laid resting, Jacob and I had been talking for a while now, I could tell he was pissed but he didn't act upon his feelings in any way, even after I told him what had happened. The thought of what Rick didn't wouldn't leave my mind, he squeezed my hand before kissing my cheek. Boden and Harper knocked on the door, entering as I wiped away my tears. Jacob sat back still holding my hand as Boden and Harper visited us, they stayed for a while before taking turns with everyone else.

It had been a while since my father left, Jacob had fallen asleep in the chair next to me. Besides him no one had come in to visit for the past hour. As I laid there trying to sleep, I was constantly having flash backs to that room, to the girls, to seeing Anna and Hailey shot at. At one point I could still feel myself being shot and I instinctively reached to cover the wound. I could hear the voices around me, their screams, the girls pleading to be saved, but overall, the echo of the gun..."Kira? Kira hey wake up its ok. You're ok." I could hear someone say. I slowly opened my eyes to see Anna sitting beside me and Jacob standing over me.

"Anna?" I said, reaching for her. She smiled and leaned forward resting her head on my arm. I could feel a tear run down my arm as I combed through her hair with my hand. Dylan, Liam, and Carter eventually came in and stopped at the doorway before coming around us and wrapping their arms around us. Jacob left the room giving us space as he switched places with Dylan.

We started talking about random things for about an hour or two when a knock was heard at the door. I looked up to see dad standing there watching all of us.

Anthony's POV

I walked into my daughter's room to find all the kids gathered around with Anna laying by Kira's side. I glanced around, then made my way to the edge of the bed leaning down and hugging both my girls.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Four weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~

Kira's POV

I was finally going back to work, I felt fine, and the flash backs were mostly gone. I had Jacob and my friends helping me throughout everything, which was nice. Through all this I still couldn't stop thinking about work, I wanted to be back at the Fire House so bad. Dylan, Liam, and Carter had already informed Boden that they would be stopping by whenever they could to check on me.

My brothers had always been overprotective but after everything I can't even leave the house or a room without one of them going with me. I understand why they are doing this, but it's gotten annoying.

Jacob has come by to help my brothers when he can, but it's more like when they let him. Jacob is calm, kind, and gentle around me but with my brothers he gets stressed over everything due to their constant hovering, but when you have nothing else to do it is funny to watch.

I was broken from my trance when I heard the locker door shut, "Back already Sanchez" I heard Herrmann say as he patted me across the back.

"Uh...Yeah, can't stay at home for the rest of my life, besides if I'm not here who else would have the honor of annoying you?" I said, smiling as I quickly put my bag in my locker, giving Herrmann a quick hug before going to see everyone else.

Hailey's POV

I got up early to get ready, my body still wanted to stay in bed but if I stayed home another day, I swear I would go insane. I spent four weeks trying to wrap my head around everything that happened and I think I got most of it, but I still struggle at times. I know the team is family, but it still hurts to see the way they look at me. They see me hurt instead of seeing my normal put-together self. I know they care and want to help but after a week I stopped letting them come over, I couldn't continue seeing them look at me as if I was helpless.

Jay's been sweet, giving me my space and helping when I need it. He doesn't talk much about the case after we were found and while part of me wants to know what happened, the other part thinks it's best for them that I stay in the dark about it.

I think Jay has wrapped his head around the loss of our child more so than I have. We never knew and once we did it was taken from us, so it's not like we really had the chance to become attached. I finished getting ready and went to start breakfast. I could hear his footsteps as he came downstairs, he greeted me and went to get our coffee started.

He placed his hand on my leg the whole ride, his way of quietly saying I'm still here. We stayed in silence the whole ride, it was as if both of us were afraid to speak, as if speaking would pull the trigger to reality. Bringing the fact that everything that happened truly happened.

We reached the station and walked through the doors and up the stairs. Trudy was the first to see us and she greeted us with a smile and good morning at the front desk, as we walked by and up through the gate. We were the first ones in, so we set our things down at our desk then started paperwork. Jay started the coffee in the break room, so it was ready for when everyone else came in. Voight was the first to enter, he acknowledged us then went to his office. Kim and Adam soon followed, they smiled at us and started on whatever work they had. Kevin was the last to come up the stairs, but he was meeting with a CI, so we expected him to be late.

The day was quiet, no cases which was honestly nice for the first day back. Anna did come by to see Voight with the last couple reports of the case. She visited with all of us for a bit before taking her leave.

Anna seemed to be doing good, but you could tell what happened still haunted her too.

Anna's POV

I got up early for work going to the kitchen to make breakfast and coffee. Dylan had come by yesterday to check on me while Liam and Carter came by the day before, they always took turns coming over after shifts. I finished eating, then went up to get dressed. I was ready to go back to work, get back to my normal routine again. Once at the station I greeted my desk sergeant and went to our bull pen. Harper was already there so I went to talk to her before catching up on my paperwork.

About mid-day I had finally gotten through all my paperwork, I went to see Harper again handing her the files that she needed to sign off on as well. She thanked me then handed me the files on my case, I took them and signed them. After that I went to the 21st district for Voight and Hailey to sign-off on them as well, Kira had already singed them so that made it easier and just one trip. I stayed to chat with everyone there, Hailey seemed off, but I figured she too had grown restless at home.

The day seemed to go by fast even though I was only working on paperwork. It felt as if I had just gotten to work when we were allowed to go home. This wasn't the first time that a day had gone by so fast when doing paperwork but today seemed much faster, probably since I haven't been in for work in a while due to the accident.

Once I was home, I went up the stairs to my bedroom and changed into a pair of leggings and a tank top then went to sit on the couch. I had files scattered around the room from our case, I knew taking the weight of this case home would likely crush me later, but I still did, I needed to know what could cause someone to do what they did. I sat looking at them for about an hour before hearing a knock on the door.

I got up neatly putting the files into a stack and pushing them aside, I wasn't expecting company so instinctively I grabbed my gun that I placed on the table by the entrance. "Anna it's me no need for the gun sis." I heard Kira say from the other side of the door. Opening the door, I greeted her placing the gun back on the table and giving her a hug.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting anyone so..." I froze as I could see she knew what I meant. I took her to the couch, and we sat and talked. She knew about the files and would occasionally come by and look at them with me. We didn't talk about what happened to anyone unless they had been there. We eventually cleaned up the files and fell asleep for the night.

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