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After the CDC incident, the group decided it was best to head to Fort Benning. Everyone thought it was the best option and agreed it was the next destination course. However, Harley couldn't help the nagging feeling in her stomach that something was going to go wrong. She was constantly alert and on the watch for any walkers lurking nearby. There was no telling when one would pop out of nowhere, the woods were infested with them.

Glenn noticed his sister's nerves and put a calming hand on her shoulder, ''Relax, we're going to be fine.''

Harley sighed and looked towards him, ''I know, I just can't shake this feeling.''

Glenn patted her on the shoulder, sending her a smile, before getting up and walking over to look at the map.

''Maybe we should just go back''

''We can't spare the fuel'' Dale stated. He had been having this same conversation with the younger male for the last hour and he was beginning to lose his marbles.

Harley looked up from her shoes and questioned slowly, ''So how do we get through?''

''I don't kno--'' He was interrupted by the spluttering of the engine. He muttered some unholy words under his breath that Harley was sure God himself would roll over in his grave if he heard them.

Dale, Shane, Andrea, T-Dog, and Glenn stepped out of the truck, and judging by the luck on Dale's face, Harley knew it had hit his last nerve. ''I said it. Didn't I say it? A thousand times. Dead in the water.''

Before Harley followed she grabbed her bow from the table and ran her thumb over the initials engraved on the side. HSR. It was a gift from Glenn for her 17th birthday. Unlike Glenn, she was more into sports and one of them was archery. She had a perfect aim and luckily it was perfect for the apocalypse.

''Couldn't help but say it a thousand and one times'' Harley muttered under her breath. She winced when a hand hit the back of her head, she brought a hand up to rub the spot and glared at her brother.

''Problem Dale?'' Shane questioned. Harley stared at his face and wished she could punch it. He looked so smug and she couldn't help but glare at him.

Glenn must have noticed the death glare his sister was sending Shane since he pinched her on the shoulder and shook his head. Since joining the group, he had noticed her hatred for the cop grow immediately and Harley couldn't stand being in his presence. Glenn couldn't blame her though, since he is too wary of Shane.

''Oh, just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of--'' Dale stopped himself when he caught sight of Daryl looking through one of the cars. ''Okay, that was dumb.''

''Can't find a radiator hose here...'' Shane trailed off, holding onto his shotgun and looking around at all the abandoned cars.

''There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find,'' Daryl said, rummaging through the car trunk.

T-Dog's face brightened up when he realized some of the positives, ''I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start.''

''Maybe some water,'' Carol suggested. ''Or food.'' Glenn finished, glancing back at her.

''I could really go for some of moms chicken right now,'' Harley murmured to her brother, who nodded in response. She gasped dramatically and pointed at him, ''Or some of that pizza you left lying on top of a rooftop all alone.''

''You're never going to let that go are you'' Glenn grumbled, walking off.

''This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this.'' Lori deadpans, causing the group to go into an uncomfortable silence. ''I don't know how I feel about this,'' Lori says to Rick who awkwardly shifts from one foot to another.

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