ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx

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Regrets. There are a lot of things Harley regrets in life. Some small but some big. But no matter what she does, she would always stick with her first decision even if she regrets it. However at this moment in time. Boy. Did she regret it.

''Grab it! Grab it!'' Yells were heard from above the well. Harley screamed when he was dropped lower. Her feet kicked the walker in an attempt to escape and her hands clawed the stones on the side of the well, faintly cutting her fingers.

''Pull me out! Pull me out, you idiots!'' Harley shouted, trying to pull herself up the rope as much as possible. ''Glenn! Maggie!''

Slowly, she was pulled up. With a lot of kicking and screaming a hand grabbed her and yanked her up and onto the grass. Harley collapsed on the ground, struggling for breath. The group crowded around her shouting questions, ''Are you okay? Are you bit?''

A hand on her face made her jerk back in a panic but she calmed down when her eyes latched on to a pair of soft green. Maggie frantically looked over her body for any bites while her whole body filled with worry.

Letting out a sigh of relief when she came up empty, Maggie helped her up from the ground, keeping a hold of her hand.

Despite not liking people touching her, Harley felt different when Maggie grabbed her hand. It gave her a sense of calmness she has only felt with Glenn.

Dale sighed in relief, ''Back to the drawing board''

''I'm so glad that's your main concern.'' Harley rolled her eyes. She threw the rope to Dale giving him a sarcastic smile, ''Take your damn walker.''

Harley pulled her hand away from Maggie's and walked to her tent. Glenn reached his hand out to her but stopped when he caught the look in her eye.

Maggie took a step to follow after her but Glenn grabbed her arm shaking his head, ''It's best to leave her alone for now.''

''Why?'' Maggie tilted her head confused.

''She's angry. When Harley gets angry, she breaks things or shuts down. Even I can't calm her down'' Glenn sighs sadly. Maggie watches her figure from her a distance before hesitantly nodding.


Once Harley took a bit of 'Harley time' and calmed down, she and Maggie finally decided to go on their run.

They rode in comfortable silence. The ride was peaceful, with no sign of the dead and they allowed themselves to relax. While Maggie was an expert at horseriding, Harley was a complete disaster. During the ride, she fell off at least 5 times to Maggie's amusement. It may be Harley's first time horseriding but it most likely is her last time.

When they arrived at the pharmacy, Harley had never felt so relieved. She jumped off the horse and tied it to a pole before spotting a sign that read, 'Take what you need and god bless.' Harley shared a look with Maggie and shrugged her shoulders, walking through the door. The pharmacy was mostly empty, just leftover stuff people didn't care to take.

''I'll go see what antibiotics are left'' Maggie told her, making Harley hum, ''What else is on the list?''

Harley pulled the list from her pocket, ''Uh-'' She handed Maggie the list, ''Why don't you get started?''

''What about you?'' Maggie asked after skimming over the list.

''I'm gonna look around, see what's worth taking.'' Harley lied, avoiding eye contact. Thankfully, Maggie didn't think anything weird of it and nodded while walking off.

Harley puffed her cheeks and grabbed a blue basket, walking into the very small feminine hygiene section. She eyed the items that were littered on the floor before throwing a few in. She pulled the list Lori gave her out from her back pocket and bit her lip when she read the item. Stuffing it back in, she picked up a pregnancy test and stared at it before shoving it in her bag.

She almost laughed when she saw a box of condoms on the floor. She wondered if Glenn even knew what they were. He was yet to go through puberty.

''What do you got?'' Maggie asked from behind her. Harley jumped, fumbling around in a panic, and grabbed the closest item near her. She held the item up and Maggie quirked a brow, 


Harley's eyes widened and snapped to the item in her hand back at the woman multiple times, 

''I--'' She fumbled.

''You got a boyfriend I don't know about?'' Maggie asked. She held a straight face but her eyes shone in humor.

''What?'' Harley fumbled nervously.

''Are you trying to tell me something?''

''No. no no no. I-I-I wasn't... I would never...'' She laughs nervously. She squirmed slightly under Maggie's intense gaze.

Maggie took a step closer to her, ''Something wrong with me?''

''No!'' Harley furiously shakes her head. ''There's nothing wrong with you. Your perfect actually. These aren't for me. Definitely not for me. Ehm- im so- I'm so lost''

''So you're telling me you find me attractive?'' Maggie teased, taking another step closer so they were only inches apart. She felt Harley's breath hitch at the closeness making her chuckle at her flustered state.

''Did I say that?'' Harley panics. Maggie nods her head enjoying watching her get all flustered. ''Of course, I did. I wasn't lying. I would never lie. To you, that is.''

Maggie reached a hand up to cup her cheek but frowns when Harley flinches. She smiles softly and leans in only centimeters away from her lips. ''Well, the feelings are mutual. Your not so bad yourself Rhee.'' She whispers. She lingers there for a moment, feeling Harley's body tense but relaxes when she rubs the pad of her thumb across her cheek.

Maggie takes a step back, dropping her hand and walking out the door. Harley stays frozen on the spot, confused, and with a burning heat in her cheeks. She had no idea what just happened but frowns when she realized she enjoyed it.

''Shit'' Harley whispers.

A few minutes later, she walks out the door, spotting Maggie saddling her horse. Harley followed her actions without speaking and started riding back to the farm. The two fell into a comfortable silence until Maggie decides to break it.

''Why did you do it?'' She asks, studying Harley's side profile. Her face was unreadable but a faint blush lingered on her cheeks.

''Do what?''

''Go down the well. Risk your life. Why?'' She was genuinely confused about why Harley would risk her life for people she barely knew. The answer she got shocked her but made her admire her more.

''I didn't do it for the group or for the water. I did it so Glenn didn't have to. he is the only person in that group I truly care for, I couldn't give a damn if half of them left. Glenns my brother, my best friend, and if I have a chance to stop him from doing something that could get him killed then so be it.'' Harley admitted, ''Oh, and even if I had won I would still have gone down there.''

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