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By the time the trio reached the farm, the sun had set and the only source of light was coming from the house. The Greene farm wasn't far from where the RV was parked, marked with a small letterbox and a white fence.

Harley pulled up by the porch and parked the van. She quickly hopped out and with the help of Glenn, half carried T-Dog up the steps to the house. What caught her eye was the droplets of blood trailing up the porch and a sense of dread filled Harley's stomach.

''Did you close the gate when you drove up?'' A familiar voice called out breaking Harley out from her daze. When she looked up, she caught sight of horsewoman sitting in a chair with her knees tucked up to her chest. Her lips curled up at the corners in amusement when the trio jumped at her sudden appearance.

''You're the lady with the horse'' Harley states.

''Maggie'' Maggie leans forward in her seat, eyeing Harley down from top to bottom making the girl squirm under her gaze.

Thankfully, Glenn notices his sister's discomfort and decides to step in before she could embarrass herself, ''We closed it'' Until he makes it worse, ''We closed it right, Harley?'' He says glancing at her with a smug look.

When no answer comes from the girl in question, Glenn elbows her in the side making her cough awkwardly, ''Y-Yeah we eh- we closed it'' She stutters.

Maggie hums, biting back a smile.

''Look, we came to help. Is there anything we can do?'' T-Dog questioned. His shoulders were slouched and he looked like he was ready to pass out if it weren't for the tight grip Glenn and Harley had on his forearms.

Maggie stood up walking closer but stopped when she noticed the bloodied bandage on his arm. T-Dog coughed, catching the girl's attention, ''It's not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though.''

''We'll have it looked at.'' Maggie nodded, ''I'll tell them you're here.''Harley suddenly reaches for her bag and unzips it, grabbing a bottle of medicine and showing it to her with a grin, ''We have the good stuff''

Maggie laughs and a strange feeling erupts in Harley's stomach when she hears it. ''Come on inside. I'll make you something to eat.'' She said sending the three a smile. She opened the door and walked inside, gesturing for the three to follow her.

Harley followed behind the trio and she couldn't help but think how lucky they were to still be living like normal people. The house was old, the decorations were dated a while back and the smell of fresh food could be smelt coming from the kitchen.

It made Harley smile that maybe they had a chance to stay somewhere safe for now. She looked towards Glenn, noticing he was thinking the same thing.

''It's crazy, right? How it's so untouched.'' Harley breathes in awe. Glenn nods while he places his gun at the door. ''Makes you wonder if there are more places like this.''

Harley stares at him, her heart warming at the happiness that radiates off his face as he looks around the house. ''But how long will this stay like this?'' She asks hesitantly.

Glenn sighs and they share a knowing look, ''As long as they're willing to fight for it'' And Harley knew there was a double meaning behind his words.

She knew that the group would fight to stay here now they know its safe. The only problem that crossed her mind was, at what cost? If they were told they weren't allowed to stay, she had a feeling that Shane wouldn't sit right with it and somehow force his way.

While looking around, a small gap in a door caught her attention. Slowly, she pushed it open she had to hold back tears at the sight of a half-dead Carl Grimes.

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