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When the pair arrived back at the farm, Maggie took both the horses back to the barn. Harley glared at the back of the demonic horse she rode before walking to her tent.

Her walk was sluggish, she dragged her feet while her eyes were half closed. Her body felt exhausted after the day she had. From waking up feeling refreshed to being walker bait to almost being kissed. What a day.

Reaching her tent, she unzipped it and flopped down onto her back. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let herself sink away from the world. the only sound heard was the tapping of her fingers.

Despite her silent form, her body grew rigid. Too many thoughts raced her mind. She groaned frustrated, realizing what she had gotten herself into. Keeping secrets, feeling strange emotions. She felt like she was back in high school.

Opening her bag, she grabbed a pack of smokes and lit one. It was a bad addiction, she knew that but it was one of the only things that could relax her.

A body dropping down next to her broke her bubble. A hand grabbed the smoke and threw it out of the tent. Harley snapped her head and gawked at Glenn, ''Why would you do that? I needed that''

''I've already told you you're not allowed to smoke. And I know you only smoke when you're stressed. So... do you want to tell me what's got you feeling like that.'' Glenn asked, leaning on his elbows with a concerned look.

''Two words. Maggie Greene.'' Harley sighed tiredly.

''You like her don't you.'' Glenn grinned, poking her side. ''You get all nervous around her, which never happens around other people.''

''At least I can talk to girls, when was the last time you spoke to a girl your age.'' Harley teased making Glenn playfully glare at her.

''I had a girlfriend,'' Glenn argued weakly, his voice squeakier than normal. Harley pursed her lips to stop herself from laughing.

''Yeah right. I heard it all before. What's her name then?'' Harley narrowed her eyes at him enjoying watching him fumble for an excuse.

''Samantha! We went to school with her.'' Glenn said nervously making Harley roll her eyes.

Harley hummed, not buying his excuse. She stood up, grabbed her bow, and walked out of the tent. ''Whatever helps you sleep at night Glenny. Oh and by the way... There were no Samanthas in school.''


A lot happened during Harley's conversation with Glenn. While Daryl was out searching for Sophia, he got himself impaled with his own arrow, and when Harley heard she couldn't stop laughing for a solid 5 minutes. She couldn't wait to tease him about it when he was better.

However, that was only the beginning. What added more fuel to the fire was when Andrea decided to shoot Daryl in the head. Harley knew Andrea was stupid but that was a different kind of stupid. When she heard the news of that incident, she choked on her water and it came sprouting out of her nose.

Although Harley was highly amused, she was concerned for Daryl and decided to check up on him. Obviously, all she got was grumbles but she did manage to get him to crack a smile when she teased him about shooting himself.

The two had a strange relationship. They were closed-off people but very similar in aspects. Harley would even consider him a friend which was rare, she didn't have many of those.

Later that night, everyone was gathered in Hershel's dining room for dinner. Harley was sat in between Glenn and Maggie feeling extremely awkward. Glenn kept sending her weird winks during dinner which just made him look like a creep. Harley did indeed chuckle when she saw the disturbed look on Hershel's face. He clearly didn't want them there.

''Does anybody know how to play guitar?'' Glenn suddenly asked. ''Dale found a cool one. Somebody's gotta know how to play.

''Otis did'' Patriacia solemly said. Oh god, Harley thought.

''Yes, and he was very good too,'' Hershel added, sending a glare to Glenn.

Harley leaned closer to Glenn and whispered in his ear, ''Way to go Glenn. You got Santa mad at you.''

''How was I supposed to know?'' Glenn cried to her making Harley's lip curl up. After a moment he spoke up again in a very quiet whisper.

''Do you think I'm on the naughty list? Or go to hell?''

Harley choked on her food gaining a few odd looks. She coughed, waving them off. When the attention went away she stomped on Glenn's foot making him wince. They whispered insults to each other for a few minutes until a hand landed on Harley's making her freeze.

Harley looked from Glenn to her hand then followed the hand to the person's face. Maggie had a small smile on her face and motioned to her hand. She opened it and passed a note that Harley grabbed.

Harley frowned at first wondering where the hell did she get the paper from but shook it off. She opened the note and it read 'Can we talk?' Harley looked up to her, giving her a soft smile and nodding. Maggie smiled back at her but it quickly faded when she looked past Harley, mostly likely at the very angry Hershel.

After, what was probably the most awkward dinner in history, Harley found herself wandering the farm. A flashlight in hand, shining it at the soft grass below her feet. The sky was pitch black apart from the glistening stars scattered across it. She wasn't sure when Maggie wanted to talk so a stroll around was her plan to pass the time.

She was walking past the barn when the doors suddenly shook. Harley frowned but continued walking. Just when she was about to take another step, it happened again. The doors had a barricade and a lock on them, so Harley climbed the ladder on the side of the barn. She scrunched her nose up when a rotten smell hit her nose. When she climbed to the top a familiar sound of growling was heard from inside. She shined the flashlight down below revealing a group of walkers.

''What in the tarnation.'' Harley gasps. There was no way these people willingly kept walkers in a barn. Did they not understand how dangerous they were? She quickly made an exit when a few walkers seemed to sense her presence and climbed back down the ladder. Backing away, she turned and jumped back in shock when she saw Maggie standing there, her eyes filled with terror.

''You weren't supposed to see this.'' She says quietly, panic evident in her tone.

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