ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

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Once the pair calmed down from Maggie's near-death experience, they quickly headed back to the farm. None of them spoke during the journey but every now and then Harley would glance at Maggie in concern. She knew what Maggie was feeling. The first time coming close to dying and even Harley was terrified at first.

When they reached the farm, Maggie was basically radiating with anger, something Harley didn't think was possible. Maggie stormed onto the land, slamming the gate behind her, and stalked up to Lori.

''Hey! We got your stuff!'' Maggie shouted, not stopping on her warpath.

''Oh no. oh no-no-no. Maggie! Remember, say it don't spray it!'' Harley said, trying to keep up with the fuming woman.

Lori spots the duo walking towards her, unknowing of the anger Maggie held. ''Come on in here'' She points to her tent.

''Why? nothing to hide. we got your special delivery right here. we got your lotion, got your conditioner, your soap opera digest!'' Maggie glares, stopping in front of her.


Maggie shoves the items into Lori's chest making her stumble back. ''Net time you want something, get it your damn self. were not you errand boys.''

''Honey, I-'' Lori pleads.

''And here's your damn abortion pills'' She drops them on the floor next to a speechless Lori and walks off.

Harley tears her eyes away from Maggie and to Lori. She might agree with Maggie but she did feel bad for Lori. She was scared to ask Rick or Shane and she had Carl to take care of.

Harley sighs, glancing at her apologetically, ''I'm so sorry Lori''

''It's okay honey, I should be the one apologizing.'' Lori sends her a small, sad smile.

''no, don't apologize. But I am going to chase after her, I think she might actually be leaving a trail of fire.'' Harley awkwardly points to a still angry Maggie in the distance. Lori nods, sending her a thankful smile, and heads back to her tent.

Harley jogs up to Maggie and slows her pace the closer she gets. Tentatively she takes small steps until she's only a few meters away, ''I have no idea what that was but wow didn't know you had it in you.'' Harley jokes nervously.

Maggie turns around and raises her brows, ''Which part? The part where that bitch almost got us killed?''

''Don't blame Lori, she's scared. Blame me, it's my fault.'' Harley looks down at the ground. She looks up when she hears a scoff and gulps at the disbelief on Maggie's face.

''Right right. Take the blame. You know, for a smart girl, you're really stupid.'' Maggie sighs angrily, shaking her head.

Harley frowns, ''Was that a compliment? I don't know if I should be hurt or happy but-Maggie ignores her, takes a few steps closer, and grabs the back of her neck pulling her in for a kiss.

Harley's brain malfunctions.

She stays frozen on the spot, forgetting the part where she was supposed to kiss back. Just when Maggie goes to pull away, Harley regains her bearings and reciprocates the kiss. her lips move softly with Maggie's, her stomach exploding with butterflies.

After a minute, Maggie pulls away allowing them both to catch their breath. She moves her hands from Harleys to her cheeks and looks her in the eye, ''I've already lost three of the people I care about the most in this world-''


''Shut up-''

''Yes Ma'am''

''You're smart. You're brave. You're a leader and in your own words perfect. But you don't know it. And your friends don't want to know it. They'd rather have you and Glenn fetching their peaches. There's a dead guy in the well? Send Harley down. Your walker bait. I can't take you becoming one of them.'' Maggie says sharply but the softness in her eyes was enough to make Harley relax.

Harley was left speechless, gaping at Maggie.

Maggie removes her hands from her face and walks back to the house. Harley snaps out of her daze, ''Wait. what does this mean? I don't know what this means.'' She pouts.

Maggie chuckles, the sound making Harley's heart flutter, ''You really are a clueless puppy aren't you''

''Well you did grope me'' Harley scoffs making Maggie roll her eyes.

''I hardly touched you. Let me ask your innocent little brain this.'' She bites her lip, tilting her head, ''Do you think I go around kissing people for no reason?''

Harley stares at her confused. ''Wha-'' Her eyes widen in realization, she grins, ''You like me''

''Unfortunately'' Maggie rolls her eyes.

Harley smiles sheepishly at her, ''I could, quite possibly-

''You like me to. I gathered.'' Maggie smiles, amused.

''Wow. Ruin the surprise don't you.'' Harley frows, ''So, what happens now?''

''We take it day by day and see what happens.'' Maggie smiles.

''Kool,'' Harley says trying to keep her excitement at bay.

Maggie sends her a wink and walks away. Once she's out of sight Harley erupts in a huge smile and fist bumps the air. After a moment of cheering, she heads to camp in search of her brother.

''Glenn!'' She calls out, running around the camp, ''Glenny! Get your skinny ass over here!''

''Language!'' A voice calls out behind her. Harley whips around and she grins, ''Sorry Sherrif Jr. Have you seen Glenn?''

''He's in his tent.'' Carl points to the area where her and Glenn's tents are. Harley sends him a thumbs up and bolts over.

She rips open the flap, scaring Glenn, and jumps on him.

''What the hell!'' Glenn squeals.

''You will never guess what happened'' Harley tells him, not moving from the uncomfortable position on top of him making him grumble.

''Well...'' Glenn trails.

''Maggie kissed me-''

''What!'' Glenn shouts, smiling widely. He throws her off him and sits up. ''Maggie. Kissed you?''

Harley throws him a glare and sits up, ''I know right? Can you imagine the embarrassment if you got kissed before me?'' Harley frowns in thought, ignoring Glenn's shocked face.

''I'm just going to forget that you said that. You better not mess it up with her, I can tell you really like her.'' Glenn squints at her.

''I do. I really really do,'' Harley grins to herself. She couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach. The feeling of Maggie's lips on hers was amazing. They stayed in silence, basking in the happy aura. After a minute, Harley speaks up.

''So who did you tell? We both know you cracked under the pressure.'' Harley questions.

''I didn't tell anyone.'' Glenn lies, shaking his head while Harley stares at him blankly. He sighs, accepting defeat, ''Fine, I told Dale.''

''I knew it. He gave you that look that right?'' Glenn nods. ''It's like he can sniff out your deepest darkest secrets, it's scary. Stupid Dale.'' Harley grumbles, pouting.

''We have to tell the group. Dale said it's the right thing to do, and it's killing me keeping secrets.'' Glenn sighs.

''I know. But I don't want to betray Maggie's trust. She's really scary when she's mad.'' Harley mumbles sadly, leaning her head on Glenn's shoulder.

Glenn sighs, hating seeing his sister sad. Every time he would see her hurt or upset, it was an instinct to cheer her up. He wraps his arms around her, bringing her into a hug lovingly. ''Don't worry, I'll tell the group.''

Harley shuffles closer to him, relaxing in his embrace. She lets her eyes flutter close and allows any feelings to wash away for the time being. She felt safe being in Glenn's arms, she felt like nothing could harm her.

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