~Chapter 1~

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⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️- This book will contain: abuse, self-harm, gun violence, and swearing

imagine Billie however you want i don't have a specific year in this so whatever hair color you want to imagine her with, go for it :)

also, some of the stuff in this book are stuff that I have/do deal with so this is based off of my experience with certain things but not everything


I woke up to my sister yelling my name trying to wake me up. I groan out of frustration.

"Amara get your ass up, we have to get ready for school and I don't wanna be late" she yells

"ok ok geez I'm getting up" I say sitting up in bed, I rub my eyes and yawn while my sister walks out and shuts the door.

I slowly get out of bed knowing that if I stand too quickly I'll probably end up falling on my ass. once I'm up I walk to my closet and pick out an oversized shirt with some baggy jeans and I go into my bathroom and take a quick shower, once I'm done I brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup, and all the other little things. then once I'm finished I put on my Jordan 4's in black and white and I grab my phone and backpack and head to my sister's room.

I walk up to her door and knock "yo you ready to go?" I say.

I hear a bit of shuffling before she says "yeah give me a sec let me put my shoes on"

"ok I'll be waiting by the door" I say, I walk downstairs and wait by the door.

my sister and I have a great relationship we fight sometimes but all siblings do, it's just part of it. she's my best friend, I tell her everything and she tells me everything. our dad was abusive, my mom divorced him when I was 6 and my sister Macie was 4, it was for the better though he put us through so much shit, he used to choke and slap my mom all the time just because he didn't get his way or when he would be mad about something even if it didn't involve us. when my mom tried to fight back it would just get worse, he would start punching her all the time and he would do it in front of us traumatizing me and Macie. although that was a long time ago, we can never forget or forgive him for what he did, he's abused me and my sister also but that's a story for another time.

a few seconds later Macie comes running down the stairs.

"hurry up I don't wanna be late" she says

"shut the fuck up we have time" I laugh.

we walk out the door and I make sure to lock it before walking to my car, as we're walking I notice a new family is moving all their stuff into the house next door, after a few minutes of watching them me, and my sister get into my car, and once we're buckled I put my key in and start my car, then I text my mom telling her we're headed to school. if you're wondering why I'm texting her this, that's because she has to go to work super early before we wake up, so she's never home when we get ready for school.

I plug my phone into the aux cord and BABY GIRL by Disco Lines starts playing, me and my sister just jam to that until it's over, and then we jam to songs from Tyler The Creator, Childish Gambino, The Strokes, and Kanye West until we get to school.

(A/N- I know Billie likes all of them but I genuinely just picked them bc I like all of their music)

I pull up to the school and park, I turn my car off and me and my sister get out and we walk up to the front of the school and walk through the doors but before me and her part ways I tell her "love you be good, and if anyone tries to mess with you text me and I'll come fuck someone up for you" I grin

"Ok I will dumbass, love you too" she laughs as she walks away to her friends, I start walking to my locker and my best friend Haley walks up to me

"hey girl how you been?" she says

"I've been good, how about you?" I reply

"I've been amazing this super cute boy just asked me out and he looks like harry styles!!" she squeals

"wow that's great, now I don't have to hear you complain about wanting to date someone all the time" I laugh.

she glares at me and then says "yeah yeah whatever but you need to find someone too because you are way too lonely, the only people you hang out with are me and your sister and that's sad" she says with a serious look

"Ok wow but I don't care honestly, I'm not interested in anyone here so why would I get with someone I don't like, just to say I'm with them" I shrug.

after I said that the bell rings and we head to class.


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