~Chapter 11~

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It's currently 5 am, I didn't sleep at all last night. I keep repeating everything that happened in my head, and I can't stop thinking about it. I can't believe he did that I mean I knew he was an asshole but I didn't think he would take it as far as raping me.
I need to get up for school though. I crawl out of bed and pick an outfit, I decided to go with something simple and comfy because I'm not really feeling it today so I grabbed a hoodie and some ripped jeans.

 I crawl out of bed and pick an outfit, I decided to go with something simple and comfy because I'm not really feeling it today so I grabbed a hoodie and some ripped jeans

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I grab my phone, charger, and AirPods. I put them in my backpack and headed to Macie's room. I knock on the door and I don't hear anything so I just decide to walk in, as I open the door I see Macie still asleep. I start shaking her and she groans

"go awayyy" she says

"get up we have to leave for school soon" I say

"ugh fine" she says as she pushes me away

I walk out and go into the kitchen, I look in the fridge but I don't feel that hungry.

I'll eat later  I tell myself

I just sat on the couch and stared at the wall until she was done.

20 minutes later she comes downstairs and had her makeup done and everything, I've never understood how she was able to do everything so fast. we start walking towards the door and head to my car, once we're in I plug my phone in and play Swerve City by Deftones, me and Macie love this song.

once we get to school I go straight to my locker and get my stuff, I go to class and just sit there with my head down on my desk.

about 3 minutes later Billie walks in and sits beside me, I lift my head up and look at her and then put it back down. she's silent for a minute then she says

"you okay?"

"yeah I'm fine" I turn my head to look at her

"Are you sure? because I'm here if you wanna talk" she says

"yeah I'm fine, thanks" I say

"it's no problem" she gives me a soft smile

I put my head back down and zoned out repeating the events that happened last night for the 100th time. about 5 minutes later the teacher walks in so I sit up and try my best to pay attention.


I'm not feeling hungry so I text Haley and tell her I have some schoolwork to work on and that I'll be in the library, she said she would eat with Brayden again instead since I'm not coming.

I walk to the bathroom and walk in the stalls, I decide to just sit in here until lunch is over.

a few minutes later I get up and walk out of the bathroom, I really don't want to be hanging out in that dirty bathroom. I start walking to where the doors to the outside tables are but then someone grabs my hand and stops me...

"what are you doing let go of me!" I yell

"don't fight me bitch" he says

"what do you want, let me go" I say

"stay away from Billie, she's MINE!" he yells angrily

"first of all she's not yours, you don't own her, and two you can't control who I can and can't hang out with" I reply

instead of saying something he yanks my arm and pushes me against the wall, he grabs my neck and starts choking me.

"GO!" he yells and 2 other boys walk out and run towards us

they start punching me HARD, one punches me in the stomach and one punches me in the face, I try to get them off of me but it's no use, they are all on the football team so they are a lot stronger than me. I just give up and stand there feeling helpless, they just keep hitting me over and over until they have blood on their hands.

they finally stop and let go of me, I fall straight to the ground and they just scoff and laugh at me, they walk away and leave me laying on the ground covered in bruises and blood.

I just lay there and try to relax, but then I see Billie walking down the hall and I start panicking, She can't see me like this  I tell myself

she sees me and starts running as fast as she can.

"oh my god what happened?!" she asks worried

"Nothing I'm fine" I say

"you're not fine Amara who did this?" she asks angrily

"it doesn't matter I'll deal with it, can you just help me to my car" I ask

"it does matter and we'll figure this out, but first you're coming with me, I'm not letting you drive especially by yourself" she says and helps me up.

"fine" I reply

she helps me to her car and shuts the door once I'm settled. we start driving and she plays some light music in the background.

"do you wanna talk about it?" she asks

"not really, sorry" I say

"It's fine I was just checking, I'm here if you do want to though" she says and looks at me quickly

"thanks" I say and then it's silent again but not an awkward silence.

we pull up to her house and she helps me out, we walk to the door and she leads me to the bathroom. she helps me up on the counter and grabs a first aid kit from the cabinet. she cleans me up and helps me back down, she leads me to her room and tells me to lay down on her bed.

"you wanna just stay and hang out here?" she asks

"Sure" I say

she grabs her laptop and searches for shows and movies

"what do you wanna watch?" she asks

"I don't care, you pick" I say

"ouu okay" she says a smirks

she puts on the office and sets the laptop in between me and her, we sit there in peaceful silence and watch the show.

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