~Chapter 16~

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I'm so glad school is over, billie made it more enjoyable but other than that it was boring as fuck. macie is staying at her friend's house tonight so she's riding with them.

as I'm pulling into the driveway I see another car here, it looks familiar but I can't remember why it seems so familiar.

I get out of my car and lock it, I walk up to the door with my stuff and use the keys to unlock the door but it's already unlocked. I probably should've guessed that it would be since a car is in the driveway. I open the door and walk in and am immediately welcomed by my dad.

"hey baby I'm glad your home" he smirks

I immediately tense up and stay frozen in my place not knowing how to react, the longer I stare at him the more everything comes flooding back to my memory.

"Are you gonna come give your dad a hug or just stand there like an idiot" he scoffs

"I actually have a lot of homework I should go do I'll see you later" I say and try to walk upstairs but before I reach them he yanks my wrist and pulls me to him.

"you're not going anywhere until I say you can leave"

"I'm not finished with you" he adds and has this evil grin on his face. at that moment I knew things were not going to go well.


he yanks my backpack off and throws it on the floor, I hear something crack and I have a feeling it was probably my phone. he then pushes me onto the couch and starts taking his belt off. he ties up my hand behind my back and unzips his pants, I try to scream and kick him off of me but that makes him mad so he pulls out a handkerchief and ties it over my mouth he then holds me down to try and stop me from kicking.

"if you don't behave I'm going to punish you more, do you want daddy to punish you more?" he smirks but all I see is evil in his face. I shake my head and start sobbing knowing what's about to happen next.

he slaps me across the face and spreads my legs he then pulls down his underwear and starts putting himself into me I sob and sob which makes me mad again and he smacks my thighs as hard as he could because he knew that was one place nobody would see he continued to go in and out of me happy with what he's doing, at that point, I just felt numb I couldn't feel anything anymore. I didn't wanna feel anything anymore.

after he was done he pulled up his underwear and put his pants back on but once he was down he started hitting me again when he finally stopped he held a strong grip on my wrist and looked dead into my eyes and said.

"don't you dare say shit to ANYONE about this or next time it'll be worse" he yelled and walked right out of the door locking it behind him.

I lay there for an hour staring at the ceiling feeling numb, wondering why this happened, why me what did I do to deserve this?

I finally got up and grabbed my stuff, I walked upstairs and sat everything on the bed. I felt disgusting and used so I grabbed some clothes and went to shower.

when I shut the door I sat down my clothes on the counter and stood in front of the mirror staring at my body, I stared at the marks and tears slipped down my face thinking about what just happened not even 20 minutes ago. I was tired of looking at myself so I turned on the water and had it steaming hot, I hopped in the shower and stood under the boiling water. I scrubbed my body raw trying to get the feeling of his hands off of me but it was no use . the more I cried the more I thought about it so I turned the water off and got out.

once I was dressed I just lay in bed and stared at the wall. I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.

-the next morning-

I woke up and looked at the time it was 5:30 am so I still had some time to lie here. I heard a knock on the door and tensed up.

"hey honey, how'd you sleep? you were passed out by the time I got home, you must be exhausted from school" my mom quietly says, I sigh in relief.

"yeah yesterday was tiring, are you leaving soon?" I ask

"yes I'm about to leave, I made breakfast if you want any?" she smiles

"no it's ok I'll pass I'm not that hungry this morning, you can have it for tomorrow if you want" I shrug

"ok, sweetie but if you change your mind don't hesitate to eat it ok? you can have as much as you want. I gotta go but I'll see you later love you" she smiles

"love you" I say back as she shuts the door

I sigh and start getting ready for school.

I still have a couple of minutes before I have to leave so I just sit at the counter and zone out staring at the wall.

I wish I could go to sleep and never wake up again.

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