~Chapter 12~

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(not dark red by steve lacy playing while I wrote this part👀)


Billie's POV

I put on The Office because it's my favorite show ever, but I can't pay attention. she's all I can think about I mean she was covered in blood and bruises how can I just forget that happened. I'm really worried if I'm being honest, I don't want her to get hurt but I wish she would just talk to me. even though I haven't known her for very long, I care a lot about her and I feel this connection with her that makes me just want to protect her and take care of her. she's so sweet and caring, she doesn't deserve any of this.

"how come you're not watching this? you are the one who picked it out" she laughs

"I just have a lot on my mind right now" I say

"Well tell me, what's on your mind?"

"as long as your comfortable telling me of course" she adds

"I'm just worried about you, whoever did that got you really good and I don't want that to happen again"

"you don't deserve that" I say

"Like I said before...I will handle it okay? don't worry" she assures me

"I guess but please talk to me if something like this happens again, promise?" I sigh

"ok ok, promise" she says

then she turns to face the tv again and continues watching the office.

-3 Hours later-

"hey my mom just texted me and said I need to come home" she says

"oh ok that's fine"

"I'll walk you out" I reply

she grabs her stuff and walks out of my room, I follow her and we stop at the door.

"Are you leaving Amara?" my mom asks

"yeah my mom wants me home" Amara tells her

"oh ok, well come back anytime" she smiles at Amara

"ok thanks maggie" Amara replies

"get home safe" mom yells

"I will" she says back

"I guess I better go" she adds

"yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" I say

"yeah see ya" she waves

she walks away and starts heading to her house, I watch her and make sure she gets to her door. after that, I go straight to my room and continue to watch the office.

Amara's POV

"welcome home Amara, glad you're finally back" my mom teases

"oh my god Amara what happened to your face" she gasps

"I don't wanna talk about it" I say

"ok but we are discussing this later" she points her finger at me

"anyways, what are we having for dinner?" I ask my mom

"I was thinking maybe vegan burritos tonight?" she asks

"ok sure I'm gonna go to my room and change, let me know when it's ready" I say

"well obviously I'll tell you when it's ready, I'm not going to just not tell you" my mom laughs

I laugh too and head up to my room, I change into some shorts and a baggy shirt and scroll on TikTok until dinner is ready.

10 minutes later macie comes into my room and sits at the end of my bed.

"I heard what happened, are you okay? who did this to you?" she asks

"I don't want to discuss this right now okay?" I say

"ok ok fine" she says

"so what did you and your girl do?" she teases

"for the last time, we are just friends" I tell her

"for now" she says and I slap her shoulder

she laughs and says "but really what did yall do?"

"nosy much" I joke

"but we didn't really do anything she helped clean me up and stuff and then we watched a show on her laptop" I say

"wow that's boring" she rolls her eyes

"not really, even if we were just sitting there it was still fun and enjoyable just being there with her" I shrug my shoulders

"weirdo" she replies

"girls dinner is ready!!" mom yells from downstairs

we both stand up and head downstairs to eat, luckily my dad isn't here tonight so I don't have to worry about that tonight.


(sorry for the short chapter but I have a headache and I've been trying to ignore it for the past 3 hours but it's just getting worse lol, I also don't have any ideas for this chapter)

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