~Chapter 4~

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-The next day-

"So today, I will be picking partners for an assignment. This will count as 40% of your grade, so I suggest you pay attention" the teacher says.

"Ok, so I'm gonna call out the names who are partnered together" she says

I hope I don't get Leah she's basically the school's Regina George

"so let's see, Leah and..."

"Jace, you guys will be partners" and then she continued until my name. "Amara..."

"and Billie" she finished, I froze immediately, and then my cheeks started to heat up, I'm gonna be partnered with the one person who makes it difficult for me to focus, this is gonna be hard. Billie turns around and smirks at me, she notices my cheeks heating up and winks at me before turning back around. I started to get butterflies and I was so embarrassed she saw me I just put my hands over my face and sat there while the teacher was talking, I eventually uncovered my face so my teacher didn't say anything to me, that would definitely embarrass me even more.

-After class-

The bell rings and I grab my stuff and get ready to leave but Billie steps in front of me stopping me I almost fall backward but she grabs my arms and holds me up so I don't fall, once I'm standing straight again she lets go of me and laughs a little

"umm, can I help you?" I say, she looks deep into my eyes and says "actually yes, give me your phone"

"why? why, should I give you my phone I don't even know you?" I say

"just give it to me mamas" she looks deeper into my eyes if that's even possible.

I give her my phone and she types something as her phone pings, she hands it back to me and I see she put her number in my phone and texted herself.

"You could've just asked me for my number you know?" I say

"well what's the fun in that" she smirks

"also why did you put your contact name as daddy?" I say

"Because I can" she grins,

wow, she has a pretty smile, I start blushing and she quickly notices. She just laughs and says "don't forget to text me baby girl" and walks away leaving me frozen in place, my phone started ringing, it was Haley.

I slide the answer thing and she says "bitch where are you?!"

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I slide the answer thing and she says "bitch where are you?!"

"Sorry, I'm coming now, I'll be right there"

"ok well hurry up idiot" she says

"ok ok, I am bye" I say and hang up.

I walk to my locker and she's standing there waiting for me when I walk up she says "ok so you gonna explain what took you so long, I had to wait forever" she groans

"dramatic much? anyways...Billie and I are partners in a project and when I was trying to leave she stopped me and put her number in my phone, that's all" I say

"omg, no way! You got her number!! You totally like her!!" she says

"what no what are you talking about, just because I was looking at her this morning doesn't mean I like her, and also technically I didn't get her number, she just put it in my phone herself" I say back

"Whatever, but I saw you this morning you were blushing and shit and you got all flustered when she noticed you and smirked at you" she says giving me and knowing look

"I was not!!" I say

"ha yes you were I saw it with my own eyes" she laughs at me"

"whatever" I say and look away, the bell rings and we head off to class.

-After School-

Me and my sister are walking out the school doors with Haley but then Billie calls my name and I turn around and see her walking toward me, Haley says bye to me and walks away while winking at me, I roll my eyes at her and say bye back then my sister asks for my car keys and said "I'm going to go sit in the car while you guys talk" and gives me a look smirking, so I give them to her and she walks off.

"Hi, Billie what's up?" I say

"you're coming to my house tonight, we have to work on that project." she says and licks her lips

"oh yeah, I'll have to check with my mom and make sure that's ok but text me your address, and I'll come over after I drop my sister off" I say

"ok shorty, see you later" she winks and walks off, I walk back to my car all flustered and my sister notices it

"what's got you all flustered" she smirks

"nothing I don't know what you're talking about" I lie

"Yeah, ok." she says sarcastically.

I call my mom and she answers and says "hey honey what is it?"

"is it ok if I go to this girl from school's house? We have to work on a project together since we're partners" I say

"yeah that's fine just make sure your sister is ok with staying by herself until I get home and make sure the door is locked" she says

"Ok I will, love you" I say

"Love you too, bye" she says and hangs up, I pull out of the school and start driving home.

"I'm guessing you heard that, so are you ok with staying home?" I ask Macie

"yeah that's fine, go hang out with your girlfriend" she jokes and laughs

"she's not my girlfriend" I say seriously

"maybe not yet but you wish she was" she smirks again

"I do not! And even if I did that's never gonna happen" I say

"yeah she's too cool for you" she says trying not to laugh

"wow I hate you so much" I say

"I hate you more" she says back and lets out a laugh.


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