~Chapter 6~

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I woke up to my alarm blaring just like every other morning, and I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower, when I got out, I put my clothes on and got ready for school.

I grab my backpack and my phone and head to Macie's room, I walk up to her door and knock. "I'm almost ready hold on" she yells from behind the door. I start walking downstairs and just sit on the couch and start watching TikTok on my phone just like I did yesterday. Macie comes running down the stairs and walks up to the door, she turns around and looks at me, I get up and walk to the door and we start walking out, I shut the door and lock it and get into my car, I turn it on and plug my phone into the aux cord, the song POCKET ROCKET by Cochise started playing and I pull out of the driveway and start heading to school.

I pull into the school parking lot and park, I unplug my phone and turn my car off, I then grab my keys and backpack and get out of the car after we get out I make sure to lock it. Me and Macie start heading to the front of the school and I spot Haley standing near the doors waiting for us, she sees us and starts running towards us.

"hey guys" Haley says

"hey" me and Macie say

Haley brings us in for a group hug and we start walking inside, Macie walks off to her friends. Me and Haley start walking towards our lockers, we grab our books and talk while we get to class, once we get close to our classes we say bye to each other and head our separate ways.

I walk into the class and sit in my spot in the back, while I wait for the teacher I just scroll on Twitter and look at a bunch of memes. a couple of minutes later Billie walks in and sits beside me, she puts her stuff down and turns to me, I turn my head to look at her and say "why are you staring at me for?"

"I'm not staring at you" Billie says

"then how do you explain that" I point a finger at her

"It's not staring it's admiring" she smirks

"well can you admire someone else" I say

"I can...but I don't want to" she says back

I roll my eyes at her and continue scrolling on my phone, eventually, she turns back facing forward and pulls out her phone too. a few minutes later the teacher walks in and starts the lesson, we put our phones away and try to pay attention to the boring lesson.

Billie takes a piece of paper and starts writing something on it, when she's done writing she throws it at me. I give her a confused look and she points down to the paper, I start to open it and read it.

Hi I'm bored :) - Billie

"you seriously just wrote a note and threw it at me, to say you're bored?" I whisper

she just nods her head and puts her attention back on the teacher, I just roll my eyes and put the note in my backpack. I continue to pay attention to the lesson and occasionally write notes in my notebook.

after class I walk to my locker and wait for Haley, I see her walking over and wave. she opens her locker and puts her books in, and then closes it. she turns her body to me and says "so anything new?"

"I mean not really, I've talked to Billie some but other than that same old same old" I shrug my shoulders.

"dude you talked to Billie!!"

"tell me EVERYTHING" she says

so I tell her about finding out Billie lives next door, how I went to her house to study and then her mom asked me to stay for dinner, how she wrote me that note in class and threw it at me just because she was bored, basically just everything that happened.

(sorry this chapter was shorter)

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