~Chapter 9~

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I'm just sitting in class zoning out like usual when someone taps my shoulder. I turn my head and see it's Billie.

"oh hey Billie" I say

"hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to work on the project today" she asks

"yeah sure, you can come to mine since we did at yours last time" I say

"ok cool, see you later" she winks and turns back in her seat

I turn my head back to face the board and try to pay attention to the lesson. once I figure out what we're doing I write notes in my notebook, luckily I understand it so I know what I'm doing which happens very rarely.


I'm sitting at the lunch table with Haley and were sitting with some of her friends, I've met them but most of them are preppy girls and jocks, and that's not really the kind of people I want to be friends with...

"dude the new girl Billie is so fine bro" one of the jocks says

"I know right, I'd so tap that" another says, then they dab each other up

I roll my eyes in annoyance. that's all they ever talk about, it's always about girls they wanna fuck and it's so disgusting. Why can they not just have normal conversations like everyone else?! I get tired of listening to them so I lean down and get my backpack so I can eat at the tables outside but when I look up I see Billie walking up to our table with her lunch tray.

"hey Amara" she says as she walks to my side of the table

"uh hey bil, what's up?" I say

"I don't really know anyone so I was wondering if I could eat lunch with you" she replys

"of course, I was just about to go outside and sit out there so if you want you can come sit with me there, it would be nice to have the company" I laugh

she laughs and says "ok bet"

I grab my stuff and notice everyone at our table is looking at us, I roll my eyes and stand up. me and Billie start walking out of the cafeteria and walk down the halls to the doors that lead to the outside tables. we find one that's empty and sit our trays down and start eating.

"so you friends with all of them?" she asks

"hell no, I mean no offense but I do not want friends who are preppy girls and jocks, the only person I'm friends with at that table is Haley" I reply

"yeah I get you, I wouldn't either if I'm being honest" she says

"well prepare yourself because apparently everyone is obsessed with you so I guarantee they are going to try and become besties with you" I let out a soft laugh and shake my head

"Good to know" she laughs

we hear the bell ring so we stand up and throw away our garbage in the trash can outside. we walk inside and start walking to our classes since don't have the same class after lunch.

-After School-

"hey Amara" my mom calls

"yeah mom" I reply and walk to the kitchen where she's at

"can you get your sister down here we need to talk" she says

"uh yeah ok" I reply

I walk upstairs and open Macie's door, I walk over to her bed and sit down in front of her.

"Mom wants us downstairs to talk" I sigh

"oh ok well let's go I guess" she says

we walk downstairs and see mom sitting at the table so we sit down with her

"so um since me and your dad are back together he's going to start coming over here more, in fact he's coming over here tonight to eat dinner with us" she says

"no way, mom are you actually serious right now?!" I say

"yeah you can't just let him come over to our house that easily" Macie says

"guys stop, I've been seeing him a lot and he acts fine I'm sure he's better, and he's coming anyways so you'll just have to deal with it" she says

"once you get to know him again you'll see exactly what I mean" she takes a deep breath

"ok whatever, I'm going to my room" I say while standing up, Macie follows behind me and we walk back upstairs to our room.


(sorry for the short chapter, I'll have more tomorrow I promise I just have a really busy day today and don't have time to make it longer)

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