~Chapter 15~

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(it's been like 2 weeks since I last updated I'm sorry 😭 it's a lot harder than I thought it would be, to update every day and also do school so I apologize but I'm going to try my best. from now on I'm just gonna update whenever I'm able to 💀)

Oh and also I might end this book soon, I'm just gonna try and finish it and be done with it bc this story is actually so basic and boring and literally like every other fanfic so I'm going to finish this one as soon as I can and start writing better ones.

I woke up this morning feeling pretty great, I ended up waking up an hour early so I was able to get breakfast for me and Macie. luckily she gets the same thing every time so I can just order what she usually gets.
I went to McDonald's and got pancakes and a hash brown then I got macie a bacon egg and cheese biscuit, then we both got a Carmel frappuccino.

I pull into the driveway and turn my car off, I grab all the food and head inside to wake macie up so we can eat. I sit the bag of food on the table and head upstairs to Macie's door, I knock but it's silent so I just walk in. I see her asleep so I start shaking her to wake her up.

"macie wake up" I say while shaking her

she groans and says "go away"

"I got us food" I say

she sits up immediately and then gets out of bed and runs out of her room so I'm guessing she's going downstairs.

I laugh to myself and head downstairs also, when I get down there I see her already going through the bag and taking her food out. I walk over and grab mine and we head to the table to eat.

"you are amazing" she says while taking a bite of her food

I laugh and say "I know"

we finish our food and throw it away, I check the time and see that we have 30 minutes until we have to leave, luckily I already got dressed before I left so I just have to grab my backpack.

"hurry up macie you gotta get ready, we have to leave in 30 minutes" I tell her

"ok ok I'm going" she rolls her eyes

she walks upstairs and I sit on the couch and scroll on my phone like I always do.

macie comes running downstairs and heads to the door, I follow after her and we get in my car. once we're settled I plug my phone in the aux cord and play I Hate U by SZA. I pull out and head to school.

once we get to school we do what we usually do, split up and find our friends but as I'm walking to my locker I see Billie standing there waiting at my locker on her phone. I walk up and she looks up to see me, once she realizes it's me she puts her phone in her pocket and smiles at me, I smile back and ask her what she's doing at my locker.

"I don't know I just figured I would walk with you to class or something" she shrugs

"yeah sure" I laugh and grab my books

once I'm done we talk for a little bit until the bell rings and head to our classes.

it's currently lunch time and Billie asked me if I wanted to ditch so I agreed, we are now walking to her car, she opens the door for me and then heads to her side.

"where do you wanna go?" she turns to ask me

"um I don't know you pick" I say

"ok bet, we're going to taco bell" she replies with a grin on her face

"what do you want?" she asks me

"just get me a quesadilla, and cheese fries with a sweet tea" I say

she orders our food and pulls out, I thought she would park in the parking lot or something but pulled out and started driving somewhere else.

"Billie where are we going?" I ask her

"it's a surprise" she smirks

I groan and look out the window while listening to music playing in the background.

"ok we're here" she says

I looks around a notice we are at a hidden beach, it looked like no one was here.

she grabs the food and opens her door to get out, I open my door also before she gets the chance to come to my side and we walk down to the beach.

"wait wouldn't we have to sit on the sand?" I ask her

"no luckily there are some chairs down here" she says

"oh ok good" I reply

we walk to the chairs and sit down, she opens the bag and hands me my food, then grabs her own. we just sit there and eat our food while enjoying the view in front of us.

"so why did you want me to ditch with you?" I ask Billie

"I don't know I think you're cool and I wanted to hang out with you again" she shrugs

"that's so cute" I giggle

"shut up" she blushes but quickly turns her head

"I guess we should go back to school since lunch is almost over" she sighs

"yeah I guess you're right" I say while looking at the time on my phone

we grab our garbage and put it in the taco bell bag, we then start heading to the car and drive back to school.

(yeah boring I know but stuff will be coming soon for real this time!!)

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