✘ Prologue ✘

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13 years ago

3rd person POV

The baby monitor beeped through the intercoms set in each room of the mansion waking Camilla Bianchi's dreamless sleep, she looked around at the sun peeking through the bedroom and a smile slipped onto her face when she thought of her family, her life was a blessing for her, the biggest blessing she could ever have, she had a loving husband and 8 perfect children

The baby monitor beeped again and Camilia tried to get up from her bed, but a heavy arm was holding her down. She looked across the bed to see her sleeping husband Romeo holding her down. She tried to get up again but his arm wouldn't move an inch.

" Romeo" she whispered softly

When she saw he wasn't moving she shook him softly calling his name, at last, she lost her temper

"Romeo Bianchi!"

Startled Romeo opened his eyes and looked at his pissed-off wife staring him down

"amore mio let me hold you for 5 more minutes" Camila felt her gaze soften at his word, almost making her feel guilty for yelling


"The triplets are awake Romeo, we have to go before they hurt themselves or wake the other kids up"

Romeo sighed and let his wife go finally, but not before giving her a sweet kiss.

Camila slipped on some clothes and started walking to the triplet's room, she opened the door to the light grey room. There was one big bed in the middle where the triplets slept. There used to be 3 different beds but when the family checked in the morning, the triplets were always on the same bed, all together.

She walked up to the bed and saw them all fast asleep, warmth covered her heart,

Ares, Apollo and Athena

Her 3 triplets, it's been nearly 4 years since she had them but every time she sees any of her kids, she can't help but think how lucky she is.

She kept staring at them a bit more and she saw a slow smile creep up on Ares's face,

" aha caught you," she said while tickling him on his sides, he busted out laughing as Apollo and Athena opened their eyes and looked mad at ares

" Ares, you messed it upppp" Athena cried

" Yeah come on man," Apollo said angrily as his brother

" guys I couldn't help it" he mumbled looking a bit guilty

Athena got up hit him on his shoulder and hugged him tight

"It's alright"

" You thought you could prank me!" Camila snickered before, tickling all of them, they laughed as Romeo walked into the room

" a party? Really...without me ?" he joined the fun picking up Athena and tickling her

He kissed each of the triplets on the check and picked them all up.

The triplets were his world, and all his children were. He loved his family with all his heart but there was always this nagging in his chest saying something was not right. He always ignored it, for him it was pretty normal since he grew up in the mafia world. Being a Mafia Capo, he never experienced proper happiness that was until she came along


She is the love of his life, she gave him everything

Her love

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