✘ Chapter 5 ✘

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"The cuffs are too fucking tight," I tell him for the hundredth time, trust me when I say this but being locked up is not fun, right now I was in a different  questioning room than the others,  with an annoying as a hell police officer, who won't ...

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"The cuffs are too fucking tight," I tell him for the hundredth time, trust me when I say this but being locked up is not fun, right now I was in a different questioning room than the others, with an annoying as a hell police officer, who won't believe me when I said I didn't burn the house down

I mean I did but you know

"Well boo hoo," he says, not even looking up from his files, thank god he doesn't know about the ear-pieces yet, he comes over to me and stands over me, staring

"Look girl, you better talk now, since your friends aren't talking, did you burn down the building!?" His voice is so loud that it booms throughout the hollow room I'm in. The room is filled with a metal table in the middle and 2 chairs on each side.

"Yeah I did," I told him blandly, I was way too tired to make up a story right now

"What?" he looked quite shocked that I confessed that quick, but I don't have time to play cat and mouse right now, I need to get out of here, before he could say something else, the door busted open from its hinges, wood pieces flying around the room, and the metal hinges landing near the officer's legs

"Come on sis, let's get home," Ares said like we weren't in the middle of police questioning, he was standing right behind apollo, they both couldn't fit through the normal door frame, they looked like giants compared to it

As I expected

"Why did it take you so long, I got so bored here with Kevin" I faked annoyance as apollo came to me and pulled the metal cuffs, which quite easily broke in his muscular hands, I rubbed my sore wrists

Great now I have bruises

The police officer, well I'm going to call him Kevin, walked up chest to chest with apollo, and apollo being apollo, stared down at the officer 5'10 height,

"Yo-you can't just leave like that" he stammered, poor guy was shaking and apollo just smirked

"car's coming in 10, let's go, I told the others to leave, they were way too tired to be awake" good thing ares interrupted them and left the room, or Kevin would have wet his pant

"Let's not waste our time, thank you for your sweet hospitality Kevin"I winked at Kevin, and pulled apollo away from Kevin, we started laughing and walking to the door, but before we could open it Kevin interrupted us

"You can't leave, your parents are on the way to pick you up"

Apollo and I froze, we both looked at each other with dread, apollo went up to the officer again, this time looking down with a deadly expression, this time the officer looked down, his eyes met the floor, and his knees were shaking, I went up and grabbed the back of the officer hair

"What the fuck do you mean Kevin?!" apollo screamed right at, the officer's face

" th-they-" he stuttered

" don't fucking stutter!" I pulled the back of the officer's head, his eyes widened and fat tears rolled down from his eyes to his checks

" The police have your profile somehow, they called your parents to come to pick you up, they didn't say why though" he murmured, apollo moved from in front of him and I let go of his hair then Kevin ran out of the room like his pants were on fire. Apollo's eyes met mine, we were both thinking the same thing, he nodded at me

In a matter of seconds, we both bolted out of the room and met ares in the lobby, collecting our stuff, I took his hand and tried pulling him to the door but he wouldn't budge

"What's going on?!" he asked, his eyes panicked, I let go of his hand as apollo filled him in, running to the big police station doors, I tried opening them but somehow it was locked, I tried pulling the silver doors again with all my might, but somehow the door handle fell off, but the door didn't open, in a flash apollo and ares were helping me open the big metal door

"Are you fucking serious right now" I winced at apollos loud voice

"It's too fucking late, their outside, I have an idea" ares ran to the commissioner's office, me and apollo looked at each other puzzled

What the hell is he planning?

Ares came back in a few minutes with a bag full of clothes

" look, there's isn't any point of running away, they know were in us, and I know they won't rest until they find us-" he tried to explain but apollo cut him off


"Don't fucking yell at me, and no we're not going to stay- I mean yeah, but we're just for a bit, don't question me, just trust" ares finishes, glaring daggers at Apollo. Ares looked at me and smiled softly

"Okay, what do we do now?" I breathed out, I held apollos hand and squeezed it

A few mins later we were all in some random people's clothes, I was wearing some large graphic t-shirt with shorts that wear so big they looked like a skirt on me

Ares and apollo were wearing blank, black shirts from the party, just without the tie and suit blazer, and they were wearing their dress pants from the party because the men's clothes were disgusting.

"We have to act like, we weren't at the party, we're here because they caught us doing some graffiti, I already had a nice talk with the officers here," Ares told us while he was getting some graffiti spray cans, and prayed a few slices of paint on us, so it doesn't make family suspicious.

A police officer held me roughly by my arm, I was about to kick him, but ares stopped me saying

"It's all part of the plan"

" I'm gonna kill you if you give me a bruise." I glared at the officer and he started shaking. He led us to an empty prison cell and locked the door with us there.

We hear a bit of chatter outside and a voice booms through the place


My stomach drops apollo and ares look at me with comfort and a guard comes to unlock the door

"Come on your dad paid the bail," he says, I internally got myself ready, and started walking to the other rooms where my "dad" is waiting,

Opening the door my heart stopped as I saw 3 bulky men wearing black suits, it was Armani, Valentino and Romeo Bianchi. They looked way different in close-up. Armani and Valentino were as tall as Ares and Apollo. They had tattoos running up their arms and, Valentino had tattoos up to his neck leading to the dark black hair matching with Armani.

Romeo on the other hand, looks very very similar to Apollo, taller than Apollo and ares, with brown hair and a bulky body.

they stared at the three of us with adoration filled in their eyes and a big smile on their face, Romeo and my brother stepped towards us and Romeo tried to hug me I stepped back and in a flash ares and apollo were stood in front of me with their backs faced toward me.

"Stay away from my sister


there's so many errors in this

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