✘ Chapter 11 ✘

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Walking through the crystal clean hall of this mansion seemed like a maze or maybe it was just my heart beating too hard making me nervous but my thoughts fixed my nervousness

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Walking through the crystal clean hall of this mansion seemed like a maze or maybe it was just my heart beating too hard making me nervous but my thoughts fixed my nervousness

Clear you're fucking thoughts, Athena, you are the queen of the Mafia world, stop putting the outfit to shame!!

Thank the gods, I needed that.

I held my head up high and walked the halls like I owned the place

"guys I'm home, where are you??" Romeo's voice booms through the halls, his talking to a house monitor trying to find where his family are chilling.

"In the living room with the kitchen," an unfamiliar but familiar voice says back to him through the monitor, Romeo smiles at me

"That was your other brother, Enzo. Hope you guys remember him"

"No, we actually don't," I tell him back, his smile drops but not fully but his smile does fully drop to what Apollo says next

"we tend to forget things that are irrelevant," He says normally whilst looking around the mansion distastefully like it's the most horrible thing he's seen, I chuckle behind him, while Ares is looking at all the paintings in the house with disgust

Ares is an Artist actually, he picked those hobbies up with reading and hacking. He's the best to ever be, his paintings are on the market and being sold for billions of dollars, plus he has his own giant art galleries all over the world, he doesn't use his real name but uses his fake one which is Chance Hart. We all have fake names, mine is Clover Hart, and Apollo is Lucky Hart.

Apollo turns and looks Romeo dead in the eye with a judgemental look

"Are you going to stand there all day or??"

"I see you guys still hold a grudge as you used to when you were kids" he softly smiles and starts leading us to the room where the others are.

"Yeah we never stopped, surprised you still remember," I say stopping in the way to inspect a painting, the ugliest painting I've ever seen but matches with the house nonetheless

"That's the ugliest painting I have seen" Ares comments, I swear he reads my mind all the time, I smile at him and tilt my head. He smiles back.

" yeah funny story, Mat-"

"Yeah we don't care" I interrupt him, it was true, I really didn't give a fuck

"Did I read your mind again?" he whispers while we continue our slow-paced walking behind Romeo, I grab his bicep and chuckle

"Yeah I still don't know how you and apollo do that"

"It's magic Sorella" Apollo comes up in the middle of us and his arms are around each of our shoulders, I turn to him and kiss his cheek and lean to kiss Ares's cheek.

"This is it...ready?" Romeo said when we stood in front of 2 double doors, we could fairly hear some chatter and laughter, my emotions were slipping but this laughter was evident how happy they were without us

Fix your fucking posture, Athena, you're Inferno. Don't be a fucking coward,

Thanks for reminding me

Opening the giant double door, the laughter and voices got louder



"Boys don't fight!"



"Guys'' Romeo interrupts the madness going on in that room, I take a look around the tall ceiling and luxurious interior instructor of this room, there are familiar faces everywhere, 2 boys were on the couch playing some sort of card game but with gold cards and another boy was sitting in a bar area with a drink in his hand. A man who I felt a strange attraction to was on the other side of the sofa, watching some sort of soap opera and knitting something. She had a golden laugh as she laughed whilst watching the show, it was oddly comforting, but I pushed those emotions down. Hatred grew in me slowly like a fire.

"Guys, I need you to look this way I have something" Romeo repeats again impatiently

"One minute darling" the woman repeats whilst knitting, she must his wife Camila Bianchi, my mother

"yeah give me a second dad" the twins sitting and playing a game mutter and the guy on the bar doesn't respond just grunts

"I'm tired," I huff and bang my hand on the wall bringing all the attention of the room to us.

All the heads are turned to us, no one moves, no one talks and everybody holds their breath, except Apollo and Ares still huffing at the ugly paintings.

The woman got up, dropped the tv remote which was in her lap and whatever she knitted, she pointed toward us and nearly stumbled but Romeo ran over to steady her. She held his hand tight and he held on to her waist tightly, tears began pulling her eyes, me, Ares and Apollo scoffed at the same time

"Is tha- is that-" she could barely get her words out of her pathetic mouth, look at her acting like she give a fuck.

"Yes it is Camila, yes yes yes, it's them" Romeo comforts her and we notice he starts crying too, Valentino and Armani walk into the room in work suits

wonder what they have been up to

"Look, Val, Armani, it's not them, it can't be-, it-" she stumbles on her word due to her sobs, and Armani and Valentino crouch down to comfort her and Romeo.

The other 3 boys who I suspect to be, Matteo, Enzo and Leo seem to be frozen in place


guys I have been so busyy

updated cast btw, check it out

(not edited)

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