✘ Chapter 1 ✘

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Present day

Present day

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I winced as Another scream echoed through the basement

"Can you shut up, you're going to wake my brothers up" I told the man who was tied up in the electric chair with heavy metal chains, his skin so pale and thin that you could see the blood pumping through his veins.

I almost felt bad for this man's family when they were going to see him, all his teeth were taken out, the blood still gushing from his mouth all the way to his neck and staining his white shirt, he had small bleeding cuts all over his body. His fingernails and toenails were taken out, well I mean he only had 2 fingers and 3 toes left.

He let out another scream at my warning, and I got up from my chair and walked toward him stopping at eye level.

"Listen, Greg, I really need you to be quiet right now, can you do that for me? hmm, I promise I'll go easy on you" I whispered trailing my nails down his beaten and bruised face. He nodded his head, his eyes could barely open.

I smiled and got up to get my favourite dagger. I know it's a bit old school, but daggers and knives have always enticed me. this dagger in particular was the most beautiful dagger I had in my collection, it had an obsidian blade and magnificent onyx stones filled the handle, ending in dragon wings shaped sides.

I lifted the dagger over my head, but before I could punch it into his thigh, a hand stopped me and held my wrists. 

"Really Athena?..it's 2 fucking am"


" Ares I swear to god, let my hand go now" I tried pulling my hand out of his grasp without stabbing him in the chest, he was built like a damn wall.

"We need him alive, Apollo is going to lose his shit if he doesn't get to question him tomorrow," He told me sternly, towering over my 5 '8 body. He was at least 6'3 the same height as Apollo

"I already did that, it was the Russians who attacked the shipment, they paid Greg 20 million'' I threw the dagger down after getting it out of my brother's grasp, got my gun and shot Greg in between his eyes. It's kind of embarrassing that he chose 20 million over his life.

With one last look at Greg's dead body I walked out of the basement with Ares trailing behind me, the guards outside the room straighten their posture before nodding their heads at me, I nodded back and they rushed into the basement to take care of Greg's dead body, it's likely there going to burn it or either send it to the Russians as a warning.

I walked to my office and laid down on my sofa, closing my eyes and massaging my temple. I felt Ares beside me, putting my feet on his lap.

"You wanna talk about it?" he whispered, rubbing my legs soothingly.

"I don't know Ares. it's always them, they're always in my dreams. I always imagine what life would be like if they did not abandon us. I hate them, Ares, I hate them so much"

" I know Thea, I know"

Me and Ares talked for hours spilling our feelings and emotions about our parents and family who abandoned us. We didn't realise when my phone alarm went off at 6 am. That's what things were like with my brothers, we only had each other, we were so close to each other, that there weren't any secrets, no lies. They were my comfort people

With Ares and Apollo, I can spill my emotion, my feelings.

Ares is the only person I can talk about mum and dad, Apollo loathes them, we never talk about our biological family with Apollo,

But regardless of that his always there for us

We hear the door open, and there stands Apollo wearing his leather jacket and bike pants and his bike helmet in his wrapped hands.

Apollo doesn't really sleep much, none of us do, we found hobbies over the years that keep us occupied all night. I stay with us torturing people for my stress relief, Ares stays up reading books, hacking into major companies and mafias and Apollo has an underground fighting and racing addiction.

You can tell he spent all night fighting and racing. He comes over, and gives me a kiss on the forehead

" bene?" (okay?) he whispers to us

"bene" we reply in the same tone

He walks away and lays down on the opposite sofa, closing his eyes. None of us say anything, we just relax in the comforting silence.

"Can we get breakfast now?" Ares murmured, breaking the silence. Me and Apollo bust out laughing and get up, and stretch our bodies

"Way to ruin a moment dude" Apollo barely gets out in the middle of our laughs, while patting Ares on his back. Ares frowns before starting to laugh with us

"So that's a yes?"

"Yes Ares, it's a yes" 

Sometime later we were in the dining room stuffing our faces with breakfast, I had my plate full of bacon, eggs and sausages, Ares was eating his tacos, fuck that, he was swallowing his tacos, you could see some of the sauce dripping down from the corners of his mouth. Apollo was having his cereal, a granola bar and an apple because he has to maintain his "athlete body and stamina",  his just saying that the other times he eats like a starved man who hasn't been fed for years.

"Oh shit, school" 


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