✘ Chapter 13 ✘

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"Come on Athena, I know you can do it, give the nice man a hug" her obsidian eyes stared at me with an encouraging look

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"Come on Athena, I know you can do it, give the nice man a hug" her obsidian eyes stared at me with an encouraging look

"He is going to be your new dad" she continued to tell me with her mesmerising smooth voice, which I only seem to hear when she is with other people, she turned her whole body to me so her face would not be seen by the tall man with the suit

She grabbed my forearm, burying her sharp long nails in the flesh and lowered her mouth to near my ear.

"Look girl, listen to what I say or your punishment is going to get worse, and your brothers aren't going to help you out of it this time." her voice changed to growling like she was a totally different person. I tried to get out of her grasp and she turned back to the man smiling as if nothing happened

"Let go, you're hurting me" screamed at her, which made the man look at us in confusion and she gave me a warning look.

"Sorry Mr Kain she's an angel, she's just a bit nervous today, I'll have a talk with her" her eyes narrowed at me as she dragged me to another dark empty room, when we got there, the evil glint in her eyes brightened. She grabbed a knife from the table near us

And she-


I jolted awake, sweat coated my forehead and neck, my breathing was uneven, and the only thing helping me right now was Apollo rubbing my arms

"Here, was it that dream again?" Ares came to me with a glass of water, he had a knowing look in his eyes. I took the water from him and cured the desert in my throat.

"Let's not talk about it, what time is it?"

"3:45 am" Apollo looks up from his wristwatch, which I'm surprised he still has on, it's a golden rolex.

"Don't you think you should take the watch off?" I tilt my head at him, I didn't even notice that Apollo and Ares were lying on the bed with me. With the brackets around them, it felt like the old times.

"What, this?.... Nah, I think it's fine. They should know that we already have all the money we need and we simply don't need them in our lives'' he looks at me for a minute and closes his eyes

"Try to sleep" Ares massages my head, I gave him a knowing look and he just nodded back at me

"Fine, how about we play games...hmm, I spy or a guessing game?" Apollo speaks up, well whispers. His eyes are still closed but he has a soft smile on his face.

"Okay, I spy with my little eyes-"

We didn't sleep that night.


not at all

Till 7 am all of us just laid there on the bed, playing ispy or other guessing games. We also made fun of everyone in the house, and probably laughed so much and woke the house up, but no one gave a shit.

When the clock hit 8:30 pm, Ares's phone went off

"It's Vic" he got up and practically ran to the phone, did I mention that Ares has a tiny crush on Vic

Yeah he's been crushing on her since we met, practically whipped for her at this point 

"Hey, yeah yeah sorry........mhm mhm... No we're good.. yeah she's here I'll give her the phone" he mumbles and hands me the phone, I take it putting it to my ear

"Hey Vic," I say while I get up from the bed, Apollo is still in the bed, scrolling on his phone, I hear Vic breathing on the other side like she's trying to contain her temper, but just in case I put the phone away from my ear knowing what's going to happen


She was so loud that even Apollo was looking weird at me now. I sighed and Vic continued rambling, something about me getting kidnapped and her having to fill about a ton of paperwork.

"I'm so sorry Vic, I know we have been MIA for the past day yeah we were so caught up in our family stuff and we couldn't have them be suspicious about the whole Chicago outfit stuff" at this point my eyes did start to swell up with tears. Vic has always been like a young mom to us. I understand her concern and guilt is eating me up from the inside out.

I and Vic talked for a few hours, and we planned out the next steps for the outfit and since our family ( Vic, Danna, Josiah and Zavier) miss us way too much, they planned to move here with us until the whole Bainachi family thing is over. We facetime for a bit and seeing everyone's faces made me worry about staying here but still calmed me down.

Knock knock

I hung up the phone as fast as I could, making sure no one heard us talking about the outfit, Apollo got up to open the door and my heart started pounding.

"Yes, who is it?!" he just screamed instead of opening and checking

"It's Alfie sir" a calm voice came from the other side of the door


"Your butler sir"

"Our what?"

"Butler sir, Butler"

"Butler?" Apollo quietly snickered behind the closed door, clearly having fun teasing the poor man

"i wish it was Alfred so it would be like batman" I heard Ares mummer  

"Yes, butler, breakfast is going to be ready in 20 minutes, Mrs Bianchi has called you to eat together"

I'm assuming he walked away after that since we heard nothing after.

"Isn't he a ray of sunshine?" Apollo laughs and jumps on the bed.

"Ow, get the fuck off. You fucking giant!" Ares gets up after shoving Apollo to the floor, and Apollo being the civilised one, just lies on the floor.

"Do we have to go to breakfast?" he grunts

"Mhm, I think, where's Ares- " before finishing I saw Ares bolt to the bathroom



Fuck so sorry i haven't updated for SO LONG

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