✘ Chapter 16 ✘

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Ares, Apollo, and I left the dining room behind, still chuckling over our encounter with Romeo

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Ares, Apollo, and I left the dining room behind, still chuckling over our encounter with Romeo. As we walked down the ornate hallway, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and tension. The confrontation with our supposed family was over for now, but the underlying currents of distrust and unease remained.

"So, ice cream, huh?" Ares broke the silence, his voice echoing slightly in the grand corridor.

"Yeah, ice cream sounds fucking good," Apollo agreed, his tone lighter than it had been moments ago. "There's that gelato place a couple of blocks away. Perfect for a quick getaway."

"Sounds like a plan," I said, trying to push away the lingering thoughts about our situation. "Let's get the hell out of here for a while, or forever." i mutter

We made our way through the mansion's foyer, passing by bustling staff members who nodded respectfully but kept their distance. It was clear they were well aware of our familial dynamics, or lack thereof.

Outside, the air was crisp with the promise of an early spring evening. The three of us piled into Apollo's sleek black car, which was apparently shipped here is such a short time

Everything is possible when you're rich I guess

The engine purred to life as we pulled out of the driveway and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding . The tension inside the mansion melted away with each passing block, replaced by the sense of freedom that came with being away from the Bianchi influence.

"So, what do we do now?" Ares asked, glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

"Eat gelato?" Apollo asked with a quivering brow in the driver's seat, looking back at us and not at the road, I actually don't even know how he got his driver's licence to be honest.

I threw a car cushion at him from the backseat, which he did end up catching with one hand.

Being in the same car as Apollo is basically a suicide mission but surprisingly this guy doesn't get into crashes or anything, he just speeds.


And then ends up paying the fines away

I shrugged, leaning back in my seat. "I don't know. Maybe figure out what the hell is really going on with this whole family thing. And, of course, how we're going to handle it."

Apollo nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, we can't keep dodging them forever. There's something they want from us, and I want to know what it is."

"Maybe we should confront Armani," Ares suggested, his brow furrowing in determination. "He seems to know more than he lets on."

"He does," I agreed, remembering the moment in the kitchen when he had surprised us with our favourite pasta. "But he's also playing some kind of game. We need to be fucking careful, imagine we're questioning him and he just pulls out a glock and decides its time to mass eliminate the 3 teenagers?"

"Well then we'll just have to pull out 3 glocks, and threaten to kill his entire family tree, except us you know" Apollo winked at me from the driver's seat, still not paying attention to the road.

Not a bad idea though.....

The car slowed to a stop outside the gelato shop, a quaint little place with colourful lights and a cosy atmosphere. Ares went straight for the pistachio, Apollo opted for a combination of dark chocolate and raspberry, while I settled on a classic vanilla with caramel swirls.

As we sat down at a small table near the window, Ares spoke up again. "What now, and Apollo please do not say eat ice cream..."

Apollo looked contemplative, his gaze fixed on the swirls in his gelato. "I think we should play along for now. Pretend like we're interested in what they have to say. But at the same time, keep our guard up. We can't afford to trust them completely."

"And what about Xavier's idea?" I asked, remembering his suggestion about gathering information for the outfit. "Do we go along with that too?"

Ares shrugged. "It might not be a bad idea. We can use it to our advantage, find out what the Bianchis are planning, and then decide our next move."

"Agreed," Apollo said firmly. "But we stick together, no matter what. We watch each other's backs."

The atmosphere around the table shifted as we spoke, the weight of our decisions settling over us like a heavy thick blanket. We were deeper than ever before, caught between loyalty to each other and the dangerous game the Bianchis seemed intent on playing.

Ares dove straight into his pistachio gelato, a satisfied expression on his face as he savoured each spoonful. Apollo's choice of dark chocolate and raspberry seemed to match his mood—rich and slightly bitter, yet with a hint of sweetness. As for me, the classic vanilla with caramel swirls provided a comforting familiarity amidst the uncertainty that hung over us.

"So, do we have a plan?" Ares asked, breaking the silence that had settled over us as we indulged in our treats.

I glanced up from my gelato, my brow furrowed in thought. "We need to tread carefully. Armani and the rest of them might not have our best interests at heart."

"Damn right," Apollo muttered between bites. "I don't trust a single one of them."

Ares nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should start digging. Find out more about the Bianchi family, their businesses, their connections. Knowledge is power, right?"

Apollo grinned, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "You sound like Xavier now."

"Yeah, well, maybe he's onto something," Ares said with a shrug. "If we can gather enough intel, we might be able to leverage it to our advantage."

"Or we could just disappear," Apollo suggested half-jokingly. "kill them all and start fresh somewhere else."

I chuckled, imagining the chaos that would ensue if we pulled off a disappearing act. "As tempting as that sounds, we can't just run away from this shit. We've got responsibilities, especially to the outfit."

Apollo's expression turned serious. "I hate to repeat it but we have stick together, no matter what. We watch each other's backs and figure out our next move together."

The weight of his words hung in the air, a silent agreement between us that no matter how fucked up things got, we had each other. It was a bond forged through years of uncertainty and danger, a bond that had only grown stronger since our arrival at the Bianchi mansion.

As we finished our gelato and made our way back to the car, I couldn't shake the feeling that our lives were about to change in ways we couldn't even imagine. But for now, in the quiet of the night and the glow of city lights, I felt a flicker of hope that together, we could navigate this twisted world and come out stronger on the other side.

"We'll figure this shit out," I said quietly as we drove back to the mansion. "Together."



I'm back after like a year or something, things have just been tough guys BUTTT I'm back!!!

also I was reading through some of my old writing, guys some shit was so cringe, why didn't ya'll tell me 😭

I changed up the writing style a little bit, please me know your thoughts, I love feedback!

I truly appreciate your patience and understanding. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, and I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of you who follows along on this journey.

Rest assured, I'm working hard to bring you the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you once again for your continued support and for being part of this adventure with me.

Thank you everyone, and i love you guys!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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