✘Chapter 4 ✘

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"Fuck the door is locked" Xavier tries to open the door for the 100th time, I look at my wrist watch, not long left till the announcement, it takes us a long time to wrestle the guards until they were unconscious

Who has that many guards?

"Break it," I tell him and he looks at me quizzed

"Igor is going to know, and we don't have the material to put it back together"

" we're burning down his house anyway, it's going to be ashes," I say taking my knife from my bra and starting cutting around the door handle, so it's easier to break the door, Xavier goes back a few feet and bands the door with his shoulder in full force and the door fall with a bang, I doubt anyone heard it over the loud music downstairs.

We run into the big office he has which smells like beer and dirty laundry. It's a typical office with a big window overlooking his flowery backyard. it's quite high and we had to climb a million stairs to get through it, but then we found out that we could have taken the mother fucking elevator,

I start checking his files and Xavier starts checking for safes and hidden files in his office.

"I'm going to take this," Xavier said, I looked back to see him smiling holding a golden wristwatch

" you're filthy rich Xavier, you can buy like more than 50 of those," I told him rolling my eyes, I walked toward him and took the watch examining it

Not bad

"How about this?" I look at Xavier holding a sparkly greek god statue

"No" I continue looking through the paper, trying to find the important sex trafficking file

" what about the-"

"No" I cut him off before he says something stupid, I hear his huff and walk around the office looking for a hiding place.

"Hey Thea can i-" he talks again, my patience is thinner than paper right now,

"If you say anything irrelevant again I will throw you out of that fucking window you- ......what are you doing?" before I could continue, I see the idiot looking down from the giant window like he's doing a maths equation

"Checking how high the drop is, to see if it's worth it"

Fucking dumbass

I throw a stapler at him and he dodgers it, putting his arms in surrender

"I got Igors son, we're coming up right now" I hear Vic say, and right after I hear the door open, I and Xavier get into stance, I get my gun out of the Hollister and hold it toward the door

Apollo and Ares step into the room

" I nearly shot you!" I hit the back of both their heads, their breaths huffing like they ran up here, I notice a gallon of petrol in Ares's hand and another gallon in apollos hand

" What's wrong?"

" We have to burn the house now!" Ares says, I look at him questioningly

" What do you mean, what about the papers?" I ask but they were already pouring the patrol on the tabled and sofas

"Fuck them, we have to get out of here, igor knows" my stomach drops and the door opened again with, Vic and an unconscious Igor son with her. He came in a dropped him on the floor with a thud

Damn that's gonna hurt

Vic leaves the guy on the floor gets out a vile of gun powder, she pours it on all of igors paperwork and makes a border around the room.

"This is not going to be enough to light up the whole mansion," Vic says in a panic

" don't worry, more is coming," I say walking toward the window and opening it

"Thea wha-" before Xavier could finish, a metal pipe hooked into the window, I took it and the patrol started pouring out, I shot a quick thank you and a two-finger salute to Danna and Josiah who were standing under the building. I knew it patrol won't be enough so I let them know to have a tank filled before we got to the mansion and make sure there aren't any girls or kidnapped people present when we fire up the house

"Fucking genius " Xavier yelled

I filled the room with patrol and made sure to make a flood of it in the hallways

"We all ready for this, after roasting this place, we get out of the window, Vic, Xavier, apollo and are, you guys go down now, I start the fire," I said, We all got together in the office and stand next to the window, everyone nods and they do what I say, taking a deep breath I take out my lighter and drop it on the rope we made that leads to the patrol flood.

The rope lights up and the trail of the fire follows, before it could reach the patrol, I go down the ladder Danna set up for us.

Once I reach the bottom, tears of happiness are present in Vic's eyes, before I could say anything or hug her, we hear an explosion in the mansion, and screams of agony follow behind. We all start laughing and running to our limo.

This is the kind of happiness I only feel with these guys

On the way, we saw multiple guests running out of the mansion with either their dresses or suit on fire, we had to act scared so no one would be suspicious

We got to our limo, before getting in I looked back at some of the guests and the mansion on fire, I felt pride

Before I could go in, a sight caught my eyes. I couldn't tear away my gaze from it. It was some members family, not just any family but the Bianchi family

My family, NO, NOT MY FAMILY

Bile filled my throat as I watched Romeo Bianchi running toward his car, behind him were 2 of my brothers, Armani and Valentino, I looked around them to find Matteo, Enzo and Leo, or even Camilla Bianchi but they weren't there, only bodyguards surrounded them, they didn't notice me yet, well I hope they didn't. For a second, after seeing their panicked faces, I wanted to help them, but a fire of hatred burned in my belly

"ATHENA!" I got into the limo and the driver sped off. Everyone was cheering and happy, I guess they didn't see them. We were driving for a good 20 minutes everyone was asleep, I was really close to dozing off too, but before I could, I heard at least a dozen police cars' sirens, and everyone jolted awake


Oh fuck



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