✘ Chapter 15 ✘

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" so I wanted to wear the black but white looks more appealing on my skin-"

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" so I wanted to wear the black but white looks more appealing on my skin-"

"Athenaaa hurry up, I'm starving" Apollo flopped backward on the bed with a dramatic sign, hands behind his head as he laid on the bed filled with clothes.

I looked at him, rolling my eyes I turned back to the mirror, fixing the shoulder strap on my dress

"I'm done, I'm done, don't be a baby"

"Finally let's go!!" he said, his eyes went wide with a sparkle, and he pounded his fists in the air.

Guess he really is hungry, fucking fatass

He dragged me out the door of our room, yes it's still OUR room. The brother refused to sleep in rooms on the other side of the house, at this point the "parents" ended up installing 3 giant beds in the room so we could sleep more comfortably, in less than half a day may I add.

Rich people, am I right?


I mean bad bad rich people..

Apollo's grip on my hand slipped because of the fast and long strides he was taking to go to the kitchen, causing me to bump into a hard surface. Looking up I notice it's Enzo, he holds my shoulders and moves me away, with one cold look. He scoffs and turns away heading to the dining room.

What up his ass

His ego probably

I had to jog to catch up with Apollo because this house is fucking massive, I hate it already for making me run, I hate running.

"Why do you zone out so much" Apollo clicks his finger in front of my face with a concerned look and I shove them away.

"I hate it here already"

"I know thea but we're only here for a few more months till we're 18 or we can kill everyone and run your choice" he hums with a finger on his chin like he has a brain and can think.

Before I can respond something bumps into us from behind, nearly knocking us down.

It's Ares, I can smell the tacos from his breath-

"Guys I've been looking everywhere for you, why are you standing in the middle of a hallway like loners?" He has both his arms around us and pushes us toward the hallway leading to the dining room.

"Sup bro, listen I had this really good idea.." Apollo puts his hand on his shoulder and proceeds to tell Ares about his plan to kill everyone, which may I add he looks way too excited about. He continues to tell Ares about his plan till we reach the giant doors of the dining room, we can already hear chatter but it seems to get quieter the closer we get to the door.

I quirk my eyebrow at my brother and step in front to push open the door, the mouthwatering smell of a combination of breakfast foods assaults my nose, making me hungrier than I was this morning. I think I can smell pancakes, I would literally kill for pancakes.

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