✘ Chapter 6 ✘

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Romeo Bianchi  POV

Getting a call from the NYPD and finding out your kids are arrested and locked in cells isn't a BIG deal, but finding out that those kids were your kids who went missing 13 years ago is.

I wouldn't stop pounding after I got that call. The first thing I did was call Valentino and Armani, they couldn't believe it and broke down crying.

The triplets are finally coming home

After the dangerous events of last night, it was best if we went to the station discreetly, we don't want the kids to be in any danger. Igors' mansion burning down proved there was some sort of mafia here who hates Igor

I mean who doesn't

But the mafia wants to see Igor dead. Hundreds and hundreds of people died yesterday, burned to crisp by the inferno. My doubts turned to certainty. It was definitely the Chicago outfit, the most ruthless mafia around and I pray for Igor if he's still out there because if he made enemies with the Chicago outfit, he's done for life.

He should just get on his knees and beg for them to make his death as painless as possible

Enough about them, I'm about to go pick my kids up right now, Camillia and the kids will be shocked when they finally see their siblings. After the kids left, everything got dark, and no one was happy,

we didn't have our morning breakfasts anymore, we didn't eat together, we never went out much and the family didn't seem like a family anymore, everyone was drunk on the sorrows 24/7

Armani, me and Valentino had smile smiles on our faces the entire car ride, my knees were shaking with anticipation and my heart was beating way too fast for it to be healthy

"What do you think they'll be like, what if they don't? Do you think they are going to look different? are they going to be excited to see us?!" Valentino broke the silence in our car

"Relax brother, I'm sure they will love us," Armani told him and put his arm around Valentinos shoulder, even if he tried to convince Valentino, his eyes still held nervousness and the question Val asked was roaming around all of our head

Will they like us?

We got in front of the station and I calmed my nerves and got out of the car with the boys behind me. Armani got behind me and squeezed my shoulder and smiled in reassurance. He has always been like this. Being the oldest sibling, Armani took care of all of us, even me and Camila. He was there with tissues and shoulders when we were balling our eyes out, he was there every step of the way for each one of us. He was the closest with the triplets but he didn't break, he always had faith that we were going to find them.

"WHERE ARE MY KIDS!?" I screamed when we went into the station, I looked around and I couldn't see the kids anywhere, a police officer came up to me tell me to fill out paperwork, the poor guy was shaking

Going in and filling out the paperwork took about half an hour. Apparently, the kids were caught doing graffiti on some building, I smiled that at least they're somewhat into the crime family, I knew they were going to rebel from day 1.

"Let me go get them" the guard went into a room to fetch them, I looked at Armani and Val and breathed out.

My heart stopped as I saw the guard come out with 3 people




They looked so different, Athena wearing some old clothes made me feel guilty and wonder if she had a good upbringing so far, if they lived with us these years, they would be living the life of leisure and royalty. Ares and apollo looked identical with just some facial and body differences to tell them apart

The triplets' emotionless faces made me worry about what was going to go down. I felt my eyes tear up. I couldn't believe that I finally found my kids, Apollo and Ares were standing protectively around Athena, it made me feel pride but also sadness. I went up to hug Athenas but apollo and ares moved in front of her

"Don't touch my sister"






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