✘ Chapter 2 ✘

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"late again Hart trio?!, this is the 4th time week"

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"late again Hart trio?!, this is the 4th time week"

Me and ares apologise to our maths teacher while Apollo just grunted

Yes we apologised, I mean me and ares apologised, we might be mean but we're respectful and polite to those who deserve it (excluding Apollo, his a dick to everyone)

We slipped into the seats at the back of the classroom next to our best friends, Danna, Victoria, Zavier and Josiah.

We've been best friends since we found each other on the streets when we were all around the age of 6-7. And ever since we met, we became super close in a matter of days. They are my family now and live like 10 minutes away from us in the crew mansion, that's what they call it, it's basically where the most important people from the Chicago outfit live. 

" So how's everything going guys" they all just blankly stare at me, I just noticed how tired they all look, Dannas resting her shoulder on Josiah's shoulder and her eyes are barely open, while Josiah looks like he is barely awake himself. Xavier is leaning his head against the desk sound asleep and victoria is drawing an insane tattoo on her thigh with a black sharpie, I bet she's going to get it tattooed this weekend, that girl has a tattoo addiction, I don't blame her she is really artistic and every tattoo she has is self-done.

"Well I didn't kill anyone today," Josiah says while staring dead at the floor

"You say that like it's an accomplishment" Danna murmurs, her eyes are still closed but there's a small smile on her face. She and Josiah have had a thing going on for a bit of time since we all met, he and Danna always had a connection but they never confessed which is weird because they always act like a couple. Whatever it is I'm happy for them. 

" guys?...what's up, what have you been up to that got you so tired?" I repeat, Xavier looks up from his deep slumber, his eyes still bloodshot. He looked over at Josiah who looked fully awake and aware right now, and Danna no longer had her head on his shoulder, Victoria had stopped her drawing which made me even more suspicious than I was before.

Ares and Apollo were also now fully into the conversation.

" Well, we spent the night discussing and researching. It's best if we don't have this conversation right now, how about at lunch?" Josiah says while running his hand through his hair.

"We're having this conversation right Now " I breathe in and out, I get up from my seat and do the others, ignoring the teacher yelling at us in the background.

What happened to we're respectful and polite to those who deserve it

Fuck politeness

We walk out of the classroom and straight to the spot that we sit at every day, A spot where there are no cameras and no one comes by, so we can talk about Shady stuff and no one will know. 

It's on the roof of one of the buildings near the school, no one comes so we use it to our advantage plus it has a really nice view os the city. 

Oh and I forgot to mention, I own the building

There's an outdoor sofa and a few outdoor chairs surrounding a wooden table. We go sit in the seats we always sit at, Josiah and Danna sitting on the sofa while we all are sitting on the chairs

"Okay go on, I know this is about the outfit" Apollo butts in before I could say anything.

"I need to get something from my car," she says before getting up and going to the car park where her pink black Bugatti is parked. She comes back after 2 minutes with a large piece of rolled poster paper. She clears up The table in the middle and starts spreading the paper all over the table using our water bottles as stands to keep the paper upright. It seems like some sort of floor plan...

" What's this Vic ?" she's looking at me nervously, which makes me more nervous than her, by now everyone standing was around the table looking at the paper, Xavier, Josiah and Danna seem to already know whats going on since they avoid eye contact with me and my brothers.

"So everyone knows the new Russian don with the sex trafficking ring right," she says while Danna takes out her laptop and shows us a photo of him. Igor Vladimir, an old man easily over the age of 40, runs the Russian mafia. He "collects" girls of any age even under 10, to his sex trafficking ring, where every other disgusting mafia around the world goes to buy girls.

Victoria gets a pencil out and continues

" These are the blueprints to Igor Vladimir's Chicago mansion- " she points with her pencil 

"I thought he would never come here, what's the point of getting the blueprints?"

"Well Apollo if you let me continue you would know" Apollo puts his hands up in surrender after interrupting Vic for the second time

"In a few weeks, Igor is hosting a big party for his son's 20th birthday, and at that party, Igor's son is going to announce a new trafficking and drug ring opening in Chicago and New York, possibly the whole country. This trafficking  ring could destroy everyone's life here, we have to be at that party Thea, this is our only chance of ruining Igor " Vic looks at everyone seriously, and her eyes stop at me asking for permission and I know for what.

holy fuck I'm going to ruin him

"Igor Vladimir really has the guts to come to our country and open a trafficking and drug ring, can you believe the balls of this man?!" Apollo bangs his hand at the edge if the table looking furious while the other nod in agreement and put more comments in about Igor fucking Vladimir. The man deserves every curse coming at him right now. 

"You know it's always a yes for me Vic, who's gonna get us invites to Igor's lovely party?" I say and smile at her. Her eyes light up but then she freezes for a second

"I can do that" ares volunteers and gets him phone out, most likely to hack us into the guest list of Igor Vladimir party, everyone cheers but Vic still looks a bit stiff

"What is it Vic, is something wrong ?" she steps back and looks at Xavier, he comes around the table to me and put his arm around my shoulder

"Thea there's one tiny problem," he says, but then Apollo comes around and takes Xavier's hand off my shoulder

" hand off and what's the problem, I've had enough of this guessing game " he holds Xavier by the collar of his shirt

"the biologicals are gonna be there" Josiah pipes in from the back

I freeze this time along with my brothers, Apollo drops Xavier and ares comes next to me to squeeze my hand. I breathe in and look at Apollo and he thinks for a bit and nods his head, next I look at ares, and he nods as well. It takes me a few minutes to think, we all think in silence before I speak up. I breathe in and out

"Get the plans ready and load up guys, let's go say hi to our pal Igor Vladimir and give Happy Birthday present to his son "

Some dumb old history isn't going to stop me from taking Igor out


What are we thinking guys?

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