✘ Chapter 12 ✘

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" yeah, mi amore, it's the triplets, they came home" Romeo tightens his hand around his wife, and as they both sob, some tears are evident in the other boy's eyes

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" yeah, mi amore, it's the triplets, they came home" Romeo tightens his hand around his wife, and as they both sob, some tears are evident in the other boy's eyes. They look at us in adoration which quite frankly makes me sick

"No-" Camilla doesn't believe her husband at all, it's either she's in shock or she doesn't trust Romeo, I look at Apollo and Ares, annoyance clear in my eyes, and they nod and I already know what they're thinking.

"Wow you guys really don't seem to listen huh," Ares says strolling around the room, he looks around with interest and then finds a poll to lean with his arms crossed

"Yeah Ares maybe they got a little problem up there" Apollo laughs while he starts walking around the other side of the room but Apollo doesn't look around the room, he looks at our family with amusement. He grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and sat on the high bar table lazily while munching on his apple

Suddenly the atmosphere changes in the room from, sadness and adoration to confusion, they all look at us confused and shocked

Enzo and Leo look at each other for a minute before Leo steps up toward me before he could get at least 5 feet near me, something hits him on the side of his neck,

An apple

"Don't. touch," Apollo tells him, as he takes slow but big strides toward me.

"You throw something at me again, the next thing I'll throw at you is a knife," Leo tells him, clutching the side of the neck that the apple hit him, Apollo and him were face to face now since Apollo was standing directly in front of me

" yeah and before you do that, I'll smash your head into that glass table okay?" I break apart the stare-off by getting between them and look at Leo

"Guys guys, let's do introductions, shall we" Romeo breaks the awkwardness and uneasiness in the room, he nudges the other kids in our direction as ours comes near Apollo, they stand over me like bodyguards, I push them apart they give me a warning look

"Fine, I'm Athena, his Apollo and that's Ares," I told everyone, they looked confused but still looked eager to know us, I had to introduce the boys to them because the only thing that would be coming from their mouths would be cusses. 

"I'm Matteo, and I'm pretty sure you know, that Valentino, that's Armani, Leo, Enzo" he pointed to everyone in the room, but one woman

"Whos that" I knew who she was, just wanted to get a reaction out of her and I did. She looked heartbroken the moment I said that her sobs were louder and she could barely keep eye contact with me

" That's mom Athena, how could you forget her?" Valentino asks me like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"It's not her fault, I mean, I'm pretty sure everyone forgets their family after they leave them you know" apollo swoops in with a double meaning, he puts his hand on Valentinos should and gives him a fake pity look, but he breaks the look in a few seconds and starts laughing. Apollo takes his hand off Valentinos shoulder and rubs it on his pants like he just touched a disease or put his hand down a pile of trash, which makes me and Ares chuckle a little.

" It's not like that-" Enzo startles before Ares talks

"I'm sure it's not" Ares gives him the most sarcastic smile

"We're just happy to have you back" Camilla buts in with a soft voice, she's trembling right now, my eyelids puffy from the crying and there are still a few tears dripping from her eyes, she's no longer hugging Romeo but is standing up and holding Romeo's hand.

" oh, yea-"

"Yes, apollo we were miserable without you guys' ' Matteo's voice booms around the hall, his expressions are strong and annoyed but you can really tell he's about to break down.

I'm good at reading people like that, once you grow up and see the real world you know that not everyone is nice and you need to have that sense of knowing a person when you first meet them. We didn't know that so I and my brothers had to learn the hard way, but from then we knew everything a person was feeling just by looking at them

" Yeah you were so miserable without us," I said while eyeing the photos on the wall. Everyone went quiet and the room was filled with an awkward silence,

I walked to the photo wall, the whole wall of the room was filled with family portraits, many miniature ones and one giant family picture in the middle.

The giant picture was a family photo starring the Bianchi family, they all looked amazing in it, with Romeo and Camilla sitting on some sort of royal, crimson couch, posing with strong, intimidating expressions and the boys surrounding the coach with intimidating poses, they were all wearing black and it looked like a perfect family picture.

The other pictures surrounding it were all the fun ones, pictures of the family at parties, beaches, dinners, playing golf, playing tennis, shooting a ball through the hoop, riding bikes and loads more. The giant smiles In each of the photos were clear evidence that they were really really happy.


There were hundreds of photos there but not even one with me, Apollo or Ares....

"Wow, hundreds of photos but none starring us huh?" I sighed loud enough that they heard it.

"Gods, is this the time to be silent?" Ares puts his hand on my shoulder and pulls me into him

"Do we have room or are you just going to send us away to a motel?" I heard Apollo ask Romeo, I couldn't even hear anymore, I was so tired and my eyes could barely open. I can't take it with biological stuff, so I had to tune out Romeo's voice and the only voice I could hear is Apollo.

"Bianchi says we have rooms, You want me to carry you amore?" Ares whispered in my ear

"No it's okay I can walk" I started walking behind Ares and Apollo was behind me, Romeo led us to a room and we all just went in

"Apollo, Ares your room is on the other side of the hall" Romeo called out, he sounded confused that we all went into the same room

"Well get them changed to be right next to this room" Apollo slammed the door in Romeos' face and I could hear Romeo mumbling outside something like "they used to do that when they were kids too"

I drowned in the bed and felt a blanket being slipped around me

"We'll be right here when you wake up amore" gentle lips kissed my forehead and I felt one of my brothers massage my shoulders and neck joint.

Before I knew it I was sound asleep....


It was so fucking late when i wrote this, ya'll need to get your vote game up

(no edited)


p.s  pleaseeee point out what i wrote wrong or if I spelled something wrong, I make mistakes and don't usually edit my work, I love when people correct me in my writing  or give feedback<3

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