✘ Chapter 7 ✘

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Romeo's smile dropped for a second after Apollo and Ares told him to stay away from me, but then he regained that smile in a second and put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay you're free to go, we filled out all the paperwork and updated the current guardians of Athena, Apollo and Ares to be Mr and Mrs Bianchi, we could book a court appointment, to change their last names?" An officer was standing right next to us, with a notepad and pen, we didn't even realise he was there since we were so engrossed in a silent stare-off with our biological family

"No, you will not book a court appointment" apollo broke the silence staring dead at the officer

"But since they are yo-" he tried to reason with him but Apollo stopped her with a stern stare

"Did I stutter before, when I said no?"

Romeo, Valentino and Armani looked at each other, I could see the wheels turning in their heads, I had to cover it up before suspecting anything. We can't have the police looking into our lives.

"He means, we just met our family after so many years, we should get to know each other first right?...... before moving to the big steps?" I softly told the officer, squeezing apollos bicep.

The officer nodded but he was still shaking from Apollos' stare-off. Me and my brothers picked up our things from the table and started walking toward the door.

" you're coming with us triplets" Armanis' voice stopped us before we could get out

What is it with people stopping us today?

"Oh right we are, how about you guys start, our car will follow yours," Ares told Armani with a smile. Armani's eyes widened and he smiled back at him and nodded

I could tell Ares was sort of happy we were going with them, he always wanted a proper family with a mum, dad and family time. Not saying he doesn't love us but there's always been a part of him that wants to have that family experience, I can tell even if he tries to push that part of him down.

We all walked out of the police station and that's when things started getting to me. I was going back to my family home after years, with a family that didn't even want me and my brothers. Fuck that's a game changer

No shit

"That's your black SUV? Why is there a driver in it" Valentino asked us with his eyebrow curled up and looking at our black SUV which was waiting for us outside the station steps.

"It's our uber" Apollo simply says, not giving Valentino any eye contact and kept walking to the SUV with me and Ares following behind him. Apollo opened the back door for me and Ares and after we got in, he got in the front passenger seat.

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