✘ Chapter 13.5 ✘

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Walking down a hallway never felt so exhilarating except this was the hallway leading to the dining room of the Binachi mansion, where I'm pretty sure the whole family was having breakfast

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Walking down a hallway never felt so exhilarating except this was the hallway leading to the dining room of the Binachi mansion, where I'm pretty sure the whole family was having breakfast.

Giant wooden doors that I didn't notice last night came before me. I took a quick scan before pushing them open. The whole family stared back at me with interest and some other emotion that I wasn't quite sure about. I raised a brow and walked towards an empty seat in the giant dining table which had another 2 seats empty next to it. I felt eyes tracking my every move and whispers following every step I take.

Did they actually think I wouldn't hear them?

Apollo scanned the giant table filled with different kinds of foods and Ares just walked around it looking at the architecture and paintings. Most of the furniture had changed, actually all of it had changed. The chairs were different so was the table and the chandler looked more grand. I don't want to admit it but it looked better than the last time I saw the room.

I picked up a glass of orange juice and sat on the chair, legs crossed as I savoured the sweet tangy delight.

"Smells good in here" Ares commented finally coming and standing behind my chair, with his arms crossed.

"Yeah it's very unfortunate that we won't be able to eat anything" Apollo joins him with a booming voice, you can hear him word for word even though he's standing on the other side of the huge room.

"Why is that?!" Of course our mother stood up in an instant, questioning brows were raised along the table and I could even see some frowns.

"Athena's lactose intolerant" he simply said and walked towards me and ares, i drank half the glass of juice and set it back on the table.

"She's not, I strictly remember all her doctor check ups" Romeo pipes in the conversation,

"Well people change, lets go thea" Ares bites back without hesitation, i get up before our mum stops us again

"We can get the chef to make something suitable for her, why don't you guys eat while hers is cooking?" Her hands are on Ares's shoulders but she steps away and causes them to slip off his shoulders.

"We actually care about each other so if she's not going to eat we won't either"

"Let them be ares, i saw this cute diner on the way let's go there" i pulled his bicep and walked out the dining room before anyone could say anything, apollo followed closely behind.

"Since when was i lactose intolerant" i question the boys when we were walking towards the front door

" since this morning" they laughed and we made our way outside

"How are we getting-" before i could finish a car pulled up in front of me in the driveway

"Get in bitches" 


hey guyss, i haven't updated in a bit. i was busy with school and i have surgery on Wednesday, pray for me.  

love youuu!

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