✘ Chapter 8 ✘

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"What?!" I looked up to see Ares looking down at me, I vaguely remember falling asleep and now I'm waking

up to Ares poking my face

"We're here let's go"

Oh wait yeah, I forgot about the whole getting caught thing, I honestly thought it was a dream. A really really bad dream.

"Thea my leg is starting to feel numb nowww, come on get up. You can sleep with your head in my lap when we get to the house, right now I think the seat is poking me....is that the seat or the remote..?" I got up from Ares's lap and started my limb aching limbs out, Ares was still mumbling about something poking him.

"Ready to get off, hmm?" Apollo came up to me putting the back of his hand on my forehead

"I'm okayyy" I swatted his arm off and took a quick look around my seat to see if I forgot something.

"Where are the Bianchis?" I question noticing they were not in their seats

"Gone outside" Ares didn't even look up and practically swallowed the jelly snacks in the glass bowl which was in front of my seat. After he looks down in disappointment and frowns, spitting them back in the bowl, gross.

" yuck, they're not edibles....."

Oh my fucking god

"Good thing I have chips," he says and holds up a bag of chips, my stomach rumbles looking at the packet and then I do the most logical thing anyone would do in this situation

I take the pack and run.

"ATHENA!" He runs after me on the jet, my heart beats as fast as my legs are pushing me. I find the exit door and the flight attendant standing there gives me a worried look and quickly moves away. I practically jump down most of the stairs of the jet, the wind of the outdoors caressing my face rapidly.

When I reach the bottom, I turn around and look at Ares proudly holding up the half-empty chip bag. I devoured half out on the way.

"SUCKER!" I look at him in victory and he jumps on me, pushing us both to the rough ground. We wrestle for a bit before a laugh breaks us apart, we snap our heads to see who's laughing and we see Valentino and Romeo laughing while Amani is chucking and looking at them in adoration.

"Are you laughing at my brother and sister?!" apollo appeared out of nowhere, honestly speaking I didn't even know he was there.

"No of course not, let's get going" they dismiss the subject and walk toward the cars parked near the jet.

20 minutes later the three of us are in a White SUV, our luggages in the trunk and Bianchi's private driver is driving us around London. I thought it would be Italy but Romeo said apparently we only go to Italy for "business" and vacations.

"And that is the London bridge," The driver tells us with a giant smile, he's a really bubbly man, he has a french accent and looks like a middle-aged British man with added a lot of features.

He seemed really excited to show us we didn't want to disappoint him and burst his bubble that this isn't our first time in London, so we acted amused and hyped every time he showed us something.

My cheeks started hurting from smiling too hard 10 minutes later but thankfully we pulled up to a mansion.

The big was an understatement for this mansion, over the car park there was a grand staircase leading to an outdoor royal fountain and pool Beach chairs were set up perfectly on the outside of the pool and the outdoor area seemed to stretch till acres. There was another giant staircase that led to the home, there were huge victorian style widows and the mansion had a mix of modern and old victorian styles. I kind of remember it from somewhere.

"Well, here we are, if you ever need a ride anywhere just give me a call. My number is saved in the home phone" Pedro interrupts us gawking at the mansion, yeah we found out his name was Pedro because Apollo kept calling him dude, I feel like he just did it out of spite.

"Thank you, Pedro, we sure will," Ares said, and we smile at him. getting off, and standing outside feeling the fresh evening air of London, there was a beautiful sunset and I already felt a little jet lagged and I was starving. I put my head on Ares's shoulder admiring the view and Apollo came up behind me when I wasn't looking and softly pushed the back of my head

"Stop gawking, our mansion is bigger anyway"

"I'm not gawking" I huffed and started walking towards the staircase that led to the outdoor pool, and Apollo and Ares Followed me, Romeo, Valentino and Armani come up behind us

"The rest don't know you're here, we left it for a surprise," Romeo says excitedly, with a giant grin on his face

"Yeah they're all home right now, most likely in one of our living rooms" Valentino put his hand on Apollo's shoulder but Apollo soon shrugged it off, But Valentino didn't show any hurt emotions, instead he just laughed it off.

Apollo came to me and held my hand, we walked toward the door of the mansion, taking one last breath before the doors were opened.

A Gust of nostalgia hit me when I saw the inside, a tall ceiling with a glass chandelier hanging from the middle, 2 staircases leading to the second floor and expensive interior furniture, statues and decoration.

I can see the nostalgia on Apollo and Ares' faces too. We're all trying to recollect our thoughts and try to push the nostalgia off

I clearly remember us running through these very halls with my brother, with my older brothers chasing after us playfully, I remember hiding behind the sofa when playing hide and seek with my whole family and everyone pretending they don't see me.

I push all my thoughts and memories back and remember what these people did to me, Ares and Apollo. I can never forget that and never will.


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(not edited)

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