✘ Chapter 3 ✘

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Hooking the sparkly diamond necklace around my neck, I looked at the girl standing in the floor-length mirror in front of me

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Hooking the sparkly diamond necklace around my neck, I looked at the girl standing in the floor-length mirror in front of me. A sparky white, off-the-shoulder floor-length gown covered her figure just right with a slit running down her right leg, and her long dark brown hair straightened and went far down her back. Sparkly, diamond earrings dangling down, and her makeup done to fit her dress. 

"If you're done checking yourself out in the mirror, can we go??"

"Apollo you ruined my moment" I wined, he was standing near the door, leaning against the door frame, wearing a black suit and tie in his hand. I walked toward him and took his tie and started putting it on for him on the collar of his white shirt.

" you look amazing Sorella, here take this we're waiting for you outside," he said after I was done and put a gun and a strap in my hand, smilling as he went out of my room I scraped the gun to my thigh, hidden from the slit and I put on my heels which matched my dress. With one last look in the mirror, I started walking outside to where everyone was waiting. Everyone was waiting, leaning against the limo, Xavier, ares, apollo and Josiah, wearing matching black suits but Josiah's tie matched Danna's emerald green dress, Victoria wore a baby blue gown, with small butterflies decorating the front all the way to the slit of it.

"Took you long enough"

"shut up apollo" i said and slid into in the fancy limo,

"oh fuck theres chocolate" 


30 minutes and a bunch of chocolates later, we were close to pulling up to igors mansion. Paparazzi filled the entrance, flashing photos of whoever entered or left the mansion, expensive cars went one by one to the red carpet driveway and each person who came off the cars, looked close to royalty. Reports were there on the top steps, questioning and interviewing everyone who went into the party

" there's paparazzi and reporters, how are we going to go unidentified ??" Danna asked the question which clouded all our minds


"Good thing it's a masquerade then," I said holding up a bunch of lace masks, and a slow smile crept up on everyone's face

"Everyone geared up? and about the reporters, ares will handle it"

a series of "yeah" "mhm" and "I'm hungry" were heard after I asked that question, everyone had their masks on which covered their faces and we pulled up near right in front of the mansion and our driver opened the door, we could paparazzi screaming and asking questions to the security guard on who can be in the car

The screaming intensified stepped out first with my head held high, and a smile on my face. Behind me, the rest of the team stepped out. The paparazzi yelled out questions toward us and flashing lights covered our eyes, good thing we're used to this or we would all have panic attacks. None of us answered the questions, and walked toward the mansion, going up the stairs to the reporters. Going to the reporters ares nodded at them, and they let us go through

That's right, they work for us

" your names?!" A voice stopped us before we could go through the massive doors of the home, I tuned around with a fake smile on my face, acting as unbothered as possible,

" I'm Adrianna meadows, and this is my husband Sebastian meadows, and those are my brat'ya I sestry (brothers and sisters) Calista Ivanov, Mathew and john Ivanov, Jason Ivanov and Janice Ivanov" I smiled and I put my hand around Xavier's bicep and I one hand on his chest, I smiled at the guard. I sneaked a little Russian in there so he doesn't suspect something

"Why do your siblings have different last names than you, you look a bit young to be married?" He peered at each of the people I pointed to and then me

"I changed my name after marriage and my parents believe in early marriage, the old tradition you know" I let out a fake, and a real laugh in my head because he looked like he was buying the stupid story I was telling him. He nodded and we walked through the doors

The word giant is an understatement for the mansion, what looked like hundreds of people filled the inside, everyone was wearing expensive clothes, champagne glasses in their hands and a fake smile painted on everyone's lips. Slow music was playing in the background from a live band present on the big stage

How did he manage to put a stage there?

"Merge in and mingle guys, keep your earpieces on," I said under my breath, it was quiet but loud enough for the team to hear me through their nude earpieces which blend against their skin, we each separated and made small conversation with random guests, most of them where rich snobs who had one-word answers.

suddenly everyone stops talking and we hear a clink of a glass, everyone turns towards the stage and there stands Igor fucking Vladimir with his hand around his scruffy-looking son.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my exquisite home, have an amazing time, it's my son's birthday, after all, don't forget to stay for the announcement tonight!!, oh and if you need a little something, we have rooms upstairs packages included" his voice booming, he brings out the hatred in me

I want to go over to the stage and put that disgusting man in a chokehold right now, a man with a red suit comes out and whispers something in Igor's ear, and his face changed to stern.

" Change of plans everyone, instead of the announcement we're going to put our plans in action TONIGHT!!" the audience cheers and I look around in disgust, Xavier's hand tightens around mine and he gives me a panic look

Shit shit shit

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, we kill him as soon as we can, not tonight," I say through my earpiece,

" What's the plan?" Vic asks, I look around and see her across the room filled with hundreds of people to find everyone, Vic is at the bar swirling her drink, Josiah and Danna are talking to an old man, apollo is talking to some ladies and Ares seems to just stand next to an old couple making small talk.

" We meet upstairs in his study, we find the plan files, burn them, and igor along with them. I need someone to freeze the security cameras discretely. Vic, are you okay with getting igors son upstairs with you?" I say and Vic sends me an okay through her earpiece

"Good luck guys," I say

"We don't need luck thea" apollo replies

Typical apollo 


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